If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight?

solgunsI feel a tremendous responsibility to write this article though I am a little apprehensive. Thinking about the possibility of rising up against our own government is a frightening thing for many of us. I am not Johnny Rambo and I will be the first to admit that I do not want to die. The reason I feel compelled to write this, however, is simply because I don’t think the average American is equipped with the facts. I feel that a lot of American citizens feel like they have no choice but to surrender their guns if the government comes for them. I blame traditional media sources for this mass brainwash and I carry the responsibility of all small independent bloggers to tell the truth. So my focus today is to lay out your constitutional rights as an American, and let you decide what to do with those rights.

About a month ago I let the “democracy” word slip in a discussion with a fellow blogger. I know better. Americans have been conditioned to use this term. It’s not an accurate term and it never has been a correct term to describe our form of government. The truth is that the United States of America is a constitutional republic. This is similar to a democracy because our representatives are selected by democratic elections, but ultimately our representatives are required to work within the framework of our constitution. In other words, even if 90% of Americans want something that goes against our founding principles, they have no right to call for a violation of constitutional rights.

If you are religious you might choose to think of it this way… Say that members of your congregation decide that mass fornication is a good thing. Do they have the right to change the teachings of your God? The truth is the truth. It doesn’t matter how many people try to stray from it. Did I just compare our founders to God? In a way I did, but please note that I am not trying to insult anyone. For the purpose of the American Government our constitution and founders who wrote it are much like God is to believers. It is the law. It is indisputable.

Our founders did not want a “democracy” for they feared a true democracy was just as dangerous as a monarchy. The founders were highly educated people who were experienced in defending themselves against tyranny. They understood that the constitution could protect the people by limiting the power of anyone to work outside of it much better than a pure system of popularity. A system of checks and balances was set up to help limit corruption of government and also the potential for an “immoral majority” developing within the American People. We have forgotten in this country that we are ultimately ruled by a constitution.

Why is a democracy potentially just as dangerous as a monarchy? Let’s look at something that Benjamin Franklin said because it answers that question more fully and succinctly than I can.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. -Benjamin Franklin

Even 230+ years ago our founders were perceptive enough to realize that democracy was a dangerous form of government. How so? Because the citizens of a country can become just as corrupt as any government. We have seen evidence of this throughout history. Ask Native Americans and African-Americans if this population can become corrupt.

I think in 2012 we are seeing evidence of what Franklin was trying to tell us. Just because a majority of people may support certain ideas it does not mean that those ideas are just. In simple terms, just because most Americans love our president and voted for him, it does not mean that he has the power to go against our constitutional rights.

Next I’d like to review the text of the second amendment. It is very clear. This is the law of this land. So when Senator Feinstein or President Obama talk about taking your guns, you need to think about something. Are they honoring their sworn oath to uphold the constitution?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

supremeThis is a pretty clear statement. The fact is that it took 232 years for the Supreme Court to even rule on this amendment because it has never been successfully challenged. In 2008 a case of Columbia v. Heller the Supreme Court ruled that a handgun ban in Washington D.C. was unconstitutional. One also has to take this into consideration. The Supreme Court supports your right to own guns. If you want to research this decision further you can start here.

For those who try to debate the spirit of the 2nd amendment, they are truly no different from people who will try to take Biblical quotes out of context to try to support their immoral decisions. The founders were very clear on the intent of the 2nd amendment. Let me share a few quick quotes here:

The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. -Thomas Jefferson

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good. -George Washington

The Constitution shall never be construed….to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. -Samuel Adams

founderspicI could find hundreds of quotes like these. This country was built on the right to bear arms. It was built on the rights of an individual to bear arms, regardless of what his government or neighbor happened to think. This is crystal clear. Ironically the people who voice their opinions against this right have their free speech protected by your guns. Without guns in this country, all other amendments become null and void, simply because “We the People” will lose our power of enforcement.

We need to keep this in mind as our “representatives” try to push gun bans. I don’t care if 99% of people are in support of gun bans (which is far from the case), it is a violation of our constitutional rights, plain and simple.

A constitutional republic protects the rights of the individual even when their ideas are very much  in the minority. If I were the only person in America who believed in the 2nd amendment, I would still be within my rights to call upon it. You would all think I was insane and possibly celebrate if I was gunned down, but in the end I would be the only true American among us.

Our framers were very clear on this. If my government comes to take my guns, they are violating one of my constitutional rights that is covered by the 2nd amendment.

soulonfireIt is not my right, at that point, but my responsibility to respond in the name of liberty. What I am telling you is something that many are trying to soft sell, and many others have tried to avoid putting into print, but I am going to say it. The time for speaking in code is over.

If they come for our guns then it is our constitutional right to put them six feet under. You have the right to kill any representative of this government who tries to tread on your liberty. I am thinking about self-defense and not talking about inciting a revolution. Re-read Jefferson’s quote. He talks about a “last resort.” I am not trying to start a Revolt, I am talking about self-defense. If the day for Revolution comes, when no peaceful options exist, we may have to talk about that as well. None of us wants to think about that, but please understand that a majority can not take away your rights as an American citizen. Only you can choose to give up your rights.

Congress could pass gun ban legislation by a 90%+ margin and it just would not matter. I think some people are very unclear on this. This is the reason we have a Supreme Court, and though I do not doubt that the Supreme Court can also become corrupt, in 2008 they got it right. They supported the constitution. It does not matter what the majority supports because America is not a democracy. A constitutional republic protects the rights of every single citizen, no matter what their “elected servants” say. A majority in America only matters when the constitution is not in play.

I just wrote what every believer in the constitution wants to say, and what every constitutional blogger needs to write. The truth of the matter is that this type of speech is viewed as dangerous and radical or subversive, and it could gain me a world of trouble that I do not want. It is also the truth. To make myself clear I will tell you again. If they come for your guns it is your right to use those guns against them and to kill them. You are protected by our constitution.

Most of the articles I am reading on the subject are trying to give you clues without just coming out and saying it. I understand that because certain things in this country will get you on a list that you don’t want to be on. I may well be on that list. This blog is small and growing so I may not be there yet, but I have dreams. I also have my own list of subversives and anyone who attempts to deny my constitutional rights is on that list.

I am not the “subversive” here, it is the political representatives who are threatening to take away my inalienable rights. If they come to take my guns and I leave a few of them wounded or dead, and I somehow survive, I have zero doubt that I will spend a long time in prison and may face an execution. But I would much rather be a political prisoner than a slave.

If I go down fighting then I was not fighting to harm these human beings. I was simply defending my liberty and yours. It is self-defense and it is what our country was built on. We won our freedom in self-defense. We would not be ruled by a tyrannical government in the 1770’s and we will not be ruled in 2012 by a tyrannical government. There is no difference.

This is a case of right and wrong. As of now the 2nd amendment stands. It has never been repealed. If Feinstein or Barack have a problem with the constitution then they should be removed from office. They are not defending the constitution which they have sworn an oath to protect. It is treasonous to say the least. They would likely say the same about me, but I have the constitution, the founders, and the supreme court on my side. They only have their inflated egos.

I am not writing this to incite people. I am writing this in hopes that somehow I can make a tiny difference. I have no idea how many of my neighbors have the will to defend their constitutional rights. 2%? 20%? I am afraid that 20% is a high number, unfortunately. When push comes to shove many people may give up and submit to being ruled. I believe that our government is banking on this.

What I do know is that this country was founded by people who had balls the size of Texas and Patriotic Americans take shit off of no one, especially our own government. For evidence of that, you might research the Revolutionary War. My question is how many Patriots are left?

I would hope that our officials come to realize that, regardless of our numbers, we still exist because they are calling Patriotic Americans to action. They are making us decide if we want to die free or submit to their rule. I can not tell you where you should stand on that. I do know that it may make the difference between living a life of freedom or slavery.

thinkingYou must start thinking about this because I believe that the day is coming soon and I personally believe it has already been planned. Not all conspiracy theories are hogwash. They may throw down the gauntlet soon and my suggestion is that you prepare yourself to react.

I mean no disrespect to our elected officials but they need to understand that “We the People” will not be disarmed. If they proceed then it is they that are provoking us and we will act accordingly. We are within our rights to do so.

For those who are in support of taking the guns, you need to ask yourself a very important question, and I am not just talking about the politicians, because if you support them, you have chosen your side.

Are you willing to die to take my guns?

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IMPORTANT UPDATE From Dean Garrison!!! When this post originally went viral I was trying to answer every single comment and that lasted for almost 48 hours. Then I came to grips with the fact that I am human and I can’t do it. If for no other reason I value my family and I can’t steal time from them to constantly be on the site. I want you all to know that I appreciate your support and good debate whether you agree or disagree. I also want to thank each and every American Patriot who has made the honorable choice to serve their country. Anyone who wants to repost this on their blog or website is also given permission to do so, so long as nothing is changed in the text of the article, and a link is provided back to this site. Again, thank you so much. I am humbled. It’s now 16 days later and this is still the most popular post on our blog. Keep fighting for what is right. We must stand united. -Dean Garrison 1-20-13

About Dean Garrison

Dean Garrison is a husband and father of six, who faithfully pursues the American Dream. He has been MOSTLY self-employed for the last 20+ years and has been a top earner, executive and leader for several direct sales companies.
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5,162 Responses to If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight?

  1. Michael Howard says:

    I had one teacher spend about two class periods talking about America being a constitutional republic. That was in 1980 in American History class. I was a junior in high school. The teacher was also my football coach. He coached the defensive line. I played defensive end. I remember how impassioned he was on the subject and believe he could have spent an entire quarter teaching that subject. Two hours total he spoke of it. I believe that was more than he was even allowed. Now I doubt American history is even taught. Thank you so much for the refresher course. You have taught more with this article than most Americans under the age of fifty anyway, have ever been taught. If the people of America were educated on the constitution, what it stands for, etc. I font believe this government we have now would ever have gotten as corrupt as it has been allowed to get. I only wish every citizen in America could read this.

    • Beth Perry says:

      My nephew told me that when they studied the constitution the teacher covered all the amendments except the 2nd.

      • Chad Reams says:

        Imagine that! We might as well be a socialist republic. That is in the same aspects as the Japanese school system teaching that the U.S.A was the agressor during WW II, after they bombed us at Pearl Harbor. I feel this country is headed down somewhat of the same path that was taken before the civil war, and the reason is because we are seperated on a very important topic. I also feel this topic could very well take us down that path, and I am more than willing to lead the way.

        • Eric says:

          Actually, Chad, we WERE the aggressor against the Japanese during WWII and it was all deliberately orchestrated to PROVOKE them into the attack on Pearl Harbor and then allow the occurrence of said attack because President Franklin Delano Roosevelt needed the public outrage from Pearl Harbor in order to get the support of Congress needed for FDR to declare war. The key thing to remember is that the people who control our entire economic and political systems and our politicians today are the same ones who got FDR elected and who gave Roosevelt his marching orders in the 30’s and 40’s, except NOW they have even more control over everything and far LESS people in the general American population 1.)know about it. 2.)will accept the truth when presented with the facts and MOST IMPORTANTLY 3.)TAKE ACTION to change the injustice once, they discover it and realize that it IS happening and has been for centuries. This anti-gun sentiment is fueled, MOSTLY, by the outrage over gun deaths that were either deliberately allowed to happen all the way up to were purposely manipulated to happen. Do some research into the different black ops projects that the U.S. has ventured into that involve mind control through drugs and hypnosis and how they have the means and the will to use these things to orchestrate catastrophic events to sway public sentiment towards a desired objective. You can’t make all this shit up. Truth is waaaaaay stranger than fiction.

          • bigazzmarine says:

            NO WE WERE NOT THE AGGRESSER IN WW11. Did we cut off supplys they wanted pryor to their attack? yes. Were we oblaggated to sell them thoses suplys? NO. They were cut off because of their aggreshion to the countrys around them. That was and is our right to sell to whom ever we want to. They had no right to our steel or oil.

          • People forget that before Pearl Harbor Japan was already over-running the Far East, especially China. They were more brutal than Hitler. Read about the Rape of Nanking, where they threw babies in the air and speared them on their bayonets. They got a huge portion of their war materials from the US, especially steel and oil. Because of this, FDR decided to cut those materials off from them. They intended the attack on Pearl Harbor to force us to make peace with them. under terms that would re-institute the resumption of steel and oil deliveries. Remember, we were trying to stay out of war, especially in Europe. Japan figured wrong, and the rest is history. To say we wanted war with Japan is just plain false.

            • mtman2 says:

              Ron: The Axis Powers Nazi Germany- Mussolini Italy+ Emperial Japan started WW2. FDR desperately wanted to get us @ war w/Hitler, before it was too late! It almost was, do to U.S. isolationism sentiment{Neutrality Act-“Roosevelt Myth”-Flynn}. Lt Commander Arthur H. McCollum{head-Far East desk of- Office of Naval Intel.-O.N.I.{“day of Deceit”-RB.Stinnet}- wrote to FDR’s top 2 advisors the new U.S. policy for “provoking Japan into an overt act of war against the U.S.A. The Axis powers were bent on conquering + dividing up the world. They counted on the U.S.A.’s ISOLATIONIST POLICY TO HOLD US BACK LONG ENOUGH FOR THEM TO GET THE UPPER HAND + BECOME UNSTOPPABLE. FDR had to by hook or crook, get us into the war tho he ran on a neutrality platform. Something had to give for the American public to choose war willingly?!! Hitler called us the “sleeping giant” so wouldn’t rock our boat too hard until that day came. I think that they planned the Jap’s killing several hundred sailors to outrage the public, instead almost 3,000 put long lines at all the recruiters offices around the U.S. over night. Look up the fact that prior to Pearl Harbor we HAD broken the Japanese Code, + knew an attack was coming, we also knew this back to WW1 that any attack from Japan would start w/ Pearl Harbor. We weren’t stupid but needed a jump start.to head off WORLD DOMINATION+SUBJUGATION by the AXIS POWERS. U make the call on FDR’s methods…

              • Thom says:

                You lost me when you said Hitler called the US “A sleeping Giant” Try Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto!

                • Zenphamy says:

                  I think Yamamoto said sleeping TIGER, but same point

                • mtman2 says:

                  Sorry Thom: I said -“THE- sleeping giant”; there was only one + WE didn’t know it yet. Hitler wasn’t stupid only Demonically insane yet understood this as true! Yamamoto told the emperor Hirohito when asked” why not now invade the mainland USA”, after Pearl Harbor, “there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass”! He was educated here in the U.S.!!! NOW THERE’S TWO … + the Lib/Progs don’t like it!!!

              • wonder warthog says:

                Close, but no cigar. FDR used WW2 as the “springboard” to end “Empiricism” by the European and Asian powers. He was a jerk, but a smart one. With one stroke, he crushed the British, German, Austrian, French, Japanese and Spanish dreams of empire (note I don’t include the Italians here, who could EVER take their “ambitions” seriously? I mean, get real, Adolf wasted insane amounts of money and troops bailing THEIR asses out), thus leaving the US the No. 1 power in the world. Excellent foreign policy, but shitty logic; because he thereby elevated the US into the “World’s Police Force, costing US insane amounts of money (and thereby fostering the “Military-Industrial complex”) and manpower that could have been better used at home.
                The one MAJOR drawback he did not foresee (or mebbe he thought he could control it) was the spread of Communism on a Global Scale.
                Patton had it right when he said that we should have “absorbed” the Wehrmacht and pushed straight through to the Yellow Sea.
                How right he was is evinced in the amount of money spent countering “the Red Menace.”

      • Joe says:

        Then that “teacher” should be fired.

        • Brad says:

          I agree with you Joe. That teacher is only taking the parts that they agree with or like and teaching it. It has to be taken as a whole, you cannot discard the parts that you do not like or disagree with. That is like the Christians that teach, all you have to do is believe. Just go on sinning, no problem there. Hey, even the devil believes, but he won’t be saved.

          • ChristCrusader says:

            Reminds me of Obama’s rendition of, “One nation,…, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

          • Bea Vajgart says:

            Wow! You are so right. Too many people think all they need to do is “believe”. Bible believe or belief is an action word. Until you have obeyed God’s commands, no matter how much you “believe”, you aren’t yet saved. Thank you for making that point.

      • Beth for the Last Two Yers I Have. Continually asked BOTH my gret granddaughters if they study the Constitution at school…The answer Is What Gma??? What Is That??? One Is now 14 and the other is 9… Neither of them know who Thoms Jefferson Is Or Any President Past Bush…. Have ( herd) of Clinton Because of dirt in WH We Speak Of Are Taught To Emphaticly LOVE Obama By School Techers And Their Gramma on their fathers side. They are biracial girls… Seattle very Liberal Town… All of Washington is… I am A constitutional Republican…always have Ben and always I’ll be…I believe wht this man just wrote…Very Courageous To Do So…God Bless Him and His Family…I’m 80 yr. old female and I Stand With Him….America Is Worth It…But I fear It Is a Tad Late…These Things Must Come To Pass In The Bible B4 Jesus’ s. Return…God Have Mercy On America In These Dark And Lonely Days….

        • Bea Vajgart says:

          You are right. Even though it is the law that the Constitution is to be taught on Constitution Day, September 17th, every year, it is rarely done. The 9/12 group that I associate with have been going into area schools with Constitutional education materials for the past three years. It has been well received. May I recommend buying the book: The 5000 Year Leap by W.Cleon Skousen. It is an easy-read. President Reagan wanted this book to be taught in all high schools. You will be thrilled to learn REAL history.

        • Nancy says:

          Norma, so glad to know you are there and you are on the side of the Constitution and the people of America! Thank you.

        • Barbara says:

          Norma, Those who have given their hearts to Jesus Christ know that He has not yet turned His back on America, as filthy as it has become. He sees and hears the prayers of those who love Him and America, and He will answer. When all seems hopeless, those of us who stand strong against the enemy will have warrior angels surrounding us with Jesus going before us.

          The old testament in the Holy Bible gives many true stories of what happened when the enemy tried to come against those who loved and trusted God, they never lost as long as they listened to God and took His direction in what to do.

          America is in deep trouble because we have not cared enough to pray and vote for people who are leaders in our government. We have stood back and let the evil ones take over every position that is vital to keeping America strong in attitude and belief and leadership dedicated to being dependant upon the One True God who created all of us.

          Our enemy is not people but a being that lies to everyone. Those who are wise stay with the One True God, Jesus Christ. Those who are for themselves and foolish listen to this evil being called, Satan, who hates everyone and he comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy anyone stupid enough to believe that they are the ones who don’t need Jesus.

          People need to wake up, call on the Lord Jesus to help our country, receive Him into your heart and look for the answers He will give you through His written Word, the Bible.
          I will stop here. I write this for the love of all people and the love of America and what it originally stood for. Barbara

      • Clarion_Call says:

        The author has expressed what many Americans are being forced to realize: that this regime is intent on destroying our beloved country. This is not a time for bravado, but a time of introspection and preparedness. The thought that I would be confronted in my home with a life and death decision is chilling. I believe I would do the right thing and defend my rights against tyranny, but do not know what I would actually do. In all humility, I pray that I and my fellow Americans would not be put to this test. Please, pray that all Americans will do the right thing when the time comes. One if by sea; two if by regime agents coming to take our guns!!!

      • lady kroft says:

        If they come for your guns, it won’t be just the sheriff and a deputy. It will be the National Guard.

        • nmgene says:

          The Sherriff wont allow them to be taken and the national guard will die from a bullit as well as anyone. No one is taking my guns with out a fight. They are the ones breaking the law!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • JIM says:

            Your not going to be shooting N/G troops you may be shooting U.n. troops.
            I spent 23 years in the military I could never bring myself to shoot at our own people.
            On the other hand U.N. troops are a different story.
            The best bet is to hide all the gun you don’t want to lose and keep one for self defence.

            • Lou says:

              I expect that the UN blue helmets would make excellent shooting targets, when we need to protect our homes and our American way of life after Obama surrenders our national sovereignty to the globalists at a UN full of Turd World barbarians and dictators.

            • Ron says:

              You must keep in mind that National Guard troops are under control of state governors. They count as militia in short. Local law enforcement, if they keep to their oaths, will not come for your guns either. Both groups, as also our regular military, are sworn to uphold the Constitution – not the Congress, the president, or the government. Any military commander worth his word will not comply with such orders should they ever occur. However, for those corrupt leaders willing to succumb to constitutional blasphemy, standing firm for your rights is appropriate, Aim for the head!

            • Bill says:

              Hiding the guns is the first step. If you have any which are registered I suggest you go to the local office supply and get a generic reciept book and make out a reciept for the sale of registered guns. Use any name. Hey, Thats the name he gave me. At this point private sales are not outlawed, but it is probably coming.

            • Ron says:

              If the Blue helmets land on our shores it is war!!!!!!!!!!Grab your guns and attack! Period!!!!!!!

            • Loren C. Harris says:

              Roger that. I won’t have any problem defending against UN personnel. I didn’t serve 22 years to allow our country to get flushed.

              • Dave says:

                Quite happily go and invade other peoples countries though won’t you. Defend your freedoms and rights while buggering everyone else’s.

                • Dave, you have just exposed yourself as un-American, a traitor, and a useful idiot for the islamo-marxist regime. To patriots across this beautiful country, you are our enemy. You hate us, but we pity you. You misunderstand us, but we understand you. Many of us are prepared for the dark storm that is coming, and you are not. People like you will have to make a serious choice in the near future, who will I serve and who will I obey? And, we already know your answers.

                • Brad says:

                  Piss off!

            • Perry Wall says:

              the ng took peoples guns in new orleans after katrina .the young ones that are in the ng don’t know the constitution. they will obey orders .i hear obama is getting rid of officers that say they want fire on americans

          • Joan Affatato says:

            Thank GOD for Dean Garrison. Dean, thank you for this very valued
            Information that I plan to send to everyone. I have a great idea. We all text, right?
            Well, let’s make this the your first e-mail of the day. People do not read all their
            e-mails, so if you send it everyday (until we can get our REPUBLIC back on track) they will eventually read it. This is the only way WE THE PEOPLE can educate the blind. Remember Christ healed the blind man….in reply as to the sheriff, there are many
            Sheriffs in the United States that do not uphold the Constitution they will side with
            the government. I know this for a fact, where I come from the sheriff does not uphold
            Our Constutition..

          • stvenkng says:

            And ultimately you will die. Don’t get me wrong I agree with you but I suffer no delusions as to the final disposition of my resistance. I have a mini-14, a Russian Mosin Nagant, a 1916 Gerwher 98 8MM militarized, a12 gauge pump with a 6 round extension, a Ruger P90 45 Cal, a 9MM handgun, an AMT 22 Automag and a Desert Eagle 44 Automag. I have a number of 40 round magazines for the mini loaded with 72 grain armor piercing, 500 rounds for the Russian, 200 rounds for each of the handguns and 100 for the 12 gauge. My wife has her orders that should they come for my guns she is to get out immediately and once they have exhibited a resolve to disarm me I will remove the immediate threat most likely with the 45 but after that they will most likely use fire superiority and sheer numbers to shut down my little rebellion quite swiftly.
            Will they take my guns? yes. Will they pay a price? Absolutely. Have I defended my Constitutional rights? You bet your sweet Azz, and by the numbers I will be the winner, however I will still be dead and the righteous defenders will have lost another body but I will have proved a point and maybe made the aggressors a bit more apprehensive and not so quick to force the issue at the next contact. I am 63 years old and a 100% disabled Marine Vietnam Veteran, I have no fear, I am a law abiding citizen, I have a Concealed Carry Permit, my weapons are legally registered, my prints and photo are on file with the State and I have undergone a thorough background check and still get checked again each time I buy a new gun.
            I live in Florida where the stand your ground law recently came under attack and was upheld. I am a strong advocate of stand your ground and will defend my Constitutional rights to my last breath….. Of course there is an option, Leave me the Hell alone. Unfortunately for all of us, it has gone far beyond that and is no longer viable….

            • Brad says:

              Amen brother, and I applaud your service to our country and your dedication to preserve its precepts. I have no doubt that you mean what you say, and I pray that others will be inspired to find the intestinal fortitude to do the same. Hopefully, as just recently reported, the FBI who are more than likely monitoring this blog will take heed that Obama’s plan is both foolhardy and dangerous. It will put a lot of innocent law enforcement at risk if they follow his orders to disarm us. I do not relish the thought of killing anyone, but especially someone in law enforcement. I hope and pray that those in that position will honor their oath to protect and defend the constitution rather than risk their lives for someone else’s ideal. Those that will issue that order are too cowardly to enforce it themselves and have no compunction about sending someone else into harms way. I for one intend to exercise my constitutional right and will defend it to the death as well. May God have mercy on our souls, theirs and ours.

              • stvenkng says:

                Thank you, anyone who is in doubt of my resolve will have made a fatal error, my wife has her instructions to get out the back when they come to the door, unfortunately my 260 pound English Mastiff will have none of that and will most assuredly die at my side but you have to respect the loyalty and dedication, besides he might get to take one down with him…. Semper Fi…

                • Rob Price says:

                  It’s funny that you mention your Mastiff. I have a 140# Bull Mastiff that likes nothing better than a nice, tender “liberal” leg for lunch. He too, would die beside me if push comes to shove. The only better friend a man can have than a good dog. Except his buddy beside him when the lead flies!

                  • robert says:

                    PLEASE FORWARD


                    The USA is nearing the making of a revolution against our corrupt and non-abiding government officials who have no thoughts in following our constitution amendments. It’s obvious that the current liberal congress and our devoted Muslim, non-American president are interested in increasing the power of federal government to make the US a socialist state. The federal government is currently working on seizing all guns violating the second amendment. After they seize all the American citizen’s guns, the liberals are going to suffocate the first amendment ending freedom of speech thus ending the freedom of Americans.

                    Our current federal government is trying to destroy our loved way of life enjoying the freedoms that our constitution provides us. The freedoms that 100s of thousands of our service men and women have died for in the past and present wars in order to preserve freedom for the next generations.

                    This question is for all military and law enforcement agency personnel:

                    If god-loving, freedom-loving American citizens are forced into protecting their constitution rights by the final recourse of bearing arms against the traitors in our government, where are you as an individual man or woman of the military or law enforcement going to stand?

                    Will you guard the current corrupt government officials?


                    Will you stand with the common citizens fighting to keep your constitutional freedoms which is why you actually wear the uniform now?

                    God bless every man and women serving in uniform. I trust that your guns will be pointed in the direction to uphold our constitutional rights, not the impeding socialistic government officials. Without our dedicated military, Americans would have no freedoms. Without our military, Obama and his Cronies will not have the power to turn our free country into a totalitarian state with him as the dictator.

                    • Rob Price says:

                      If we do not choose to stand against our current corrupt regime, then we spit in the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, George Patton, Norman Schwartzkopf, and all the other patriots who have fought and died for the freedoms we have and cherish today! It is up to each person to choose the future they wish to make for this country. do you sit on the sidelines and kiss the freedoms goodbye, or, do you stand beside other like-minded patriots and fight for what is rightfully yours?

                  • Rob,
                    Leg of liberal, that’s pretty funny. I have to admit, I was thinking the dog should go for a more ‘tender’ spot. 😉

                  • stvenkng says:

                    My big boy is the most gentle, loving, loyal, crazed, insane, viscous, scary, blood chilling beast on the planet. He’s a bit larger than average (about 220) for the male and to see him roll over on his back to sleep is one of the funniest sights you will ever behold. Moose is firmly dedicated to me (until my wife comes home) and follows me everywhere, but at night you will find him in the bedroom when she goes to bed before me (although he sleeps on my side of the bed, closest to the door. You can feel the love emanating from these monsters but if you do not belong in my house you best keep your ass out or deal with 260 pounds of fury exploding in your face. Do I love my dog? You bet. Do I want to see him come to harm? Not on your life. Do I have a choice in the matter? Only if I sent him to stay with my Brother or Sister. My only consolation is that if it comes to the point where they’ve killed him, I will most likely no be far behind… I can only hope common sense will prevail and the insanity will eventually be defeated Congress and it won’t come to that. Good luck, Semper Fi

            • Thom says:

              Parris Island 1957-61. You are one of my real life heros and I agree with every word you wrote in your post. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family and I hope if push comes to shove that you have friends standing by your side. Travel safely my friend, with love in your heart and your firearms close at hand.

        • Johnny says:

          No it won’t. We don’t follow illegal orders.

        • mtman2 says:

          Hillary will employ U. N. “troops” to go door to door w/armored vehicles + fully combat armed soldiers. BHO won’t get that far. The LIB/PROGS will have to steal another election to get it done.{total confiscation}. They’ll be too afraid of our own troops either 1/2 refusing or turning on them…our troops ARE us + have sworn to protect + defend that pesky/rascally Constitution., some will -NoT- be able to violate this!

        • Charles Mana says:


          • ChristCrusader says:

            I submit that the drug cartels will be invited to engage us from the south, as well.

            • Thom says:

              And Russia from the north

              • ChristCrusader says:

                China / N. Korea from the west.
                That’s all in the event of a land invasion.
                But personally, I think Rev 18 is the nuclear destruction of the US (pick from one or more: Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea, our own) possibly once it’s evident to the globalists that they won’t be able to adequately subdue America, despite the chaos and Islam/Liberal/Social/Commun-isms they’ve tried to infiltrate us with. Then they’ll think that they’ll be able to have at it against Israel all on their own, and come back and plunder/settle the US after 50 years or so. The rest of Revelations disgrees with that post-Babylon/USA plan though 😉

                • Thom says:

                  I feel that a lot of brave and true patriots are about to die. I have nothing good to say so I will say no more.

                • Rob Price says:

                  The only chance(slim at best) is for all true American Patriots to band together and fight as guerrillas just like the Revolutionary War. The US Military will more than likely split, 1/2 with the Patriots and 1/2 with the enemy. It is not whether it might happen, but rather WHEN will it happen. Ammo is hard to get now, but, stock pile all calibers because they can be traded to others for the calibers you need. Water, MRE’s, medical supplie’s, cloth’s, boots, all these things will become essentials and can/could be traded for ammo. Preparation now will prevent disaster later. I know, people tell me all the time that I am overdoing it and that something like this will not or could not happen in America. Better to be ready and NOT need the supplies then to get caught and not being prepared.

                  • Thom says:

                    I agree with every word you wrote.I do believe that MORE than half will side with us against a corrupt government. The whole of this administration are nothing more than low life, sorry ass bastards. And bitches!! Together, the whole bunch of them are not worth the life of one good and true patriot. Semper Fi ( FUCK YEAH)

                    • Rob Price says:


                      My brother-in law is the Sergeant Major of Ft. Gordon , Georgia and also the CSM for the Army Signal Corps. He agrees wholeheartedly that a civil unrest on nation wide proportion is not far off. He was careful not to say or mention anything to be considered “treasonous” or anything that could be used against him, but did state that some steps were already being taken to prepare for just such an incident. He personally felt and stated that he feels the American people would be safe and surprised at just where our military stands in regards to the current Administration policies and possible use of the military against US citizens. He didn’t elaborate any further-so read into his statement what you will.

      • Old Man says:

        THIS IS WHERE WE ARE as a people. I’m a screenwriter. I have this scenario: Maybe they wont allow it:

        We call on our military to act as if the President was in surgery; that is, no longer in charge, WHILE HE IS VETTED:

        He has no Long-Form-Birth Certificate. He has no genuine Social Security number based on his so-called Hawaii birth. His Selective Service form is very strange. He openly said he went to Pakistan in 1981 and Americans weren’t ALLOWED to go there in 1981! What Passport did he use? His Student Records will divulge he’s a FOREIGN STUDENT. His own book agents proudly introduced him as a Kenyan-born Harvard graduate.

        Any general who would hold Obama while they waterboard the head of Hawaii Hospital Records (as well as Social Security Department, University Records, etc) till we get at that truth would be under attack. We civilians who love our liberty need to coordinate with these military who would physically hold the Obamanation. We will
        surround whatever location(s) we are directed to with our armed selves joining elements of the military eager for TRUTH.

        I have to wonder if they’ll knock down my door and imprison me for writing this. Legalities are a thing of the past in the ObamaNation. Maybe I’ll Breitbarted.” Does anybody think he and the comedian really just died of a heart attack; right after Andrew said he had proof Barry Hussein was foreign? Well, if you dont hear from me or on my websites, maybe they did kill me!

        Why do you think The Obamanation wouldn’t allow the Marines at his inauguration to have bullets in their weapons? He figures ‘if he was us he’d be raising up.’

        If it’s true he’s a traitor, Martial Law will have to be declared.
        If 10,000 of us were to lay down our lives with our 2nd Amendment rights in our hands, being gunned down by representatives of a military choosing to be loyal to an Indonesian citizen born in Kenya, whose very treason against the Office of the Presidency also equates to treason against The Office of the Commander-in-Chief, then the entire country asks one question of them: “Who do you serve? You in the FBI? The CIA? In HomeLand Security? Y’know, Hitler made portions of his military loyal to him personally, not Germany. Our FBI Chief says he “doesnt know” if the Obamanation can kill Americans.

        Well, if these traitors come after me, my Father told me 2000 years ago that He knows if a bird falls in a forest. He’ll choose the time. I worry not.

        Why wont he allow us to VETT him? I taught Electronic Publishing in Tech School. I firmly believe that birth certificate he posted online was the combined effort of Michelle, his children, and/or those people super-close to him, that’ve known he was Kenyan born for years. That’s why it’s so amateurish. He cant very well walk into the CIA Secretarial pool and ask for someone to make him up a phony Birth Certificate. The graphic artist would have the right and obligation to arrest him!

        Perhaps patriots will die with a patch saying “Sherrif Joe Arpaio’s Posse” on their clothes. The Obamanation has no legal right to be President; he never had.
        Therefore every appointee has to be pulled out.

        This can only be achieved through Martial Law. Every politician, media celebrity and bureaucrat who stood in the way of his Vetting should be suspected of complicity in such treason, and dealt with accordingly. Communist Union ballot-box fixers will be rooted out and put on trial. Is there really any point to elections with precincts reporting 140% ballots over voters? “No Identification Required” means people getting paid to vote as much as possible over and over. Elections are becoming Democratic Union gangsters laughing in the face of Americans. The fix is in.

        The blood of our ancestors, spilled from Lexington Green to Omaha Beach, from Inchon and Vietnam to Bagdad and Kabul cry out to us. They made the ultimate sacrifice. Men who died to give us a legacy these traitors are trying to take from us. Who can look in the mirror alone and say “I regret I have but one life to give for my country”? Better men than us have spoken those words.

        Men and women who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution can bind together and reach out to us civilians who will join them in such efforts, and our numbers grow that wait to be called upon.

        My G-d! They’ve thrown down the gauntlet. You know it! Our aim must not be to simply dodge their current bullet aimed at our 2nd amendment rights, but our RETURN GOAL must be to play this ACE-in-the-HOLE with selfless sacrifice: We can expose to light the TRUTH he’s trying to hide.

        It is possible that men and women, willing to die, will force even Democratic politicians to demand transparency from our President. But please keep in mind,
        “the best among us will die first.”

        • wm mcdannold II says:

          To OLD MAN from another old man:
          Your post is spot on – with one exception. “Obama” is not an Obama. He is the son of Frank Marshall Davis – American Communist Party member from Chicago who was living in infested Hawaii and affiliated with the University – which was (and is) used by our CIA (among others?) as an undercover training site for puppets and subversives of all kinds.
          Davis the younger was granted his name and forged birth certificate as cover for an agency and (our) government not wanting to leave traceable evidence useful to investigation of subversive activities. The same applies to the “sealing” of Davis’ soc. sec., student records, passport(s), etc. Those persons who have been “ordered” to “secure” these records know who they are. There are (or were) credible sources in Chicago who can (could) testify of Davis’ “affiliations”. There are those at Harvard who have provided information regarding Davis affiliations and activities (some of which are public record. These pieces of truth must have caused some consternation among subversive forces – but – with necessary proofs provided by documents in lock-down (they) are essentially safe from exposure. Why those with authority to uncover this huge treachery/treason are loath to take action. It is most likely they have been informed of certain peril should they do so. Ask Breitbart and the comedian. Who???

          • Joan Affatato says:

            William you are spot on with the Old Man. My husband has read every aspect of Obama And you left out one aspect, Obama’s mother was working in a house of Ilrepute that was operated by Frank Marshall Davis. This is what is running our country. Michelle Obama’s father worked in one of the Chicago Wards (a section of Chicago) as a Democratic servant. And for his services to the Democratic Party he was given a token job at a pump station and paid very poorly. Michelle saw what her father went through and developed her distain of the white people. This website is a wealth of TRUE information. I certainly hope WE THE PEOPLE can get all this very valued information out on the web.

        • J R says:

          To Old Man:
          You have made the same point that I have been making for quite awhile now.Hitler Obama isn’t an American and after forgetting to collapse his PDF file of his 2009 tax return,the truth about him is available.Orly Taitz is an attorney from CA. that has submitted all of this proof to the Supreme Court on several occasions to have him brought up on treason charges.
          But after submitting the 9 needed documents to the Justices the staffers have only submitted 4 of them and returned the rest to her,so then the proceedings can’t continue.She has the proof that his real name isn’t Obama,he’s not a US citizen,he never registered with selective service,the SS # he used on his tax return that year belonged to a Russian American born in 1890 and that SS # is from the state of CT.
          I believe getting Hitler Obama charged with treason should be Americas main goal.This information should be made public to all Americans so even his loyal followers have no choice but to see what the truth really is.To keep a snake from striking you it gets it”s head cut off and getting Hitler Obama convicted off treason and taken out of office will be taking the snakes head off.Even though there will still be some rattling the venom won’t be inflicted on you.
          What Hitler Obama is doing makes Nixon and Watergate look like childish prank.We need to find whoever we can to get him out of office and in prison where he belongs along with Feinstein and the rest of them that disregard the Constitution.His sole intention is to destroy America and if we sit back and do nothing then he will succeed.

        • Ron says:

          Well said, Old man! Here, here!!

        • Gary says:

          Millions of Americans are in agreement with you, but so far they have not joined together to take action. The few who have enough power in govt. and the media to do something about it are all either in on the conspiracy or too afraid of a backlash that will ruin their career. We all know how they use Alinsky’s tactics and anyone who even remotely critcizes this president is labeled as a racist.

          The people need to find a way to join millions of us together to demand the truth and take action to remove Obama from office and ultimately bring him to justice. Perhaps we can start with a website, and ask people to join so we can communicate and plan. It does no good to rant in blogs like this one. Without unity and a plan of action we are just wasting our time.

        • netandyawho says:

          You talk of trials. But what judges can you trust? To convict those who are traitors will require arresting those judges B.O. appointed and trying them for treason too. Like the two fat broads on the S.C. They do not support the constitution.

        • Hampstead Heat says:

          Could not have said it better Old Man. It will take great sacrafice as those that have sacraficed before us. May God protect you, steady your hand and let your aim be true.

      • Truman says:

        I’ll say what no one else has outloud…”Some one needs to kill this bastard before he completely destroys our country”.

        • HORRIBLE says:


        • mtman2 says:

          THEY would only make him a martyr + the ‘puppet masters’ would only double the dose while not letting ” the crisis go to waste”.

          • Zenphamy says:

            JEEZ !!! Can you imagine a country run by Biden?

            • Brad says:

              That guy is so delusional that he thinks he’s going to run for President in 2016… and actually get the democratic nomination… and win!!!! What a joke. Ole Bumblin Baffoon Biden.

      • I am so glad my two children have been out of high school for many years. My daughter has an English degree, yet doesn’t want to teach. I am soooo thankful she came through her university education with her conservative values and beliefs intact, bless her! My son is in his 2nd semester at the same community college I attend. He has a government class this semester and has started asking me questions. He said his instructor talked a lot about the Constitution, BoR, and the 2nd Amendment! The speech instructor I had is an outspoken conservative, has even written speeches for local politicians. There ARE conservative college educators and I thank God for every single one and for their lack of fear of speaking out!! My son’s math teacher is Russian and they have discussed communism a little, I encouraged him to engage him more and to LISTEN to what he says. There is no one better to tell us the evils of communism than one who lived under it! I have been emailing my son articles to read and websites to check out. He is just soaking up this knowledge like a sponge. I am so glad to be able to pass on my conservative beliefs and I thank God everyday that I am able to do so!

        “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”
        Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 1, December 19, 1776

        Thank you to all current and retired, but not former, soldiers who have expressed their intentions to stand with those following the Constitution and not with those who would shred it.

      • zed6n says:

        Without the 2nd Amendment We won’t have a functionable Constitution for long! If your nephew feels lacking, you teach him. If you feel lacking, I offer to teach you both.

        As for a Responsibility to fight — maybe kill an “Officer” of the “Law”, doing his “Sworn Duty” to “Follow Orders”? What about his oath to defend you and The Constitution?

        If you feel you don’t have a “responsability to fight”, Why did you buy the gun in the first place?

      • Thomas says:

        Well, that shows that the teacher is a demoncrat and an idiot to boot.

        • David Welch says:

          THAT teacher should be summarily fired! The Second Amendment ensures the preservation of all of the rest of them!!

    • Millard Huff says:

      I’M a desable combat Vietnam vet if this communist government comes for my guns they won’t be leaving my house or my front yard not alive.Body bags thats about it.I took an oath in the Army and it stills stands to this day i will defend the U.S.Constitution until the day i die.

      LIVE FREE OR DIE!!!!

      • James L. says:

        Even though I was 4-f for military service, my father and grandfathers instilled your type of resolve in me and my siblings. i WILL stand with you, Millard, ’cause it is our duty as patriotic Americans. Thanks for your service!!

      • Sky Soldier says:

        Like you, I am a Army veteran with service tour in Korea (1962-63) and was honored to be assigned to the 11th Air Assault Division (Test) at Ft. Benning, GA (1963-64) before it was deployed to Vietnam as the 1st Cavalry Air Mobile (helicopters). I swore and oath to protect and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I am a “Oathkeeper” and will defend my rights and protect my property – home and personal belongings.

      • Old Man says:

        THIS IS WHERE WE ARE as a people. I’m a screenwriter. I have this scenario: Maybe they wont allow it:

        We call on our military to act as if the President was in surgery; that is, no longer in charge, WHILE HE IS VETTED:

        He has no Long-Form-Birth Certificate. He has no genuine Social Security number based on his so-called Hawaii birth. His Selective Service form is very strange. He openly said he went to Pakistan in 1981 and Americans weren’t ALLOWED to go there in 1981! What Passport did he use? His Student Records will divulge he’s a FOREIGN STUDENT. His own book agents proudly introduced him as a Kenyan-born Harvard graduate.

        Any general who would hold Obama while they waterboard the head of Hawaii Hospital Records (as well as Social Security Department, University Records, etc) till we get at that truth would be under attack. We civilians who love our liberty need to coordinate with these military who would physically hold the Obamanation. We will
        surround whatever location(s) we are directed to with our armed selves joining elements of the military eager for TRUTH.

        I have to wonder if they’ll knock down my door and imprison me for writing this. Legalities are a thing of the past in the ObamaNation. Maybe I’ll Breitbarted.” Does anybody think he and the comedian really just died of a heart attack; right after Andrew said he had proof Barry Hussein was foreign? Well, if you dont hear from me or on my websites, maybe they did kill me!

        Why do you think The Obamanation wouldn’t allow the Marines at his inauguration to have bullets in their weapons? He figures ‘if he was us he’d be raising up.’

        If it’s true he’s a traitor, Martial Law will have to be declared.
        If 10,000 of us were to lay down our lives with our 2nd Amendment rights in our hands, being gunned down by representatives of a military choosing to be loyal to an Indonesian citizen born in Kenya, whose very treason against the Office of the Presidency also equates to treason against The Office of the Commander-in-Chief, then the entire country asks one question of them: “Who do you serve? You in the FBI? The CIA? In HomeLand Security? Y’know, Hitler made portions of his military loyal to him personally, not Germany. Our FBI Chief says he “doesnt know” if the Obamanation can kill Americans.

        Well, if these traitors come after me, my Father told me 2000 years ago that He knows if a bird falls in a forest. He’ll choose the time. I worry not.

        Why wont he allow us to VETT him? I taught Electronic Publishing in Tech School. I firmly believe that birth certificate he posted online was the combined effort of Michelle, his children, and/or those people super-close to him, that’ve known he was Kenyan born for years. That’s why it’s so amateurish. He cant very well walk into the CIA Secretarial pool and ask for someone to make him up a phony Birth Certificate. The graphic artist would have the right and obligation to arrest him!

        Perhaps patriots will die with a patch saying “Sherrif Joe Arpaio’s Posse” on their clothes. The Obamanation has no legal right to be President; he never had.
        Therefore every appointee has to be pulled out.

        This can only be achieved through Martial Law. Every politician, media celebrity and bureaucrat who stood in the way of his Vetting should be suspected of complicity in such treason, and dealt with accordingly. Communist Union ballot-box fixers will be rooted out and put on trial. Is there really any point to elections with precincts reporting 140% ballots over voters? “No Identification Required” means people getting paid to vote as much as possible over and over. Elections are becoming Democratic Union gangsters laughing in the face of Americans. The fix is in.

        The blood of our ancestors, spilled from Lexington Green to Omaha Beach, from Inchon and Vietnam to Bagdad and Kabul cry out to us. They made the ultimate sacrifice. Men who died to give us a legacy these traitors are trying to take from us. Who can look in the mirror alone and say “I regret I have but one life to give for my country”? Better men than us have spoken those words.

        Men and women who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution can bind together and reach out to us civilians who will join them in such efforts, and our numbers grow that wait to be called upon.

        My G-d! They’ve thrown down the gauntlet. You know it! Our aim must not be to simply dodge their current bullet aimed at our 2nd amendment rights, but our RETURN GOAL must be to play this ACE-in-the-HOLE with selfless sacrifice: We can expose to light the TRUTH he’s trying to hide.

        It is possible that men and women, willing to die, will force even Democratic politicians to demand transparency from our President. But please keep in mind,
        “the best among us will die first.”

        • goyaathle says:

          Sorry would not work unless someone could stop Biden from automatically becoming president and then it falls to the speaker of the house and he is no better.

      • Joan Affatato says:

        May GOD continue to bless you Millard and THANK you and all your service men and
        women for continuing to keep our country safe.

      • Ron says:

        Amen Brother!!! ill come to your aid! My neighbors and i have talked and we will cover each others backs! if they start it we will finish it!!!!!!!

    • nukem348 says:

      I’m over 50 but was brought up in the John Birch Society.. Not to worry you are not alone

    • Old Man says:

      THIS IS WHERE WE ARE as a people. I’m a screenwriter. I have this scenario: Maybe they wont allow it:

      We call on our military to act as if the President was in surgery; that is, no longer in charge, WHILE HE IS VETTED:

      He has no Long-Form-Birth Certificate. He has no genuine Social Security number based on his so-called Hawaii birth. His Selective Service form is very strange. He openly said he went to Pakistan in 1981 and Americans weren’t ALLOWED to go there in 1981! What Passport did he use? His Student Records will divulge he’s a FOREIGN STUDENT. His own book agents proudly introduced him as a Kenyan-born Harvard graduate.

      Any general who would hold Obama while they waterboard the head of Hawaii Hospital Records (as well as Social Security Department, University Records, etc) till we get at that truth would be under attack. We civilians who love our liberty need to coordinate with these military who would physically hold the Obamanation. We will
      surround whatever location(s) we are directed to with our armed selves joining elements of the military eager for TRUTH.

      I have to wonder if they’ll knock down my door and imprison me for writing this. Legalities are a thing of the past in the ObamaNation. Maybe I’ll Breitbarted.” Does anybody think he and the comedian really just died of a heart attack; right after Andrew said he had proof Barry Hussein was foreign? Well, if you dont hear from me or on my websites, maybe they did kill me!

      Why do you think The Obamanation wouldn’t allow the Marines at his inauguration to have bullets in their weapons? He figures ‘if he was us he’d be raising up.’

      If it’s true he’s a traitor, Martial Law will have to be declared.
      If 10,000 of us were to lay down our lives with our 2nd Amendment rights in our hands, being gunned down by representatives of a military choosing to be loyal to an Indonesian citizen born in Kenya, whose very treason against the Office of the Presidency also equates to treason against The Office of the Commander-in-Chief, then the entire country asks one question of them: “Who do you serve? You in the FBI? The CIA? In HomeLand Security? Y’know, Hitler made portions of his military loyal to him personally, not Germany. Our FBI Chief says he “doesnt know” if the Obamanation can kill Americans.

      Well, if these traitors come after me, my Father told me 2000 years ago that He knows if a bird falls in a forest. He’ll choose the time. I worry not.

      Why wont he allow us to VETT him? I taught Electronic Publishing in Tech School. I firmly believe that birth certificate he posted online was the combined effort of Michelle, his children, and/or those people super-close to him, that’ve known he was Kenyan born for years. That’s why it’s so amateurish. He cant very well walk into the CIA Secretarial pool and ask for someone to make him up a phony Birth Certificate. The graphic artist would have the right and obligation to arrest him!

      Perhaps patriots will die with a patch saying “Sherrif Joe Arpaio’s Posse” on their clothes. The Obamanation has no legal right to be President; he never had.
      Therefore every appointee has to be pulled out.

      This can only be achieved through Martial Law. Every politician, media celebrity and bureaucrat who stood in the way of his Vetting should be suspected of complicity in such treason, and dealt with accordingly. Communist Union ballot-box fixers will be rooted out and put on trial. Is there really any point to elections with precincts reporting 140% ballots over voters? “No Identification Required” means people getting paid to vote as much as possible over and over. Elections are becoming Democratic Union gangsters laughing in the face of Americans. The fix is in.

      The blood of our ancestors, spilled from Lexington Green to Omaha Beach, from Inchon and Vietnam to Bagdad and Kabul cry out to us. They made the ultimate sacrifice. Men who died to give us a legacy these traitors are trying to take from us. Who can look in the mirror alone and say “I regret I have but one life to give for my country”? Better men than us have spoken those words.

      Men and women who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution can bind together and reach out to us civilians who will join them in such efforts, and our numbers grow that wait to be called upon.

      My G-d! They’ve thrown down the gauntlet. You know it! Our aim must not be to simply dodge their current bullet aimed at our 2nd amendment rights, but our RETURN GOAL must be to play this ACE-in-the-HOLE with selfless sacrifice: We can expose to light the TRUTH he’s trying to hide.

      It is possible that men and women, willing to die, will force even Democratic politicians to demand transparency from our President. But please keep in mind,
      “the best among us will die first.”

    • upchuck47 says:

      I have been putting this in print for months now and I too,am in no way trying to incite anything! I am a proud American who has “proven” that my entire life. I have worked and paid taxes and taken Nothing even when I could!

      I was brought up that way,my friends were/are that way as that is what we were taught,that was the Code,the honor,the “bottom line” for the millions and millions who are the sons,the daughters,the Grand kids of “legal” Immigrants who knew about tyrants and tyranny,risked everything to escape the servitude,the brutality,the dictate,the genocide,the class warfare in Europe and the world.

      Freedom is not just about the right,the tools,the environment to succeed but also about the right to try,to fail and the indomitable desire to get up and keep trying.

      This is the essence of life! There is no feeling like accomplishment and no better feeling than”earning” a piece of the American Dream turned Nightmare which most who lived it,worked for it,fought to protect it and sometimes died to protect it “Knew” That was he “glue” the unifier”,the pride and the passion long since gone!

      Six decades of political and moral evisceration of corruption,of crisis after crisis,of Failed domestic and foreign policy led to this administration,this President,the devolution of the “freedoms”,the inalienable rights,the passion for self-reliance,the acceptance of the risks and rewards that made this country “The Beacon On The Hill”a powerful economic engine where it all begins!

      The Constitution was written if nothing else to “limit government,fight tyrants and tyranny,protect the people from what the founders and framers,so many,knew too well!

      The second amendment stands to give Americans the “right” to defend themselves against those who would harm them,their families,take their land,threaten their country their present,the future of their children and/or threaten what most of us got to “taste” to various degree.

      We are being terrorized from within. What arguably began with the assassination of J.F.K,the Warren Commission “coverup” then the unaccountable L.B.J illegally sending 65,000 Americans to die,thousands more to mental and physical degradation unable to cope,alone. The “failed entitlements” we could not afford,trillions stolen,all “failed”.

      Nixon,Agnew,Erlichman,Hardeman,Mitchell,,Clinton impeached,Reagan shot,”read my lips” Bush to 9,11,Clinton’s “gift”to America and Bush 2 who was an awful domestic President handed a crisis only nine months President,unprecedented, which led to Obama,Pelosi,Reid,Holder,Czars,unelected advisers,class warfare,accelerated racist extremism, narcissism,megalomania,compulsive lying,dictate,the tyrant,the tyranny,the fear the very same thing and why the second amendment “cannot”,must not ever yield to those who want defenseless,vulnerable “Drones” to serve,obey,to need!

      Oh,can’t forget Carter whose legacy,whose ignorance,rampant inflation,the Iranian Revolution,the birth of Terrorism,an economic meltdown will always measure how our system failed!

      “Live Fee Or Die”

    • Richard says:

      i was worried that no one cared about our rights and freedoms. I was turned on to this web site by a co-worker. I am not going to let my freedoms be taken away. I spent 4 years of my life in defense of those freedoms. i am glad that there are those who feel the same way.

      • Belle says:

        Not to worry Richard, there are millions out there that think like us, and they are getting more angry every day. Bless you for your service to our beautiful USA, let’s keep her that way!

    • DogWithoutSlippers says:

      If the Government comes for Citizens guns there will be bloodshed. It would resound so loudly that the Government would have to back off or be overthrown. If hundreds of Patriots give their lives a revolution would occur.

    • Belle says:

      I was a Sophomore in High School when we studied American History. That was the year Kennedy was killed, Am. history in the making. We covered the Bill of Rights extensively and the Constitution even more. You can bet that we will defend our rights and if anyone of Obama’s “Gestapo” comes into our yard to get them they won’t be leaving standing up! If they resemble his “Storm sewer Troopers” from Chicago they won’t even know what hit them! AND we are in the majority here in our city and especially our neighborhood, we will be watching each others back! The revolution has to start somehow, this is a good starting point.

      • Ron says:

        Just remember these Nazi obama brain dead followers come late at night or early morning,so have a warning system in place and spread the word fast if you see them going into peoples houses!!!

  2. mike magetteri says:

    Well written, and believe me when i tell you, that there are MANY, MANY of us that agree with you 100%.. I believe in GOD, the constitution, our freedoms, and liberties that this great country was founded on.. We need to unite, scattered we dont stand a chance, if they come for our guns…

    • d says:

      There were only about 13% of the colonists who supported the revolution against King George.

      • Thom says:

        that was good for England. Think how bad they would have got threir ass kicked if it had been a 100%

      • joe says:

        you are very mistaken. general concensus is that about 1 in three supported revolution, just as 1 in 3 were loyal to the british government, and about 1 in 3 didn’t care one way or the other.

      • Lou Apoldo says:

        Yes, but after the colonists who supported the revolution won against the British, just how many of the other 87% uncommitted went back to England to support their king? I would guess none of them left, but stayed to enjoy this greatest political experiment in personal freedom in the history of this planet.

      • Hagar says:

        That 13% were not brainwashed since 1964 to present, Americans are a different character today than in those years.

    • Ron says:

      I for one am just waiting for someone to form a committee of several million armed americans to go to DC and explain to the dumb asses just what the second ammendent was put in the constitution for–for dictators like them, all of them and explain it in a way that leaves no doubt in their sick limp brains—A retired Vet–

      • Arlin Dean says:

        Ron, yours is one of the best posts I have ever read. I’m ready when the call comes.

      • LiveFreeOrDieNH says:

        Great idea! … Million Patriot March…

      • I am waiting for a militarily trained leader to emerge… I may die waiting for that to happen but I will protect the Constitution and my guns …..

      • Ginny Powers says:

        10 Million Gun Owner March On Washington D.C. Check out the page on facebook, and there is a website http://www.gunmarch.com

        Saturday May 25

      • Hagar says:

        Ron, I am a retired Vet also , but I think that if this several million men went to DC they should not go armed first but should model their march after the 1968 march of Martin Luther King. Have ten percent singing the “Burn Baby Burn ” song like they did. The rest singing old songs like We Shall Overcome and preaching like King of being a civil disobedience march. Kings folks burned a bit of Washington and rioted robbing and destroying. This got the attention of the Congress, Senate, Supreme Court and the Executive quickly. The productive people pay more and more to appease Kings people even pay for statures to honor them. If you want an example of what you are paying for look at the children. According the the US Dept. of education 45% are illiterate, A real high price has and is and will be paid. This was the success of his march. No weapons at all.

        • Ron says:

          I knoe; a different Washington,a different president,a different congress—too bad-

        • Richard says:

          I agree; if we have to go a 2nd time, then we’ll discuss clothing accoutrements.

          • Chuck S. says:

            I think that if we do a large march on D.C there should be only one sign allowed, and that it should simply read “If we have to come back we will not be carrying sign’s again!!!” and all made to an exact standard to show how organized we are.

            • Barrie says:

              Along with that sign every state should carry a sign like the conventions have to show every state has people that backs the 2nd amendment.

      • OldretiredSFdude says:

        Amen Brother. I’m with U. As will be many of my retired team mates.
        Retired US Army SFC
        7th SF Gp
        504th Abn Inf Bn, 82d AB Div

      • Richard says:

        I would like to see our very own “Several Million Man March” to the Capitol. It may wake the air thieves to the very real possibility of a point of no return if they keep pushing. Sooner or later, patriotic citizens are going to push back and it ain’t gonna be pretty. I just hope if the pushing starts, we are not forgetful of those wonderful purveyors of BS called the Main Stream Media that need to be reminded also what their responsibility is to this country. I have no problem with them writing whatever it is they wish to write about….as long as it is the truth. A truthful opinion is better than a fabricated fact any day.–Another retired Vet.

      • John says:

        I’m in Ron. Let’s stand up to the “Democracy” and return our great Country back into the “Republic”!

      • ChristCrusader says:


      • Ron says:

        I’m Ready! send me the word and im on the way!!!!!!!

    • Johnny Geetar says:

      You are 100% right, Mike. I’ve been screaming for people to get organized for 2 years, but as typical Americans, we only react AFTER our nose has been bloodied…… Americans are good, stalwart and charitable people, but for some reason, we INSIST on always being late to the party.
      The most immediate way to counter the government when they come, in our disorganized state of preparedness? Focus on eliminating them county by county first. Every group of patriotic citizens must concentrate on clearing out their immediate county of ALL federal ballbags, and those that would do their bidding.
      Find the like-minded folks in your county, and come up with a plan of communication, meeting up, and convergence. Have a few different meet up sites designated depending on which direction and which road they come in on. Members of the group must have a call list for when this goes down. Call the first few folks and decide the meeting place, and have each member called up when the time comes. Designate the responsibilities to specific members and if feasible, practice mustering until you can do it quickly and efficiently, in the different convergence locations. Just like a fire drill, it must be practiced and timed. Drill this, folks.
      Then meet up, find them, and engage them BEFORE they make it to the neighborhoods and begin kicking in doors and threatening the lives and safety of your families. If you have friends in neighboring counties, make sure you get a commitment from them to call you as soon as these meat popcicles show up THERE, so you can be ready.
      For my money, if possible, I want to engage them the second they cross the county line. Preempt them from doing ANY damage to our homes and families. If they get past me, then I haven’t done my job. Line the roads and ambush them. Give them NO quarter, as it is certain they are not intersted in extending YOU the same courtesy.
      Once your county has been cleaned out, move on and assist the neighboring counties with doing the same, and drive the federals back towards the cities, and bottle them up there. That will buy us TIME. Time to organize on a state and national level. TIME and disorganization will be our biggest enemy early on. This is a strategy to buy us that time we need.

      • Del57 says:

        You make a huge point…getting organized BEFORE the kgb shpws up at your door and committing to coming to the rescue of your neighbor if called upon to do so…not starting trouble but taking no trouble without resistance. Are there groups doing this now? See the government knows if it’s them against you alone, you will stand down…if they know its them against a group of unknown dimensions they have to think twice. As Jefferson said “when government fears their people there is liberty…when people fear their government there is tyranny. ” I would gladly link up with like minded patriots but don’t know where to start…the loan ranger doesn’t stand a chance and I’d like to improve the odds for my family and friends

        • kevin says:

          I would like to organize with some like minded people also united we stand.

        • Dark_Archer says:

          hook up with PFA, (Patriots for America) join the main group then become involved with your state group, these are like minded people trying to do just what Johnny Geetar suggested

    • Lou says:

      One most important thing to remember, in addition to our God-given, constitutionally-guaranteed rights as Americans, is that as powerful as our politicians think they are and no matter how much they think that we work for them instead of vice versa, always thank God that even when they get much too big for their britches, no politician is bulletproof.

    • Old Man says:

      THIS IS WHERE WE ARE as a people. I’m a screenwriter. I have this scenario: Maybe they wont allow it:

      We call on our military to act as if the President was in surgery; that is, no longer in charge, WHILE HE IS VETTED:

      He has no Long-Form-Birth Certificate. He has no genuine Social Security number based on his so-called Hawaii birth. His Selective Service form is very strange. He openly said he went to Pakistan in 1981 and Americans weren’t ALLOWED to go there in 1981! What Passport did he use? His Student Records will divulge he’s a FOREIGN STUDENT. His own book agents proudly introduced him as a Kenyan-born Harvard graduate.

      Any general who would hold Obama while they waterboard the head of Hawaii Hospital Records (as well as Social Security Department, University Records, etc) till we get at that truth would be under attack. We civilians who love our liberty need to coordinate with these military who would physically hold the Obamanation. We will
      surround whatever location(s) we are directed to with our armed selves joining elements of the military eager for TRUTH.

      I have to wonder if they’ll knock down my door and imprison me for writing this. Legalities are a thing of the past in the ObamaNation. Maybe I’ll Breitbarted.” Does anybody think he and the comedian really just died of a heart attack; right after Andrew said he had proof Barry Hussein was foreign? Well, if you dont hear from me or on my websites, maybe they did kill me!

      Why do you think The Obamanation wouldn’t allow the Marines at his inauguration to have bullets in their weapons? He figures ‘if he was us he’d be raising up.’

      If it’s true he’s a traitor, Martial Law will have to be declared.
      If 10,000 of us were to lay down our lives with our 2nd Amendment rights in our hands, being gunned down by representatives of a military choosing to be loyal to an Indonesian citizen born in Kenya, whose very treason against the Office of the Presidency also equates to treason against The Office of the Commander-in-Chief, then the entire country asks one question of them: “Who do you serve? You in the FBI? The CIA? In HomeLand Security? Y’know, Hitler made portions of his military loyal to him personally, not Germany. Our FBI Chief says he “doesnt know” if the Obamanation can kill Americans.

      Well, if these traitors come after me, my Father told me 2000 years ago that He knows if a bird falls in a forest. He’ll choose the time. I worry not.

      Why wont he allow us to VETT him? I taught Electronic Publishing in Tech School. I firmly believe that birth certificate he posted online was the combined effort of Michelle, his children, and/or those people super-close to him, that’ve known he was Kenyan born for years. That’s why it’s so amateurish. He cant very well walk into the CIA Secretarial pool and ask for someone to make him up a phony Birth Certificate. The graphic artist would have the right and obligation to arrest him!

      Perhaps patriots will die with a patch saying “Sherrif Joe Arpaio’s Posse” on their clothes. The Obamanation has no legal right to be President; he never had.
      Therefore every appointee has to be pulled out.

      This can only be achieved through Martial Law. Every politician, media celebrity and bureaucrat who stood in the way of his Vetting should be suspected of complicity in such treason, and dealt with accordingly. Communist Union ballot-box fixers will be rooted out and put on trial. Is there really any point to elections with precincts reporting 140% ballots over voters? “No Identification Required” means people getting paid to vote as much as possible over and over. Elections are becoming Democratic Union gangsters laughing in the face of Americans. The fix is in.

      The blood of our ancestors, spilled from Lexington Green to Omaha Beach, from Inchon and Vietnam to Bagdad and Kabul cry out to us. They made the ultimate sacrifice. Men who died to give us a legacy these traitors are trying to take from us. Who can look in the mirror alone and say “I regret I have but one life to give for my country”? Better men than us have spoken those words.

      Men and women who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution can bind together and reach out to us civilians who will join them in such efforts, and our numbers grow that wait to be called upon.

      My G-d! They’ve thrown down the gauntlet. You know it! Our aim must not be to simply dodge their current bullet aimed at our 2nd amendment rights, but our RETURN GOAL must be to play this ACE-in-the-HOLE with selfless sacrifice: We can expose to light the TRUTH he’s trying to hide.

      It is possible that men and women, willing to die, will force even Democratic politicians to demand transparency from our President. But please keep in mind,
      “the best among us will die first.”

      • Richard says:

        The military has been pretty much gutted of those that may have any inclination of doing the deed. I say take Barry and waterboard him. And Reid, Pelosi, and Feinswine for the heck of it.

        • Dark_Archer says:

          the vets that Bolshevik obama has kicked to the curb were Patriots that wouldn’t do his bidding ,the new litmus test for any commander in Bolshevik obamas military is ”will they fire on Americans if need be” if they say no that are replaced with a commander that will ,the only good part of this is these Patriots are on our side as I think Bolshevik obama might find most of our military will be, join us at Patriots for America join your state group and get involved and lets all be ready

  3. kevin says:

    Hey have any of you guys or gals read the the the Missouri gun ban bill ,2 Democratic senators have written a bill that would completely out law so called assault rifles,make it a felony to posses one , build one or have parts for one,the bill gives the proud American people of Missouri 90 days to sell there guns out of state,personally I would be proud of them if they hunted those dumb asses down and make them pay for there stand against. The 2 amendment if the bill passes , they are just begging for a fight. I hope they stand up and fight, I well go help them if them.

    • Darrell says:

      California is pushing the same type of bills

      • goyaathle says:

        Yes Darrell they are. They already passed and enforce the so called “assault weapon” ban. If you look you will not find any rifle in Cal. that has a flash suppressor and a pistol grip. Because they look scary our elected fairies and governor moonbeam banned them long ago. Now they want us to pay a ten cent a bullet sin tax and require us each year to pay for a background check just to buy ammo. The also want to increase the “assault weapon” ban to include any rifle that has any military feature, pistol grip, flash suppressor
        or detachable magazine. They have already forced us to have to use a tool to replace the magazine(reload) instead of a button on most other rifles. They work for us, we did not elect them and make them our gods. We have to grow a backbone and put a stop to this treason. The right to keep and bear arms is a right not a privilege what was given to us by god the government can not infringe upon.

      • Ed Glenn says:

        I can’t speak for the rest of the country, but there is very little ammo available for purchase anywhere here in California. Those of us who saw this coming, and we are millions, stocked up a long time ago. If or when the time comes, we will hunker down, and git ‘er done!

        • Richard says:

          If you want I can tell you where you can find all the ammo you want. It will be a little spendy put you won’t be left high and dry. I saw this coming and bought 10 Full cases and more important is I was able to get 3-4 clips per-gun and I was able to get some real self defense loads that will ruin the receiver day. I know where I stand and it’s up to whoever comes to my house to take my gun which side I am on. I even have some of my bullets loaded with rock salt. So to put it in a nutshell if they try and take away my guns that are guaranteed me in the 2 amendment of constitution and The Bill of Rights Fourteenth Amendment
          No State shall… deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,
          without due process of law.

          And if this is the only thing you will take away from this is that the constitution states you must defend it from both foreign and Domestic Terrorist
          And the last thing when you took the oath of office you stated that you will defend This Constitution from both foreign & Domestic Terrorist . It also goes on to say that you will obey any LAWFUL order of Obama and if he gives you an unlawful order you not only don’t have to follow it but you and turn around and arrest Obama for Treasons and High Crimes against the United States of America. Untied we Stand an Divided we will fall.
          I love my country and I will die for her if needed May God have mercy on my Soul.

    • @ Kevin, well they have passed a law like that here in wash. State BUT NOT TO. SELL Them. Turn Them In.. The New Dem. voted in here said was an Accident!!! Really??? Really??? An Accident? Also By Accident In The Midle Of This Bill Was A Bill To Allow Sheriff’s To come into ur Home Warrentless To Serch You Place Of Abode…Accident??? Give Me A Break… Thy Really Do Think We The People Are Stupid Lot…And We ( are ) To Have Allowed This To Progress To The Place We Ave And That Includes What and
      ( WHO ) We Have Allowed In The White House…It All Starts There….And Who And What Kind Of People We Have Allowed Him To Invite. Into Our WH…To Work As Well As Eat Our Big Fancy Dinners ( like The Muslim Brotherhood fo Example )). Time To Tep Up People And Go Down Fighting…!!! I’m Not For Violence!!! But, I’ll Throw Down With The Best Of Them…( IF). Necessary….

      • I hear you Norma and I feel your pain. I have not had a good nights sleep since last Aug. Fast and Furious didn’t work out for those bastards in DC so they murdered Americans overseas, the whole of Seat team six, and children here at home and are dancing in their blood by using them to push gun(people) control Every fuckin day they give us another reason to hate that sweatturd in the WH.

      • I would say we all have had enough of government “accidents”. Ben Gahazi, auto takeover, TARP, missing FBI files, ruinous health care diktats … the list is long enough to choke a camel. We ought to be just about fed up with accidental government.

        When we the people ‘accidentally’ march on DC with Axe Handles and Rope, then whey will see the light. BOP! “Oooo sorry, Senator! Did I hurt your little noggin?”

  4. Pingback: Required Reading for All Gun Owners

  5. Pingback: Is It Time to Organize the Revolution? | The D.C. Clothesline

  6. Saundra says:

    Of course it stands to reason that those of us with enough grit will stand up and fight if someone tries to take our guns .. and yes, it is our contstitutional right .. It is what our country was founded on and what was needed when we so savagely had taken this country from the Indians. We will always need to protect ourselves, not only from the government, but from others who have the misgiven notion to come as a thief in the night. “Hatred, Greed and Control” are horrific in the very least sense. But to actually believe Government is attempting to remove and control our given right to have and own guns is as rediculous as it sounds. With all of this humaniac hysteria around and propagated by media is just a hysterical frenzy. I do agree that “Government” is corrupt and they have a hidden agenda. “The Untold History of the United States” covers the many different Presidents and after seeing this presentation, it just made me absolutely sick and very angry .. All have created great sins against the people and humanity itself and all have had hidden agendas. I would encourage those who are interested in finding out the truth to look for this book at “Walmart”.

    • Steve Watson says:

      Saundra: You said… “But to actually believe Government is attempting to remove and control ourgiven right to have and own guns is as rediculous as it sounds. With all of this humaniac hysteria around and propagated by media is just a hysterical frenzy”.

      I believe it is YOU who are gravely mistaken. Best you wake up and pay close attention!!

    • 7delta says:

      It is what our country was founded on and what was needed when we so savagely had taken this country from the Indians.

      Saundra, Saundra, Saundra….

      True, many terrible things happened between the Indians and the settlers and the federal government has indeed reneged on treaties and promises, as well as ripping off the Indians to the money owed them by land leases. But what this country was founded on? Absolutely not. Spend a little time reading the original documents. Read Washington’s State of the Union addresses, as well as his farewell speech. Forget the ‘village burner’ crap. Zinn and his ilk had ulterior motives. Check the FBI file released after Zinn’s death, even though it only brought confirmation for people who know history. Put what happened in the past into proper context and see what else you can find out about the tribes that sided with the English and the kindness shown by Washington to Indians when he could have dealt with them savagely, but didn’t.

      Many prominent founders admonished future generations to deal fairly with the Indians, to be sure they treated with people who had the authority to speak for the tribes, since even our native brethren were known to be deceptive about their importance every now and then. Sadly, generations of future politicians did not heed the words and warnings of the founders about the Indians or about slavery. Both lead to terrible injustices, but neither were part of the original intent.

      As a descendent of one of those tribes screwed by ‘future’ politicians, I can show you reservations all over this country that are the result of socialism–dependence on the government. The local rez joke is that if you’re going to get sick, do it by June, because all the money is gone after that. That is government run health care. The Petri dish for socialism is the reservation system. It sucks. Sadly, too many Indians have drank the kool-aid of government dependency. They believe that ‘more’ of whatever it is that the government provides is what’s needed, despite over a century of complete failure. Anger breeds misunderstanding of human nature, poor decisions and poverty. It clouds the eyes and hides truth. Truth is balance. Lies are the twisted road to destruction.

      The concerned troll act isn’t going to cut it. Your sympathy is misplaced, since your knowledge of history is based in progressive talking points. The 2nd Amendment was not placed in the Constitution so Americans could ‘savagely’ take land from the Indians and Indians weren’t disarmed to ‘protect’ them. Wanna live on a reservation? Keep promoting distortions of history and you’ll find out what you’ve woven.

      The Constitution is not inconsistent with the liberties the Indians believed were theirs by Divine right, no matter by what name they called the Creator. The inconsistencies came from men. The current malevolents in DC and their minions see you and everyone else as Indians to be subdued and controlled. The reservation is your future. There is no such beast as social justice. There is only equal justice and the unalienable rights of man. Let’s not repeat history, but regain the original intent of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as it was meant to be. I don’t want you to be unhappy, nor do I wish it upon myself or any of my people. So I tell you where to look for truth. Decide for yourself, but to be sure I’m clear–you may chose the miserable life of dependency for yourself, but you may not choose it for me or mine. Never forget that someone who will lie to anyone, will lie to everyone. You and your useful friends are merely a means to an end. You won’t like what you get, but I suspect you won’t believe me until you see what happens when you believe the coyote. The coyote is vicious, but he cannot touch your spirit, even if he kills your body, if you don’t allow his tricks to become your own.

      If you do not willingly follow the mangy mutt, but have fallen for his deceit, then educate yourself. He cannot own you, if you know who he is.

      • 7delta,
        That was beautiful, thank you. I hope if Saundra read this, she read it with an open heart.

      • Brad says:

        As always 7delta, that was an awesome reply. Unfortunately this troll won’t search out the answers for him/herself but will just willingly repeat the mantra of the left. When they do find out that they were just “useful idiots”, then their anger will be palpable but too late to do anything about it.

      • Saundra says:

        I have been chastised .. but happy to be the subject of such clear thoughts from you .. and yes, I will continue to educate myself with an open heart.

        • Brad says:

          Amen Saundra and Bravo for a great attitude. If only the liberals would actually seek the truth as you are. Too many people are not open to “knowing” the truth and willfully remain ignorant, sticking to their personal views without facts to back them up. You have a wonderful attitude and desire to hear an opposing view with an open mind and intent to accept truth. I commend you.

        • Brad says:

          And Saundra, lest I forget. I apologize to you for ASSUMING that you were just another troll. Please accept my apology and may God bless you.

        • 7delta says:


          I apologize for coming across as delivering chastisement. However, despite my flawed delivery, you are a remarkable person. You show a maturity and willingness to hear that far too many of us fail to do when an issue is important to us. There’s always a right way and wrong way to stand firm on your principles. You are a positive example for all of us.

          As hokey as it sounds, loving one another, even when we disagree, makes a difference. We all care about our family and friends. That’s easy. Caring about the people who hate and despise us is harder, but what real value does anything have, if it doesn’t require thought, an open heart, and effort? In the end, we may still disagree, with neither of us willing to compromise the principles we hold true, but we don’t have to be enemies.

          The current trend of dividing everyone into camps is damaging for everyone, except for the people who orchestrate the divide-and-conquer campaign. I think the quote often attributed to Voltaire, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend unto the death your right to say it,” is translatable to most disagreements. You may not believe what I believe, but I defend your right to believe as you do. You don’t have to share my faith, but I defend your right to yours, even if you have no religion or belief. It takes nothing away from either of us for the other to disagree and for them to speak publicly about their belief. It’s only when someone brings force, either by law or by physical force, to overwhelm one or the other, does it cross the line. My rights end where yours begin and yours end at the boundaries of mine. We can disagree and still stand shoulder to shoulder in protection of everyone’s unalienable rights.

          Natural Law, the philosophy on which this country was founded, recognizes every person’s free will. If all of us can embrace the willingness to learn by being seekers of truth, to share what we learn and to be respectful of one another, as you have done, we cannot be manipulated by people with nefarious goals who want and need us to be engaged in a battle with one another. While we squabble, they advance to take both yours and my unalienable rights. We can’t let them divide us, even if we differ on key issues. All we have to do is to be willing to not force our beliefs onto others and to stand by one another’s right to hold their beliefs.

          Enjoy your journey through history. It’s a unique story that, to my knowledge, has never happened before in the history of mankind. For a brief moment, men of different backgrounds, beliefs and goals, came together to form a ‘more perfect union’. Not a perfect one. But definitely one that was better than previous governments where all power rested in the hands of a few and the only privileges dispensed to the people were ones that didn’t threaten their power. At the end of a war for independence, then a failed confederacy, the founders came together to create a government that limited their own power and placed it in the hands of the people. Like all history involving man, there is the good, the bad and the ugly, but when we see the flaws of human nature woven into the story, we have to be able to cull out the best ones too and the principles that drove them. Not perfect. Just better. It’s that base of equal justice, free will and respect for others we should always return to when man fails to live up to his best self and ideals. It’s like cutting a board. If you take the first measure to cut, then use the cut board as your guide to cut all others, each flaw will be magnified with every new board. Always return to the original measure.

          Help one another, but always remember that help advances independence and individual maturity. The consequences of free will, good and bad, are necessary for growth. Dependency advances control, takes away responsibility and promotes childishness. We are our brother’s keeper, but we aren’t his master. We have no right to deny him the consequences of his decisions, but we can stand by him to lend strength and guidance while he adjusts to life’s lessons. We all need that help. Sometimes, we’re the rock. Sometimes, we’re the person who needs a rock to lean on. We’re all students of life.

          Like my mother used to say, “Make your words sweet, because someday, you may have to eat them.”

          And never forget that not everyone will make the choice to grow in maturity and generosity of spirit. They are the ones we must stand together to stop. It’s not just our right, it’s our duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves. When I protect your rights, I protect my own.

          May the Creator, or the spiritual guide of your heart, bring you all the blessings of being on the lifelong journey to becoming the true human being we are meant to be. I wish this for us all.

          Thank you, Saundra.

          • friardave says:

            wow…what a refreshing and intelligent post…thank you very much

          • David Welch says:

            Beautifully said Saundra. Your words ring true for most Conservatives I know. We see all of our rights being slowly taken away, and we see that this rate has recently been dramatically accelerated. That is why it seems we are having a near-fever pitched discourse of concern, which others in this conversation have called “paranoid”. This entire exchange of thoughts and words revolves around the Second Amendment, without which we cannot defend the rest of the rights within the Bill of Rights. It is time to stand shoulder to shoulder to protect the rights of all regardless of belief or political persuasion.

      • Fish says:

        Re: 7delta’s comment “True, many terrible things happened between the Indians and the settlers and the federal government has indeed reneged on treaties and promises, as well as ripping off the Indians to the money owed them by land leases. ”
        I just wanted to clarify that these actions WERE ALSO the actions taken by Government, not “We The People”.

        From an Army/Air Force vet of 20 years and an unshakeable Patriot. Thanks for all you do.
        Freedom For America


      • clumpy says:

        Just wanted to let you know 7delta you hit it right on!! Way to go! Well written and so very, very true. I will be there to fight with your team—thanks!

    • It is not grit that will always cause one to stand up and fight, but the recognition of what is right. Even if he is scared to death, and I am sure many will be, it is one’s like this that will stand with you.

      • matt says:

        A 37yr old perception of his government
        How does one have the fortitude to do what he or she believes is Wright when little is done to empower themselves with knowledge and understanding of the constitution. Little I feel is done to teach the younger generation in where our roots have come from; we sit back and allow ourselves to drift through life with the feeling of a “give me” attitude without ever knowing what sacrifices have been made. I don’t blame you or our government; I blame myself for not being proactive. As a father of a newborn I will be sure to let her know what it is and means to be an American. My father was from a generation where civic duty was taught thou in my early years I didn’t understand it, I just knew it as being a good boy who helps older people mow their lawn or shovel their driveway in the winter never asking for anything in return. In High School I was more concerned about girls and sports; the military is what truly taught me what an American is. during my oath I swore “I…., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of officers appointed over me…”.
        This gun issue has been in the past couple months a heated debate amongst the men in my platoon. Some agree and others disagree. We have argued that it is our oath we took when we enlisted to defend the Constitution while others said it was also to the President. All I can say to that is, I and nobody else for whatever reason they may be serving our country has an obligation whether they know it or not to leave behind a foundation to the next generation to make our country better and its people. I cannot say “it” because I am a soldier serving this great county, but if and when it comes I know where I stand with my principles.

        • sonya says:

          i am sure that when you took your oathes, you felt that your president and the constitution stood for the same principals. it is possible this might no longer be the case. i know i need to educate myself more about this, but someone i know, who i belive knows what they are talking about, told me that our armed forces could not “go against” our own citizens. and now i hear stories about homeland security and a “paper” that has been signed stating that now it can. if this is true… …well, that pretty much says it all, don’t you think? so what do we do now?

        • m0m0 says:

          “I…., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the ‘LAWFUL” orders of the President of the United States and the orders of officers appointed over me…”.

      • Ron says:

        I made that decission in Viet Nam years ago—If I have to fight on American soil to rid my country of tyranny,then so be it–but the tyrants sure won’t like me-I’m well trained and creative–

        • goyaathle (he who yawns) says:

          Welcome home 1970-1971 support of CCC, 31E/11b4P later 19e marksmanship Instructor and competed on the Army High Power rifle team. Comment to stupid liberals, AR15 is not a high powered rifle. M14 in 7.62×57 (308) is a high powered rifle. Own a copy of the “Anarchist Cook Book”.

        • Cheryl Cramer says:

          Thank you!

    • Harley Earl says:

      Sandra, Do you live in a cave without a TV, internet connection, no access to any publications? What a moronic statement to make.

    • Fothergillgirl says:

      I think that we need to quit calling the Pilgrims savages because they came to this New World! They did not find Indians with a government that asked for passports and visas. They were not enemies to the American Indian. Columbus, the Pilgrims, and our founding fathers are being taught as the “bad guys”. These were not evil people that came here. They didn’t come to kill. They came for freedom from tyranny. We need to quit re-writing our own history!

      As for guns, just try and take them…

    • Barrie says:

      Also pick up the book by Glenn Beck “Agenda 21” This is already started. We must not let it go any farther. Gun control is another step into Agenda 21.

  7. Kathy says:

    Not only our right but our duty !!!

  8. Cindy McGee says:

    Thank you for saying what many of us have been thinking. It is long past time to stop speaking in code and playing the PC game. I have been involved for 30 years and that is exactly how well meaning people have failed to defend liberty! They sidestep an honest discussion of what our liberties are and why we have them. The second Amendment is not there to protect our right to hunt or home defense, while those are secondary benefits, the real purpose and intent was to intimidate a government set on ruling by tyranny and destroying our constitution and therefore our Republic. Many tout the the NRA as the great defender of our 2A rights, they however, succumbed a long time ago to the PC position that this amendment is about hunting and self defense. They have even defended government regulations on our right to keep and bear arms. They shot themselves in the foot. This kind of defense is no defense, it is a capitulation to tyranny.

  9. Kessie says:

    A personal note about Feinstein – her husband has his hands in the manufacture of guns – NOT on the banned list. Perhaps her years of ongoing support for this ban has to do with eliminating some competition?

    • nmgene says:

      Fienstein also has a concealed carry permit. Thats what is called a hypocrit!!!!!!!!

      • Richard says:

        If what I read about the Feinstein bill is correct, she and everyone else who write bills that go against the constitution that they took an oath to uphold should be brought up on treason charges and arrested. Including Barack, Barry or whatever the hell his name is.
        I have also read that in the Feinstein bill it exempts her and her family from the bill.

        • Mike Travis says:

          Bingo! That is the only peaceful way left to rid our government of criminals who are intent on “radically transforming America”. Of course when the courts are either terrified of retribution of complicit in the treason, there is no chance of getting charges to be filed, much less to be convicted and executed.

  10. Robin says:

    I will stand w/ my Father and our founding Father’s, and My Country and for what we believe in! Our Nation Under God ” and so on, “We The People” I love my Country and I will fight for my Country and for the love of my Country ! I am a TRUE PATRIOT ! God Bless All Amen ! Love you all !

  11. Robin says:

    I will stand w/ my Father and our founding Father’s, and My Country and for what we believe in! Our Nation Under God ” and so on, “We The People” I love my Country and I will fight for my Country and for the love of my Country ! I am a TRUE PATRIOT ! God Bless All Amen ! Love you all ! One Nation Under God”

  12. An American In A Foreign World says:

    Reblogged this on The Founding Fathers Would Start Over and commented:
    Something we’d all better contemplate. It is later than you think.

  13. Drover Dan says:

    “I am not the “subversive” here, it is the political representatives who are threatening to take away my inalienable rights.”
    You are using the wrong word here.

    Unalienable vs Inalienable


    The state of a thing or right which cannot be sold.
    Things which are not in commerce, as public roads, are in their nature unalienable. Some things are unalienable, in consequence of particular provisions in the law forbidding their sale or transfer, aspensions granted by the government.
    The natural rights of life and liberty are UNALIENABLE.

    Bouviers Law Dictionary 1856 Edition

    : incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred.”
    Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1523:
    You can not surrender, sell or transfer unalienable rights, they are a gift from the creator to the individual and cannot under any circumstances be surrendered or taken. All individual’s have unalienable rights.
    Inalienable rights
    : Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights
    . Morrison v. State, Mo. App., 252 S.W.2d 97, 101.
    You can surrender, sell or transfer inalienable rights if you consent either actually or constructively.Inalienable rights are not inherent in man and can be alienated by government. Persons have inalienable rights. Most state constitutions recognize only inalienable rights.


    • nmgene says:

      According to most dictionaries and the first writings of the Constitution inalienable and unalienable mean the same exact thing. Inalienable was used in the first several drafts of the Constitution.

      • goyaathle says:

        Watch the musical 1776 John Adams was constantly arguing for UNALIENABLE rights.

      • I have debated people over the meanings of the two words. In Black’s Law Dictionary, there is a slight, but meaningful difference. Unalienable – incapable of being taken away; Inalienable – not subject to being taken away. I have also seen definitions that unalienable is incapable of being taken away, cannot be surrendered and inalienable is incapable of being taken away, but the individual can voluntarily surrender inalienable rights. They both say cannot be taken away, transferred or sold to another person, but inalienable rights can be voluntarily surrendered by the individual. This is an excerpt of a discussion regarding the two words and their meanings:

        “According to Black’s Law Dictionary (8th Edition; A.D. 2004), the definition of “inalienable” is:“Not transferable or assignable. . . . Also termed unalienable”.
        Black‘s 8th does not even define “unalienable” and would thus have us believe that the words “inalienable” and “unalienable” are synonymous.
        But if we go back to Black‘s 2nd (A.D. 1910) we’ll see that “inalienable” was defined as: “Not subject to alienation; the characteristic of those things which cannot be bought or sold or transferred from one person to another such as rivers and public highways and certain personal rights; e.g., liberty.”
        Black’s 2nd defines “unalienable” as:
        “Incapable of being aliened, that is, sold and transferred.”
        At first glance the two terms seem pretty much synonymous. However, while the word “inalienable” is “not subject to alienation,” the word “unalienable” is “incapable of being aliened”. I believe the distinction between these two terms is this:
        “Unalienable” is “incapable” of being aliened by anyone, including the man who holds something “unalienable”. Thus, it is impossible for any individual to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of an “unalienable Right”. it is impossible for you to take one of my “unalienable rights”. It is likewise impossible for me to even voluntarily surrender, sell or transfer one of my “unalienable rights”. Once I have something “unalienable,” it’s impossible for me to get rid of it. It would be easier to give up the color of my eyes or my heart than to give up that which is “unalienable”.
        That which is “inalienable,” on the other hand, is merely “not subject to alienation”. Black’s 2nd does not declare that it’s absolutely impossible for that which is “inalienable” to be sold, transferred or assigned. Instead, I believe that “inalienable” merely means that “inalienable rights” are not subject to “alienation” by others. That is, no one can compel me to sell, abandon or transfer any of my “inalienable” rights. I am not “subject” to compelled “alienation” by others.
        But that leaves open the question of whether I may am entitled to voluntarily and unilaterally sell, transfer, abandon or otherwise surrender that which is “inalienable”. Thus, while it is impossible for me to abandon, or for government to take, my “unalienable rights,” it is possible for me to voluntarily waive my “inalienable” rights. I strongly suspect that our gov-co presumes that our rights are at best “inalienable,” and that since we have not expressly claimed them, we could have and therefore must have waived them.
        if we look at Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (A.D. 1856) we’ll see:
        “INALIENABLE. A word denoting the condition of those things the property in which cannot be lawfully transferred from one person to another. Public highways and rivers are inalienable. There are also many rights which are inalienable, as the rights of liberty or of speech.”
        “UNALIENABLE. Incapable of being transferred. Things which are not in commerce, as, public roads, are in their nature unalienable. Some things are unalienable in consequence of particular provisions of the law forbidding their sale or transfer; as, pensions granted by the government. The natural rights of life and liberty are unalienable.”
        Clearly, the words are not synonymous. While “inalienable” rights can’t be “lawfully” transferred “to another,” they might nevertheless be waived by the holder or perhaps “unlawfully” (privately??) “transferred” to someone else. However, those rights which are “unalienable” are absolutely incapable of being transferred lawfully, unlawfully, administratively, privately or by implication or operation of law. that which you have, which is “unalienable,” is your wrists in an absolute sense that cannot possibly be discarded, transferred, sold, or otherwise abandoned.
        Also, note that the word “unalienable” describes things which are “not in commerce”. However, it appears that those things which are “inalienable” could be “in commerce”. as you know, much of the trouble we have with the modern government is based on government’s claim of power to regulate all that is involved in interstate commerce. In so far as you may be able to prove that any item or right you seek to use or exercise is “unalienable,” that item or write would be beyond the power of our government to regulate under interstate commerce. You can see the power potential in “unalienable”.
        Most importantly, as declared in the “Declaration of Independence,” all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. Our unalienable rights flow from God and are not subject to man’s meddling. Bouvier’s agrees by defining “unalienable” as including our “natural” rights (which flow from “nature’s God”).
        Admittedly, both “inalienable” and “unalienable” are defined to include the concept of “liberty”. Thus, there is some confusion, some overlap, in the two definitions. Some things may be both “inalienable and also “unalienable”. Therefore, my argument about the distinctions between the two terms is not necessarily as pristine as I would like.”

        Here is the website if you’d like to read the full discussion: http://adask.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/unalienable-vs-inalienable/

  14. disabledcyclist says:

    Reblogged this on The Disabled Cyclist and commented:
    I find that I have to agree with the author,as frightening as his words actually are. The question is,who’s to decide where the line of “self defense” and “murder of a government officer just trying to do his job” is? I’m not sure I’m qualified to answer that. Of the fact that should someone actually has to make that choice,I have no doubts,right or wrong,there would be severe and swift consequences for those actions. Are we legally allowed to defend this,our Constitutional right/the 2nd Amendment? According to that same Constitution,not only are we legally allowed,it is our duty. Sigh. I just…don’t know,where I stand here. I agree wholeheartedly with the author,WHOLEheartedly,but I do hope that it does not come to the point I’m faced with a milisecond to make this decision. Thoughts?

    • Brad says:

      disabledcyclist, I believe that most people here would be in complete agreement with your views. I do not believe anyone wants that kind of confrontation and I certainly hope and pray that saner heads prevail on the liberal side, but that may be hoping beyond hope. Liberals don’t seem to listen to reason, and appear to be more than happy to escalate their points to physical confrontation and violence. If it were actually the liberals coming to try to take the guns from us, the decision would be a much easier one. But unfortunately it will more than likely be a “like minded” individual in law enforcement that had to choose between his personal convictions and his job (livelihood). It’s truly going to suck, and we can thank these liberals/progressives for it. But they will be judged in the end by God, and they WILL pay dearly.

      • disabledcyclist says:

        I agree with the God comment (being a God fearing man myself). Scary times indeed. Not surprising (I’ve read Revelation in depth several times),but scary…

      • Rhonda says:

        I can’t wait to retire. I will no longer be afraid to lose my job. I don’t even own a gun, but I will defend the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment with my LIFE! I am ready to picket, protest and go to jail if I have to.

        • Brad says:

          Amen Rhonda, that is what America and the Constitution is all about. It is the supreme law of the land, and you don’t have to exercise a particular right to know that it is a necessary one. I know many others like you who have never owned a gun, but clearly recognize the need for our citizens to own one if they wish.

          But it is terrible that you do not feel secure in your own employment to be able to voice your opinion without fear of reprisal. That is not freedom either. What a shame. What has happened to our country?

    • Chuck Rupert says:

      disabled cyclist says

      “The question is,who’s to decide where the line of “self defense” and “murder of a government officer just trying to do his job” is? I’m not sure I’m qualified to answer that.”

      I believe these are the same questions asked and answered by our Founding Fathers in relation to the British Government and its enforcers. This is what seperates “legal” from “unalianable” rights. If you TRUELY BELIEVE a right is unalienable and a right which comes from God, the answer is quite clear. There is no devisive legal mumbo-jumbo to wade through.

      We are conditioned to believe that anyone with a patch on their shoulder and a pistol on their hip is above the law in enforcing it. Yet even the laws of men, in my state, spell out when deadly force can be used against a law enforcement officer.

      Keep in mind, you are talking about defending your God-given, unalienable rights–not the laws of men nor even the Constitution! The Constitution does not grant you these rights; the Bill of Rights simply makes it clear which rights are unalienable, given to all men by God, and it reaffirms they were NOT ceded to the government to form a Union. They are your God-given rights for YOU to defend or for YOU to hand over to an oppressor–or to sit back and hope someone else defends them for you.

      You are right to worry about making millisecond decisions. You need to draw a line in the sand now–not then.

    • You wil not only be defending the 2nd Amendment, but the Constitution in its entirety. Unalienable rights are listed therein, and are upheld or undone as one. The current administration, run by a so-called constitutional scholar who read and studied the Constitution looking for loopholes, is on its way to mangle our Constitution by separating it into parts more easily undone. If the 2nd falls, what defends the others? Search and Seizure, Freedom of Speech, Warrants, and all the rest are just word to these yokels.

  15. Justin says:

    Thank you for stepping out on faith in an attempt to wake us up. We’ve been complacent for way too long. WE must become the community organizers like our lives depended on it… which in fact they do. We don’t have much time to interject ourselves fully into the political process at every level in hopes of turning things around. At the same time, we need to be prepared and keep our eyes and ears wide open. The government will manufacture a crisis and blame it on conservatives or the tea party and use the mainstream propaganda machine to justify their actions. I pray that we can avoid conflict but you are right, we have a responsibility to protect the constitution if the tyrants can’t be stopped politically.

  16. Rick says:

    There are blogs and forums and personal opinion everywhere full of rhetoric regarding our deteriorating Constitutional rights now nearly on a daily basis it seems. I share vigorously in these emotions. I’m shocked at some of the gun control legislation going through my state of Colorado right now. I’m just stunned. And it didn’t matter what we said expressing our disdain over these controls in the hearings, they seem intent, regardless, on pushing this crap down people’s throats. I’ve done what many of us have done, completed surveys, petitions, made donations, sent emails and letters, made phone calls. Is anyone aware if these activities make one bit of difference? I can’t tell any have, nationally or locally. So all this coming down on us violates our constitutional rights, agreed? At what point of all this chipping away at our rights does our outright defiance finally kick in? Damage is being done NOW, look at NY and other places. I don’t feel we have time till elections come around again. I don’t want to be an unintentional felon but with many of our countrymen apparently willing to be morons and are ok with giving up more rights, that’s what many of us will become. Our Constitution is suppose to protect us from such leadership….. through us, The People. So how come such grievous actions are occurring and no one is being held accountable? Our Constitution is being treated like a door mat and I hate it. What is the right strategy for us to follow, how do we unify and coordinate ourselves to battle this. I’d really like some real guidance in 123 steps to follow to make change well short of bloodshed, anyone’s but especially mine and my family’s. It ultimately won’t do any good to die in my doorway and lose the weapons anyway. I can’t employ fighting chance tactics on my own against a squad ordered to disarm me. Now if my neighbors all commit to having my back, well, maybe, but still it may be a brief fire fight. I still don’t have select fire weapons (true assault weapons), armor, drones, artillery, choppers and aircraft, thermal imaging, and on and on to defeat military, LE, contractors, assassins, etc sent to deal with me. Utilizing the Supreme Court could take a decade. Who do we turn to, besides ourselves. If there is a core of like minded politicians, how do they win even with our support? It just doesn’t seem enough. So what are some real options for this situation?

    • Mike says:

      Rick, I’m also in Colorado and very upset about our current Legislation on gun control. I am a veteran and very passionate about our Constitution. I as well made calls and sent letters. Once I saw this pass the house I sent another letter to all Legislatures, Congressman/women and Senators explaining my position as a veteran of this Country. In short, my position was; The current legislation being passed will be an infringement upon all Colorado citizens Constitutional Rights. As a veteran who served this country honorably I take offense to these actions by all those who see fit to take these Constitutional rights away at a whim. As a veteran, I gave an oath to the Constitution and not my government, and with this in mind I cannot and will not comply with any un-Consititutional laws passed with regards to a citizens Rights. Let me remind you that All elected and appointed officials, Federal, State, and local give these same oaths. But, it appears they are nothing more than a symbolic gesture to a lot of politicians. I find this shameful and disgusting. Our Constitution is supposed to the law of the land or have you al forgot.

      • StephenWV says:

        A Nullification bill would force the issue to the courts ultimately for the supreme court to decide. In WV we are trying to get one through the Democratic controlled legislature. One that makes it a felony to enforce any new gun control laws coming out of Washington.

      • Rick says:

        Thanks Mike for your efforts and comments as well, and especially for your service. You’re right, the oaths taken should be held in high regard, and it is by people such as yourself that are willing to sacrifice all to honor that oath. But today our leadership is rampant with people it appears that such an oath are just words required to repeat in order to further their agenda and otherwise have no value to such people devoid of a conscience. Like you said, shameful and disgusting. Like Stephen mentions below, there are states trying to pass bills like WV, I think WY has as well, that will arrest agents trying to disarm citizens. There are many in military, government, etc that say they expect a civil war. Why else is an agency like Homeland Security buying up millions of rounds of ammo when they only have authority within US borders? Anyone checked out this site yet? : http://americancivilianarmy.com/Home_Page.html

      • Brad says:

        Excellent post Mike, thank you for your service and I applaud your actions that even many like minded individuals wouldn’t take the time to perform. We ALL need to stop being the “Silent Majority”, or we will lose every freedom that we have. We have already seen the consequences of remaining silent with the re-election of the present administration…. shame on all who did not vote and/or encourage others to do so, your inaction has caused this present and very real danger!!!

    • Lucius Tate says:

      “So what are some real options for this situation?”

      The final peaceful options are mass non-compliance and nullification. Both state law nullification and jury nullification.

      Make a disaster out of gun control laws like people did with Prohibition laws in the 1920s and 30s. What if tens of millions of people refuse to comply and jurors and states refuse to try or convict people? Seriously, just say NO. We as a collective whole need to grow a backbone and start exercising our powers. What are they going to do? Imprison all of us? Shoot us all?

      Fire up Google and type in “what is jury nullification”. Courts refuse to acknowledge that we have the RIGHT to nullification but they cannot take away our POWER of nullification.

      Be informed. Knowledge is power.

      • Brad says:

        Excellent Point Lucius. Knowledge truly is power, and darkness is only the absence of light. All should dispel the darkness (ignorance), by seeking the light (knowledge).

    • Robert Kenney says:

      Rick you have been involved and done the things needed such as E-Mails and calls.This is a struggle in the sense of opposing factions.One true to the tenets of our Constitutional Republic and the other bent on overthrow and take over for their own distorted Socialist views.1-2-3? OK 1)Find the most effective Patriotic group you can get involved and continue to educate your self.If they are weak in any areas work to help them get stronger,if there is infighting pray hard for enlightenment and work to focus their efforts.The job is to be effective in local politics and plan for the coming break with the Federal Govt.(WE all know that’s coming right?) 2)Continue to E-Mail and call =everyday if possible at least once a week ;and talk to others whenever you can and organize them to call and E-Mail.Folks I am involved in a Tea Party group in Ms.I speak to Senators and politicians all over the country as I do Issues Research and they all say calls and E-Mails make a difference.Even the ones who are not aligned with your views.They say one call equals 1000 voters interests,and that is votes.3)Pray for yourself and your country,I have found that when you are honorable and full of character and integrity;people will be at ease with your sense of leadership and you will have more opportunities to express your views and be heard.Stay strong my friend,trying times are ahead face them with like minded Patriots.God Bless you and our Country.

  17. J.K. Williams CWO USMC (ret) says:

    Nail on the head. Thanks Mr. Garrison. Folks read the constitution. Supreme court please do your job. Political parties be damned. If you are elected take your oath seriously and do your job.
    Enough said!

  18. elmer57 says:

    Very impressive. However, I want to say four things:
    1. Concealed carry permits should be how we react; not by offering to fight our own police and/or military if our insane Liberal politicians force them to start a door to door gun battle with our patriots. Every state should have legal concealed carry permits available for those who get the training and pass the background check.
    2. Why shouldn’t every single gun have a title / like a car does / so they can track it’s life span, owners, etc. and why should any of us legal gun owners be concerned the government knows who owns what guns? They’re NOT going to take them away from us anyway; this article proves that…… for a lot of people.
    3. Who gives a crap if the lunatic left actually believe certain weapons are too dangerous and manage to temporarily outlaw them being sold? We have FAR bigger problems right now than that. You take this rifle but let us buy all the 9mm handguns we want? Fine; who’s the idiot here? The Obama administration has ignored the constitution dozens of times already and nobody cares. This issue is a joke compared to what’s really happening, if you ask me. This is like a group of high school kids talking about us all fighting at the flagpole later today; it’s exciting but probably won’t happen.
    4. If a group of police or military people show up at my door, you think I’m going to shoot them? No way. Not ever. I’m more likely to immediately get super polite and simultaneously decide I must be related to Paul Revere. They may be looking for me up in the branches of a tree in coming months, but I’m not fighting some swat team at my front door. It’s the Liberals with bullet proof windows in their limos that are the people enjoying this debate; and they need to lose BIG right around November 2014……just for STARTERS.

    • Brad says:

      All countries that have banned or outlawed gun ownership started with firearm registration. Then many of them banned only some of the guns, then others until all were banned. Look at history and see what happened next. People rounded up, ethnic cleansing, millions murdered and/or locked up. This is just the first step.
      The left likes to say that we do not know the “original intent” of the second amendment, I say we do. Read the following quotes, most of them are from our founding fathers.

      “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” Robert A. Heinlein

      Quotes on the Second Amendment
      The Founding Fathers on the Second Amendment

      “I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”
      George Mason
      Co-author of the Second Amendment
      during Virginia’s Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788

      “A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves …”
      Richard Henry Lee
      writing in Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republic, Letter XVIII, May, 1788.

      “The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full posession of them.”
      Zachariah Johnson
      Elliot’s Debates, vol. 3 “The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution.”

      “… the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms”
      Philadelphia Federal Gazette
      June 18, 1789, Pg. 2, Col. 2
      Article on the Bill of Rights

      “And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …”
      Samuel Adams
      quoted in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789, “Propositions submitted to the Convention of this State”
      The Founding Fathers on Arms

      “Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.”
      George Washington
      First President of the United States

      “The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside … Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them.”
      Thomas Paine

      “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.”
      Richard Henry Lee
      American Statesman, 1788

      “The great object is that every man be armed.” and “Everyone who is able may have a gun.”
      Patrick Henry
      American Patriot

      “Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?”
      Patrick Henry
      American Patriot

      “Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not.”
      Thomas Jefferson
      Third President of the United States

      “The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that … it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; … ”
      Thomas Jefferson
      letter to Justice John Cartwright, June 5, 1824. ME 16:45.

      “The best we can help for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.”
      Alexander Hamilton
      The Federalist Papers at 184-8
      The Founding Fathers on Maintaining Freedom

      “The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution.”
      Thomas Jefferson
      Third President of the United States

      “There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. ”
      Noah Webster
      American Lexicographer

      “The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.”
      Edmund Burke
      British Statesman, 1784

      “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.”
      Thomas Jefferson
      to James Madison

      “They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
      Ben Franklin
      American Statesman
      Later Quotes on Gun Control

      “The ruling class doesn’t care about public safety. Having made it very difficult for States and localities to police themselves, having left ordinary citizens with no choice but to protect themselves as best they can, they now try to take our guns away. In fact they blame us and our guns for crime. This is so wrong that it cannot be an honest mistake.”
      Malcolm Wallop
      former U.S. Sen. (R-WY)

      “An armed man is a citizen. A disarmed man is a subject.”
      Seen on a bumper sticker
      Pro Gun Control

      “Our main agenda is to have all guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn’t matter if you have to distort the facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.”
      Sara Brady
      Chairman, Handgun Control Inc, to Senator Howard Metzenbaum
      The National Educator, January 1994, Page 3.

      “If you wish the sympathy of the broad masses, you must tell them the crudest and most stupid things.”

      “This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!”
      Adolph Hitler
      Chancellor, Germany, 1933

      • US Army (retired) says:

        If the Demonrats gun bans are passed, I will not comply.
        Millions more will not comply.
        DHS and other alphabet agencies have recently purchased over 1.8 BILLION rounds of hollow point ammo – enough to shoot every man, woman, and child in the country 5 times or more – ammo that’s illegal for military use under international law, and have just ordered more and an additional 7,000 FULLY AUTOMATIC “personal defense” weapons. How does anyone with the capability of rational thought escape the conclusion that our government is preparing for a war on its own citizens?
        Feinstein, Schumer, Obama, Holder, Bloomberg, Cuomo, and their whole gang are tyrant wannabes. To them, anyone who does, or might, oppose their control over every aspect of our lives, is “a criminal” because they said so.
        To quote a few of their heroes, with explanatory comments in ( ):
        “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” – Mao (They revere Mao and the way he ruthlessly grabbed power in China. The fact that he murdered about 100 million Chinese to do it is, to them, a “feature,” not a “bug.”)
        “If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves. … The only real power comes out of a long rifle. … Everyone imposes his own system as far as his army can reach. … We don’t let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns? … The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.” — Joseph Stalin
        “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed the subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty.” — Adolf Hitler
        (These psychopathic sociopaths in our government – and THEY ARE PRECISELY THAT, never make the mistake of doubting it – believe that they are anointed to be our rulers and that we are the equivalent of Hitler’s “subject races.” And we know what they did to “them.”)
        Don’t tell me, “It can’t happen here in America.”
        To borrow a quote from Mike Vanderboegh, “Anyone who tells you that ‘It Can’t Happen Here’ is whistling past the graveyard of history. There is no ‘house rule’ that bars tyranny coming to America. History is replete with republics whose people grew complacent and descended into imperial butchery and chaos.”

        • mtman2 says:

          The question is WHY AREN’T Congressmen put ting any + all of these people who instrumented these purchases as to why + what funding did it come from ????????

  19. Mike says:

    Elmer57, I agree with you on some points you mentioned. Taking rights away have been going on for a long time now, and not just by our current president. I for one call and send my letters on each and everyone. I also try to make my votes count on each matter as well, although it seems not to be enough without others doing the right thing. I agree that your front door isn’t the place to start your fight, better ways to handle it.
    I’ m not sure i agree with you as far as the article proving guns won’ t be taken, must have missed something. Some politicians would be more than happy to do that if they could. Do I think they will do it, no not entirely, certain ones I think they will attempt at some point. When, is another question, probably not in my in my time, I hope. As far as them knowing what I have, I don’t really care, although it really isn’t any of their business, just like the number of TV’ s or knives one might have. Although any guns bought through a ffl dealer they could find out if that is what they wanted to do.

  20. Greg says:

    The 2nd Amendment says “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” So it’s not limited to just guns. Taken literally, we all have the right to machine guns, RPGs, tanks and even nuclear arms. Boy, wouldn’t we all feel safer then? To avoid tyranny, vote! To think AR-15s will stop the largest military in the world is delusional. To be more afraid of the government than an unrestricted flow of guns and the resulting violence that goes with it, is simply paranoia.

    • Thom says:

      The chance to vote for a peaceful ending came and went last Nov. Now life is going to get harder before it can get better. For our childrens sake I hope we are strong enough to make a difference.”To be more afraid of the government than an unrestricted flow of guns and the resulting violence that goes with it, is simply paranoia”?? Its not a case of being afraid of the government, but rather concerned about what a bunch of nuckle headed politicians are trying to do. Their greed and thirst for power will bring “HELL” crashing down on them. “It is cowardly to deny what is happening”. They have poked a sleeping giant in the eye and now, being the cowards they are, they will run and beg for mercy from the very people they were willing to enslave. It sounds as if paranoia has a very tight grip on your balls, Greg, am I wrong?
      Their latest actions are proof that they are having seconds thoughts. Why, if they’re so keen on a gun ban, would they think about making it compulsory for gun owners to carry 1,000,000.00 dollars of insurance. For get it!! While I am still alive they will not take my firearms and I won’t be buying insurance either. CA says they don’t have the financial resources to gather 20,000 firearms and follow mthru with a gun ban. All of this because of a bunch of good for nothing liberals and a sweatturd of a president>

      • Brad says:

        Amen Thom. It is people like Greg and Mark that fall for the Liberal line of BS that propagate the lie that “good, law abiding” citizens that own guns are wreaking the havoc. Criminals already have weapons that are banned to the average citizen unless you have a FFL license. Criminals will always get these weapons regardless of the law because they are by definition, law breakers. All that gun restrictions do is to put the average law abiding citizen at a distinct disadvantage and at risk. Hence the old adage, “You don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.”

        Tell me Greg, have you been harassed or threatened by a law abiding citizen that happens to exercise his or her right to keep and bear arms? Unless of course you provoked them by trying to illegally take away their rights. Yes, there will be the occasional “whack job”, that should be in a mental institution, but that will always happen regardless of any law. But you do not violate the Constitution of the United States and take away the right of descent citizens to protect themselves by illegally disarming them. Remember “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”?

        Greg, you need to study history instead of just listening to the lies and propaganda of the left. Are you a citizen or a subject? Are you intelligent and independent thinking or are you so ignorant that you need someone else to tell you what to think? Are you so lacking in self control that you are afraid of what you might do if you possessed a gun? If so, then you may need some professional help in the anger management arena. But WE are not like you, we have self control, common sense and self restraint. Tell me Greg, did you hear anything from legal gun owners before you IDIOTS started trying to infringe our rights? NO, you did not!!! It was only when self absorbed fools such as yourself started projecting your own short comings and fears upon others that the proverbial “can of worms” got opened. You need some very serious self evaluation before you ever judge someone else. If you don’t like the laws of this land, leave or do not come here. But you will never dictate to a “free society”, what we can and cannot do as long as we are not infringing upon others rights. And you do not have a right to tell me what I can and cannot own as regards my personal protection. If you do not like weapons, then don’t buy one, but don’t you dare tell me that I cannot have one because you don’t like them.

      • Yahoo!!! You re RIGHT.thom… Y ‘all. Need To Grow A Set… These Low Life Commies Are Hell Bent On En- slaving Y O U….Get It??? They Want To Be Your Master’s Fienstien And All The Socialist’ s. are already Assuming Their Positions and She Even Had The Nerve Both Diane And V. jarrett ( Said We Are Coming For You…!!!) That Is Pretty Clear Statement…..I Understand No Other Language…Only English…It Was Spoken In English…I Think A D. Day should be named and planned on a certain date all should take their vacations and vacation pay nd Decend on The White House. Millions if Possible….So Thy Know Our Force And We Are NOT Taking Their Twisted Rules And Laws Laying Down… And Vacate The Senate WH And Congress And Put A Whole New Bunch In Office…ENOUGH. is. ENOUGH…!!!

    • Mark says:

      Well spoken, it’s good to read the views of a sensible person in here. A single voice among the paranoid on this blog. I will read the responses to your post with interest.

      • Thom says:

        Mark and Greg are two peas in a pod. Both liberal Limeys. And in my humble opinion they are nothing better than trouble makers. Good Luck America.

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Are you expecting China to attack soon Greg?

      After all, they are the largest military in the world.

      But, in answer to your implied question…yes, I fear the Chinese government more than i fear the unrestricted flow of guns.

    • Harley Earl says:

      To think AR-15s will stop the largest military in the world is delusional.

      With all due respect…….to think the founding fathers could defeat the most powerful army in the world, the British Red Coats, was also unthinkable at the time. With God on your side all things are possible.

    • David Welch says:

      You are correct. The Second Amendment has been sorely infringed already. It should not be infringed any further. You are also correct when you say to avoid tyranny, vote! The “AR-15” option is the last resort when our vote has failed us and the tyrants in sheep’s clothing are voted in anyway and begin showing their true colors. The mere fact that we have weapons, such as they are, is a deterrent to the tyrants. There is a big push to ban most if not all citizen arms at this time and to do so, the tyrants will use all means at their disposal including fear, emotion and “logic”. We’ve seen it repeatedly. Panicked, knee-jerk reaction to horrible incidents like Sandy Hook that do not address the actual problem and certainly do not take an in depth study of the problem.

      To clarify something you said and correct it a bit, you happen to be “preaching” to the largest “military” in the world with your posts. You see, if I’m not mistaken, at any given time the US Military numbers around one million members (that is, unless you have a president like Bill Clinton who cuts it in half, or a president like Barrack Obama who has stated he will do the same). Regardless, that’s not the largest armed group in the world. Yes, I know, you said “military”, I’ll give you that. Nevertheless, you are in fact, addressing your thoughts here to the one hundred million gun owners in America who collectively own roughly 300 million guns. We are the well armed militia of whom the Second Amendment speaks. That was it’s extremely important intent. Do not weaken it further by siding with Good Old Joe Biden who thinks all we need are double barreled shotguns.

    • mtman2 says:

      Small arms are personal + could be used as deterrence in any ‘forced’ confrontation to decent citizens to more than good effect! ‘Arms’ are hand held[get it] ” BEAR” means, have on you[got that]. Full- auto, machine guns or true assault rifles have required a Class-3 permit since 1933. What’s left SHOULD NOT BE INFRINGED any further. Get it yet? WE are saying enough IS enough!!!. This is America; NOT someplace else! LIBERTY it’s what for dinner … +
      = Freedom = “DON’T TREAD ON ME”. It is an American phenomena!!!

      • Greg says:

        Then you must not have heard about suitcase nukes. You know suitcase, as in “portable rectangular travelling case,” something you can bear, in this case, with some strong arms. Get it?

        The NDAA of 2004 repealed the 1994 law prohibiting research and development of small yield nuclear devices. So they are out there. My point was and is, as you confirmed, that there are already limitations on the Second Amendment, and for good reason. There is nothing illegal, immoral or treasonous about putting reasonable, common sense restrictions on an amendment written long before anyone had an inkling of the power that could be placed in our hands.

        • Thom says:

          I see no reasoning at all in your reply to “mt2man. We have several departments whose sole responsibility is to keep America safe. FBI, CIA, DHS and if they need to they can call up people like the Seal Teams, Green Berats, Rangers, Marines, Army, Navy, National Guard, and the USAF, etc.

          Any laws restricting “gun” ownership are illegal and unconstitutional. r/ Dick Act of 1903 stat.775….. I also believe that records have been noted concerning all nuclear devices. However, that brings to mind the fact that they couldn’t keep track of several terrorist and some 747’s so I have some, “a little’, doubt that a suit case loaded with a nuke could never slip by unnoticed. (Maybe more than a little)

          Besides that suitcase has nothing what-so-ever to do with the 2A or the Constitution. Your grasping at straws SIR.

          • Greg says:

            Thom, I think most of the pro gun arguments here are not about keeping America safe, but keeping citizens safe from America. You know, that whole tryanny thing. So my point is completely relevant. Its a slippery slope argument put in reverse to highlight the silliness of slippery slope arguments in this case. And the danger of an escalating arms race.

            • Greg,

              It’s simple, the gov. has NO authority to pass laws limiting the 2nd A. scotus has ruled some laws are permissible, we are living with that now. We don’t have to let more unconstitutional laws be passed. Do you think the gov wants to start a war using the military against us, here on US soil??? They don’t. What they can try is stealth, sneakiness, using an accusation of domestic terrorist on a group here, a group there, here a group, there a group, everywhere a group, group….E I E I O. Banning firearms that are suitable for service in the militia, semi auto rifles, takes away the ability to put up a fight. Registration tells them where those firearms are. What’s silliness is people thinking it can’t/won’t happen. My gosh man, they are already preparing. What do you think is going to happen when the economy crashes????

              • goyaathle says:

                Hi Laura, I guess my comments of that last few days must have been to demure to incite any responses. I am thinking now of your slippery slope comment. Australia is a perfect example. When I was in VietNam in the early seventies I took a thirty-day leave to Australia and got to go on a guided tour of some of the outback. Every where I looked someone was carrying a gun some to protect themselves from Crocks and other dangerous critters. Shortly after I left there a nut went off and killed a number of people with a semi-auto rifle. Parliament immediately put a ban on semi-auto weapons. A very short time later a pump shotgun was used in a mass killing and pumps were made illegal. Now it is almost an act of God for people to get permission to own a gun. Self defense is not even considered a reason to own a gun. You either have to register as a hunter or be a member of a shooting team and if you do not compete at least four times a year your weapon will be confiscated and you will not be allowed to get another one. Every one now knows what a safe and peaceful place Australia has become, just like Chicago here in the US. Violent crime has increased almost 300% over last few years.

                • goyaathle,

                  No, Sir, I try to respond to everyone, I know I miss some, but I do try. I responded to one of your comments in a new message thread because I couldn’t read my comments anymore since they were only a couple of words a line. I’m sorry it’s extra work, but if you go through the comments you should find my reply to you.

                  We must not allow ANY more laws to be passed, it’s as simple, but imperative, as that. We MUST stop this assault on ALL of our unalienable rights right now. If they manage to pass these laws – when they don’t work – they will say, ‘we didn’t do enough, we must do more.’

                  I do hope you find my comment. 🙂


                  • goyaathle says:

                    thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I just received this article that all must see even Mark http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/va-says-routine-is-to-threaten-vets-gun-rights/
                    Mark keeps saying that we should let the Government register all our guns. My mother was a member of the Te’Dene’ people and she saw first hand what the government will do if they get everything they want. She was born on the Apache reservation at Fort Sill Oklahoma. Her people were considered prisoners of war and the reservation land was their prison. As soon as they were freed, the whites stole that land as well. In the late 1800 the Lakota People were told by the Government in a treaty that the land of the Black Hills would belong to them “as Long and the Grass grew and the water flowed”. Three years after the treaty was signed a colonel of the 7th cavalry was sent with a company of soldiers and a newspaperman into the black hills. Their instructions were tell any miners who were in the mountains that they had to leave indian land. When Custer left the black hills he had the reporter place in his article that to get rich in the Black Hills it only required a person to pull a handful of grass and shake the gold off the roots. The government decided it was easier take the Lakota land than to abide by the treaty. The government sent a message to the Lakota that if they did not immediately report to the reservation they would be considered hostile.
                    The Lokota won the next big battle at the “Little big Horn” but they lost the war and their land. Although the people of the government have changed, the deceitfulness of the present government is still the same.

                    • Lou says:

                      All government is bad, but Big Government is the worst. One would have to be a fool to trust government with their basic freedoms, which is why one of the old gray-haired guys once said – “The price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.”

                    • goyaathle,

                      I’ve read this article and others, the treatment of our veterans by our government is shameful. You are entirely correct, the people change, but their motives and actions remain the same. The people are being attacked on many fronts, every week there is a new injustice perpetrated on us. Innocent until proven guilty? Not anymore, now it’s guilty until you prove you’re innocent and hey, guess what….you get to pay for it.

        • GreatGoogleyMoogleY says:

          Hey Gregg I didnt realise u could buy a suitcase nuke at the gun store , wow lemme go get one. Man u are such a tool. The difference between 1776 and the musket era is, back then they believed in God and had morals and taught them to their children instead of telling their children anythings ok and there are no absolutes. Today we dont and the result is our children have grown uo to be assholes and democrats. If u notice all of the recent last 2 years mass shootings were done by people how had professed or were card carrying liberals.Kinda makes u wonder huh? I taught my Kids about God and had em sunday school and church everytime the doors opened, they still go and they dont have a desire to commit mass murder if for no other reason than they know its frikkin wrong.

    • Greg,

      I put together some quotes in hopes of helping you understand the Founders meaning of arms, their thoughts on the militia, and their provisions for the citizens to deal with an oppressive government. I don’t expect these quotes to change your mind, nor am I trying to do that. I’m just hoping this will help you understand WHY so many people believe as they do.

      Congress was considering its first mlitia act, Congressman James Jackson (Georgia) commented on his vision of a militia: “In a Republic every man ought to be a soldier, and prepared to resist tyranny and usurpation, as well as invasion, and to prevent the greatest of all evils–a standing army.” —“The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States,” Gales and Seaton, pub., 1834 (at 1853).

      Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story (appointed by James Madison in 1811):
      “The importance of this article [the Second Amendment] will scarcely be doubted by any persons, who have duly reflected upon the subject. The militia is the natural defence of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of power by rulers.” [emphasis added]
      —Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, CHAPTER XLIV, AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION

      Even James Madison, himself, wrote that the Constitution was “subject to the Revolutionary Rights of the people in extreme cases.” [emphasis original] (James Madison to Daniel Webster, 15 Mar. 1833, Writings 9:604–5) James Wilson, another Founder, wrote, “a revolution principle certainly is, and certainly should be taught as a principle of the constitution of the United States, and of every State in the Union.” (James Wilson, Of the Study of the Law in the United States, Lectures on Law 1791 Works 1:76–79)

      “Provided, That the militia of the counties westward of the Blue Ridge, and the counties adjoining thereto, shall not be obligated to be armed with muskets, but may have good rifles with proper accoutrements, in lieu thereof. And every of the said officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates shall constantly keep the aforesaid arms, accoutrements, and ammunition, ready to be produced whenever called for by his commanding officer.” [1785] — The Statutes at Large, Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, vol. 12, p. 12

      “[S]ubjecting the whole body of the people to be drawn out four or five times a year was a great and unnecessary tax on the community…As far as the whole body of the people are necessary to the general defence, they ought to be armed; but the law ought not to require more than is necessary; for that would be a just cause of complaint.” [1790] — Representative Thomas Fitzsimons (Pennsylvania) “The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States,” Gales and Seaton, pub., 1834 (at 1852).

      “There are so few freemen in the United States who are not able to provide themselves with arms and accoutrements, that any provision on the part of the United States is unnecessary and improper.” [1790] — Representative Roger Sherman (Connecticut) “The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States,” Gales and Seaton, pub., 1834 (at 1854).

      “That every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt…”
      — Militia Act of 1792

      The supporters of the Constitution expounded its meaning and benefits during the fall and winter of 1787-1788 in a series of newspaper articles, afterwards published in book form as The Federalist. James Madison wrote that “the advantage of being armed” was a condition “the Americans possess over the people of almost every nation.” He charged that the despots of Europe were “afraid to trust the people with arms,” and envisioned a militia amounting to near half a million citizens “with arms in their hands.”[67]

      The right to arms was also expounded in pamphlets by Noah Webster[68] and Richard Henry Lee.[69] Like Madison, both supported the concept of an armed citizenry as a deterrent to oppression. [67] The Federalist No. 46, at 299 (J. Madison) (Mentor Book ed. 1961). [68] Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive. Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States 51, 56 (P. Ford ed. 1888).

      [69] “[T]o preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them….” Letters From the Federal Farmer to the Republican 124 (W. Bennett ed. 1978).

      Thank you,

      • Brad says:

        Thank you Laura for the post and for taking the time to look those quotes up. Too many people are either unaware of or are unwilling to research just exactly what was the “original intent” of our Founding Fathers. I have heard liberals time and time again saying that the right for all citizens to keep and bear arms was NOT the original intent. Those are just more lies and obfuscation, another tool of the left.

        “Our main agenda is to have ALL guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn’t matter if you have to distort facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” Sarah Brady

        “Our ultimate goal- total control of handguns in the United States- is going to take time… The first problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns being produced… The second problem is to get handguns registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of handguns and all handgun ammunition- except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors – totally illegal.” Sarah Brady again.

        • Brad,

          It was absolutely my pleasure, I love research. I get very excited when I find the exact item for what I am looking or something I didn’t expect. I don’t sleep well sometimes so I fill my sleepless nights with research. I’ve been learning about this issue for only 3 months, since Sandy Hook. I had been researching the other Constitutional rights violations for several months, but the gun debate is fairly recent. I am fascinated. I never cared for history in high school and I don’t need any history for my associate’s degree. It’s natural for a person to become interested when something previously taken for granted is suddenly threatened. I was stunned by the election results, I know now what happened, though. When it was over I began doing more in depth research, greatly disturbed by what I discovered. Reading tons and tons of articles and the comments. Boy, the comments really shocked me. I didn’t know people could have such a strong dislike and complete disdain for total strangers. I’ve begun to ramble, so I know it’s time to stop.

          Thanks again,


        • Greg says:

          That first quote from Sarah Brady is bogus. Here is a reference from a pro gun site: http://www.guncite.com/gun_control_gcbogus_brady.html

          The second one is probably accurate, but not sure. But the point you were making is …? What Obama/Biden are trying to accomplish is not a total ban on guns for civilian use. Not even close.

          • Brad says:

            Greg, Sarah Brady said many things that seemed contradictory. I have seen the quote attributed to her from many sources, but I wasn’t there when she said or did not say it so I can only share what I have found. If the quote was incorrect, I apologize. I do not like to disseminate false information.

            What really gets me is that sometimes she would say things that even I could agree with, but then later would contradict herself. Kinda like Obama does. You have to admit that he has been caught numerous times saying the exact opposite thing that he had said previously, and on many different topics and occasions. I’m a Naturopahtic Doctor, not a psychiatrist, but that sounds to me like a pathological liar.

            • Brad says:

              oops that should have read Naturopathic.

            • Mark says:


              Since I have been posting here you have called me a liar, accused me of twisting words, misquoting and worse. But not once have I have lied or done the tings your accuse me of. You have regularly misquoted and pushed untruths. You said that academia is flawed and studies are all lies. Then 10 minutes later quoted studies and academic sources. Just as well that most homeopathy is pretty harmless or your clients would be at imminent risk of injury given that you fit your sources to your preconceptions.

              Try to open yourself up to truth?

            • GreatGoogleyMoogleY says:

              Thats hitting the nail on the Head Brad!! As the Real Americans would say he speaks with a FORKED tongue. That goes for the 3 stooges also( Biden, Pelosi, and Reid).

      • Greg says:

        Thanks for the quotes. That does help me understand the reasoning behind the Second Amendment. But (there is always a but…) my point is that technology has changed the power we can hold in our hands. That is vitally important to this debate. Could the framers of our Constitution foresee the types of weapons we now have? Not likely. If they had, I suspect 2A would have been worded more carefully. We now face an escalating arms race, not only between the “good” and “bad” guys, with children as “collateral damage,“ but also between the government and its citizens. I don’t think anybody will win in that scenario.

        • Greg,

          Thank you SO much for honoring me by taking my post seriously and reading the quotes. I am very thankful, you had no obligation to do so. I’m nervous because I’m asking for your indulgence a 2nd time. The first quotes were to set the stage (not to trap or trick you, never), but to give you the background information. I think I know in what order to present this, but it is so critical, I don’t want to mess it up.

          I’ll summarize: The FFs were so careful to divide the powers between the states and fed., people ALWAYS retain the power, but they kind of loan it to state & fed so the country can run smoothly. The fed gov has ONLY the enumerated powers listed in the Const. (I’m abrv. cause this could be long). All laws/legislation used to carry out those functions are supreme, they trump state laws. But, their supremacy ONLY relates to those specific enumerated powers (if you know all this I apologize for ‘teaching’ what you already know). For ALL state laws not pertaining to the feds. the STATE has supremacy.

          Way back SCOTUS did our Republic terrible harm. They unconstitutionally EXPANDED the feds. powers past their enumerated ones. That was the first wound. State’s were out of the fight yet, but they were wounded. The knockout blow came when the 17th A was ratified. This was a grievous blow. Before the 17th, Senators were elected by their respective state legislatures, they represented state interests in Congress. This was one of the many C&Bs the Framers provided to keep the fed. from usurping state powers and becoming too powerful. The 17th allowed the people to directly elect senators just as they did the House. That killed the states, without Senators speaking for the states and making sure no legislation was passed that stole power from the state, it was pretty much over. Since then slowly or not, the fed gov has assumed supremacy in ways it was never intended.

          That brought us to where we are now. The fed gov pretty much has supremacy in everything. Many people have no clue that this has happened, it’s just how it’s always been for them. Because SCOTUS keep expanding the enumerated powers of the fed, for a long time our government has been operating in an illegal and unconstitutional manner. I can’t speak to the truth of this, I looked for some mention of it but didn’t find any: I heard(the famous ‘I heard’) that a senator or rep once said that ‘half the laws we pass are unconstitutional.’ Again, probably just an urban myth. In fact all the laws they have passed have been unconstitutional because the very gov. itself is illegitimate. People don’t know ( I’m sure SOME people know-they have no interest in fixing it though), it’s always been like this. I hope I’ve been explaining this correctly. (please don’t think I am advocating ANY kind of action, I’m just explaining).

          (cont. in new comment)

          • stvenkng says:

            You were correct, that statement (“half the laws etc…etc…”) was made by a Dem. U.S. Congressman on national T.V. in response to the question, “aren’t you concerned that this may not be Constitutional?” asked during the winding down of the Healthcare debates

            • stvenkng,
              Thank you, that is so sweet of you to let me know that. I am working on the second part of my comment, it will show what past legislators have said about gun control. The quotes aren’t recent, but I’m using them to show that the actual intent is to completely disarm us. Currently no one wants to admit that disarming is their intent, but it is, we cannot let them do this. I just finished reading this article:

              ‘The Constitutionality of Federal Gun Control Laws by Diane Rufino Attorney at Law’ randysrightiii.wordpress.com

              It is the single best article on the illegitimacy of all gun control laws. It also discusses fed, state, individual supremacy; unconstitutional laws; explains how scotus was never intended to be the last word on constitutionality of laws. The illegitimacy of our gov. and scotus. If you only read one article on gun control it should be this one. I don’t have the words to explain it.

              Thank you again for giving me this information,

            • 7delta says:

              was made by a Dem. U.S. Congressman on national T.V. in response to the question, “aren’t you concerned that this may not be Constitutional?”

              That may have been James Clyburn (SC). There was another one in California who made a similar statement in response to a Constitutionality question, but said something more along the lines that Congress could do whatever it wants.

              • stvenkng says:

                Yeah and leave it up to SCOTUS to sort it out, (not Clyburn though, black Congressman but not him) I know Clyburn It will come to me who said it…

                • 7delta says:

                  I know Clyburn

                  Yeah, he’s a piece of work. I’m still dumbfounded by a statement made by his daughter, Mignon, who is something in the FCC. She said in a conference that it’s the civil right of all ‘nappy-headed children’ (her words) to have free access to high-speed Internet. I don’t know whether to despair for the poor state of our educational system or to be horrified that a black woman would equate civil rights to a commodity that can be bought and sold on the market. I suppose it’s both. Either way… The irony of such a juxtaposition blows me away. Hello? Anybody home at Mignon’s house? But then, in the way of explanation, there’s dad. I can only shake my head.

                  How about Charlie Rangel? He’s said some ‘interesting’ things too. Then there’s always Maxine Waters. Her synaptic process is always slower than her mouth.

                  • stvenkng says:

                    No not old Maxine or Charlie, I can see him in my minds eye, black gentleman, older (of course) heavy mustache…. As for Mignon what do you expect, dude named his daughter after a piece of meat

        • (cont,) Greg,
          I had to chuckle when I saw the link you posted for Brad, guncite is an excellent site. In fact at the bottom of the page in that link is a link to another page, titled “Nobody Wants To Take Your Guns.” I was going to include quotes from legislators showing their intentions for a complete gun ban, but I just finished reading the best article on the unconstitutionality of all gun control laws and how our gov and scotus are illegitimate. It’s long, but it has much history of the 2nd A, many quotes from the framers explains the reasons all gun control laws are unconstitutional, explains sovereignty of individual, state and fed. gov., supremacy of state vs supremacy of fed. gov., how the people contracted with each other to create state gov. and states contracted with each other to form fed. gov. and how, as the product of the contract with the states, the fed gov has the least power, how scotus is operating illegitimately and was never intended to decide constitutionality of laws and that they are not the final word on it. It’s an amazing article.


        • Greg,
          In my excitement over this article I just read I left something out. Yes, the Founding Fathers did know that advances would be made in firearms. The purpose of the militia was to provide defense of their community, state, or aiding the military in defense of the country. The article talks about arms and exactly how the FFs intended the militia to be armed. They were acting as soldiers, so they should be armed as a soldier would be. Arms meant any weapon they would use with their hands. It doesn’t matter what the time period is, they were to be armed equal to soldiers. I really hope you read that article.

          • 7delta says:

            Arms meant any weapon they would use with their hands. It doesn’t matter what the time period is, they were to be armed equal to soldiers.

            SCOTUS has upheld that the 2nd Amendment protections include arms equitable with the military. I can’t recall the cases at the moment, but I’m sure a quick search would find them.

            I agree with Laura that the founders were well aware that technology would advance. They were well educated men, far better educated than the majority of people today. They saw new inventions and discoveries in their lifetime too. Ben Franklin was an inventor, among other things. I cannot imagine that they never entertained the idea that weapons technology would also advance. In fact, before the last of them had died, approximately fifty years or so following the Constitution, repeater rifles and revolvers began to enter the scene.

            Because they were classically educated–many spoke several languages, as well as read Greek and Latin–they were also well aware of man’s history, that human nature and unchecked power was far more dangerous to the life and liberty of people than any firearm or weapon that existed or would ever exist. They were keenly aware that gun control is not about guns, but about people control, as evidenced by their statements that countries in Europe did not trust their people with firearms.

            Another point I think is relevant in rebuttal to those who claim the 2nd Amendment was meant only for organized militias (in addition to the numerous quotes confirming the unalienable right to own firearms and that the people ARE the militia) is that following the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, which resulted in Hamilton’s death, no one called for citizen disarmament or claimed Burr and Hamilton were breaking the law by private ownership of guns, even though dueling was against the law. The founders themselves were gun owners.

            There is a quote I like, but have not been able to verify, that’s a good quote nonetheless, because it expresses the truth about the proper relationship between any people and their government. Supposedly, when a British Admiral was asked if he would protect the government against an uprising of the people, he replied that any government that needed protection from its own people did not deserve protecting. It’s this type of sentiment that prompted the framers of the Constitution to make all oaths to the Constitution and not to any man or office. Contained in the oath enlisted military take is the pledge to obey orders, but their fealty is to the Constitution and to obeying lawful orders.

            The argument often made by gun control advocates is that pro-2nd Amendment people think they should be allowed nukes and RPG’s, etc. No one on the pro-side has ever mentioned or advocated for the right to make nukes in their basement or to own RPG’s or hydrogen bombs. I know of no one who does not recognize the difference between the military’s role and their role as a private gun owner. However, if there is no limitation to the restrictions government can impose, there is no 2nd Amendment protection.

            • stvenkng says:

              he replied that any government that needed protection from its own people did not deserve protecting. I like that whether or not it was an actual quote from that particular person place or time, it is relevant at any place and at any time

            • 7delta,

              I am in awe of your comments, all of you gentlemen posting on this blog. I am very grateful to be able to read your comments and I am really enjoy learning from all of you.

              SCOTUS decision Miller ruled the sawed off shotgun wasn’t protected by the 2nd because it wasn’t a weapon traditionally used in militia service. And, of course, Heller referenced Miller a few times and used the same words, ‘in common use at the time.’

              I have read that quote about the Admiral. In my mind I see it on a page with a picture of a sea battle – stormy grey skies and rough water.

              GREG: U.S. Code 311 provides for the unorganized, reserve militia. It’s mentioned right beneath the National Guard. The government has authority over the National Guard and equips it. However, it has no authority of the citizen’s militia until that militia is called out for service and militia members provide their own arms.


          • Greg says:

            Laura, which article are you referring to? Is it “Nobody Wants To Take Your Guns” from guncite.com or another one?

            • Greg,

              My apologies, I looked over the conversation and realized I posted the article title in a reply to someone else, not to you. “‘The Constitutionality of Federal Gun Control Laws by Diane Rufino Attorney at Law’ randysrightiii.wordpress.com


        • s says:

          The 2nd amendment is just as relevant today. When written, farmers had the same technology that the Government had and that’s all we are asking for today. I get not allowing me to own an Abrams Tank (although I’m not sure that I cannot) and most people should not have access to a LAW or a shoulder fired Stinger (though a few in properly trained hands might not be so bad) and no one cried out when private ownership of full auto capable weapons was restricted, but (yes there is always a “but”) this is different, every gun I own, none of which could even remotely be considered an “assault weapon”, is on Feinstein’s list from my Ruger .223 to my 12 gauge pump and everything in between with the exception of a .22 single shot rifle. I spent 6 1/2 years in the Marine Corps, half that time was spent in combat in Vietnam the rest in hospitals recovering from wounds and in phys. therapy preparing for civilian life. I carried some of the most powerful personal weapons on the planet and at no time did any one of them go berserk and start killing innocents as have no weapons that I have owned since that time. I understand in these times the need to win that ideological battle, we see it every day in the House and Senate where no matter what one side says the other side takes a complete and totally opposite stand right wrong or otherwise just because.
          For years we have let the government run loose and let a lot of little things slide but wnen they came after “Big Tobacco” I knew we were in trouble but no one would listen, then they came for the smoker, moving them to special “smoking sections” in restaurants and airplanes then out of government buildings, then out of bars and restaurants now in some places it is illegal to smoke in your own car or just about anywhere outside your own home. Then came the big $10.00 per carton Obama tax for healthcare for children, where did that money go… Now You can’t buy a 32 0z drink in NYC, no matter what it is (coffee, tea, milk, water or whatever) and then, bang, a few mentally disturbed individuals who never should have had access to a gun were allowed to do something stupid and now because of the guilt felt by those in charge because they failed to protect those innocents who died they began to go after those evil gun owners, but (there it is again) the government never does anything in measure it’s all or nothing. When they wrote a law years ago banning alcohol from commercial trucks they did not stop at beer wine and liquor they even banned mouthwash now how stupid is that, most people would be puking their guts out before they got a buz on mouthwash… anyway, this gun thing has gone from a few simple registration regulations to out and out bans and confiscation. If they get my guns what will be next, what do you have that they might want.. That new Vette (no one needs a 650 horse power car) the big screen TV (19″ uses a lot less energy}, a collector car(anything over 10 years old is a gas guzzler} or maybe something simple. A cod beer, a glass of wine, a rare steak no matter what it is eventually they will come for you, and who will defend you, not me men like me died when they came for our guns. Make sure you truly understand which side you are fighting for, I am not your enemy…

        • mtman2 says:

          Reply to Laura: “Good guy’s vs bad w/children as collateral damage”. Well, that’s the point! Then “…the government + it’s citizens”; the citizens don’t belong to ‘the government’ – this is the problem w/folks that get it backwards- it IS the citizens + THEIR government! = “…OF FOR + BY THE PEOPLE”. As for the advance in weaponry, all things being ‘equal’, is also the point. The Founders basics in wording is also the point + it’s sure w/in depth understanding that deciphering the RIGHTS of them are clear; even today so far removed from real wisdom as WE are.

  21. An Old Crow says:

    It is a sad commentary that too many elected officials AND citizens or our great land do not know the difference between a Democracy and a Constitutional Republic. In a country that boasts a higher percentage of educated citizens from the rest of the world, this is insanity. I’ll keep my guns, thank you!

    • Scott says:

      I couldn’t agree more! Citizens and even the politicians and president have been quoted as calling what we have a “Democracy”. I would say to those folks – GET EDUCATED! This nation is NOT a democracy..it IS a Constitutional Republic! There IS a difference! Democracy means “majority rule…minority comply”. Our Republic was founded on the RULE OF LAW, to protect the smallest of the minorities from the rule of the majority! Oh, and I’ll keep my guns too!

      • They’ve also been calling themselves ‘leaders’ instead of representatives. This began in the sixties, I think; at least that’s when I began to notice it. They are trying to get us to acknowledge that they are leaders, to forget that we are citizens, not subjects.

        Most of them couldn’t lead a starving dog to a picnic.

  22. Roger Willco says:


    Thank you for writing what most of us were afraid to say. I don’t know what the future will bring, but we should be prepared for anything. That means we have to war-game different scenarios.

    We cannot be “revolutionaries.” We who believe in the Constitution cannot rebel against the supreme law of the land. It is the Communists who have been elected by ignorant voters for the past one hundred years who have been revolting against the Constitution. If it comes to a fight, we will be “restorers” who are simply trying to restore the supreme law of the land and have it recognized today.

    Is it possible for us to resist our high-tech government which possesses god-like powers of surveillance and destruction over long distances? Yes, but it would be a bloody mess. The truth is that it is almost impossible to win a war against guerrillas. If General Lee had used guerrilla tactics, like General Washington did, the Confederate States of America would have won their independence. The North Vietnamese proved that the American military can be defeated, although they suffered terribly (we killed one and a half million of their guys). Today we watch as our military is kept from achieving victory by terrorists armed with IEDs, rifles, mortars and RPGs. They don’t have tanks, helicoptors, or submarines.

    Like Charlton Heston said, “They will take my guns from my cold, dead hands.” Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • mtman2 says:

      All good points except “defeated” in Vietnam. The South was defeated, WE ‘bugged’ out thanks to LBJ’s indecisiveness,Walter ‘Cronkbite'{after Tet}, +’Teddy’ Kennedy’s deciding vote to cut + run. WE 1/2 did that in Korea, which gave the commie world the idea if they could back Ho-Che-Minh long enough U.S. public opinion would falter + blow the U.S. political winds toward abandonment + it did. Khe-San proved our boy’s metal when against many times their numbers they held out with ‘Thermopoli’ courage facing unstoppable artillery hits + advances until air strikes could help them. The ‘Amerikan’-Lib/Progs defeated our troops + demoralized the military + the country until Ronaldus Magnus was swept into office.

  23. Pingback: If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight? – A Historic Blog Written by An American Hero Named Dean Garrison (2-23-2013) | 16 WordPress Websites That Brought The Feds Down!!

  24. Pingback: If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight? (Posted on January 3, 2013 by Dean Garrison) | A Call For Justifiable Revolution in America by AD

  25. Pingback: If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight? (Posted on January 3, 2013 by Dean Garrison) | July4threvolution

  26. Pingback: If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight? (Posted on January 3, 2013 by Dean Garrison) | A Call For Revolution In America and Worldwide

  27. Fish says:

    Re: 7delta’s comment “True, many terrible things happened between the Indians and the settlers and the federal government has indeed reneged on treaties and promises, as well as ripping off the Indians to the money owed them by land leases. ”
    I just wanted to clarify that these actions WERE ALSO the actions taken by Government, not “We The People”.

    From an Army/Air Force vet of 20 years and an unshakeable Patriot. Thanks for all you do.
    Freedom For America


  28. Perry Douglas says:

    Funny how there are two words that also appear in the 2nd amendment, along with the right to bear arms, that most of you choose to ignore. They are, “WELL REGULATED”. So, before you start using the constitution as pretext to assault your fellow citizens in an armed insurrection against the very same government to is built on it, please, at least take the time to read it in it’s entirety. Thank you.

    • Thom says:

      There’s nothing funny about anything. obama is like a cancer, eating away at our national pride and personal freedoms. I say throw him out with the garbage and lock up the rest of his dishonest and treasonist administration. Make them an example of what happens when you screw around with our Constitution.

      • Perry Douglas says:

        The opinions of you and others here seem more like some mindless mudsling, hissing, spitting and kicking like an animal with no logical reason. Like it or not, he is supported by the majority of the voters in this country. I am curious; can you honestly say that at least part of your hostility toward him is not racially motivated? Because you are so full of irrational and emotional loathing that it sounds that way. Contrary to the popular opinion around this lynch mob of a website, the constitution is a living document that evolves and changes every time our representatives in congress enact a law. Your personal freedom and rights should not be at the cost of someone else’s. There must be balance and compromise. If it were your child laying dead at the hands of a madman that should never, in anyone’s right mind, be allowed to exercise his right to bear arms, or because your health care would not cover treatment that might have saved his life, I bet you might be more willing to reconsider you views. The most tragic thing for you is that I bet you think that the Republicans truly have your best interests at heart. I have news for you. Their only goal is to maintain the status quo in our socio-economic cast system, allowing for the masses to continue to be exploited to support a bunch of fat cats’ illusion of elitism and power. Wake up! they don’t care about you!

        • Thom says:

          You just proved my point. Thank you very much. The reason I even replied to your rude post was because of the term you used to describe our concerns and that was “armed insurrection”. Would you like for me to continue on with my feelings as to just what this gangster sitting in the oval office really means to me and about 200,000,000 million others? What did Bush say about “fuzzy” numbers? You are guilty of using fuzzy numbers also as most liberals would be.

          207.5 million eligible voters in the USA and out of those about 150 million are registered. obama=63,000,000,, Romney=60,000,000. And these numbers are also “fuzzy” because it is hard to determine how many fraudulent votes were cast.

          Even then “both” parties were surprised at how the election turned out. If the silent mayority had bothered to vote( which I am sure many of them regret they didn’t) it would most likely been a landslide victory for Romney. I am willing to admit that he was not my first choice , but he was the best choice I was given. And if nothing else he is a honest man that unquestionally loves America.

          It is well known that voters around and in Portland, OR are die hard liberals, so why are you even on this site other than being a troll looking for an arguement. You are the racist for even suggesting I might be and the remark you made about my children proves that liberals love to dance in the blood of victims if it will help to obtain their agenda.

          How much of my hard earned money should I give to a bunch of lazy no accounts to make it fair? And I rely on myself to insure my own best interest, people like you rely on the government just in order to eat.

          Don’t think for a minute that I think you are willing to compromise or for that matter have any concern about balance because I don’t, and why I don’t is because I figure you would eat your young if you thought it would make life better for you.

          You and people like you are the greatest threat to our nations pride and to our personal freedoms.

          • Perry Douglas says:

            Take a look at exactly what percentage of income tax goes to pay for public assistance. Although I will admit there is fraud and abuse in those programs, all of public assistance makes up about 1% of tax dollars. Sexual harassment in government makes up 20%. Combine that with the waste fraud and abuse taking place with all the pork barrel and defense contracts, with $500 hammers and such; complaining about welfare i like complaining about the pimple on the ass of the elephant in the room.
            No one should have to loose everything if someone in their family gets sick. No one should have to loose and child to a madman that should never have been allowed to own a gun. You will never convince the majority otherwise. What you call bathing in the blood…I call empathy; A thing that does no longer exists within the Republican party for decades. You have yours so F**K everybody else, right?

            • I do have mine, I earned it, and I will to do with it as I please, not what some sweatturd of a president tells me what to do. Or what a crazed liberal thinks is right. There’s not a hand full of politicians on both sides of the aisle combined that is worth their salt. I’m all for taking out the trash and starting over and outlawing liberals that think Christmas should be holliday, or commies should be teaching our children, or gays should be Boy Scout leaders, or the cross should not be displayed in public. You haven’t been able to counter 99% of my remarks and that comes as no surprise to any of the patriots that contribute to this blog. Get lost asshole and find a site where you will be at home wallowing in your own self pity.

            • Brad says:

              Empathy???? You have no empathy… You want to take away from those who have worked, suffered, risked all that they have to accomplish some measure of success in their life and you want to give it to some lazy, no account who is not willing to work for his/her own subsistence. The problem with Liberals is sooner or later they run out of everyone else’s money. I don’t see any of your rich liberal friends offering up their money. But I do see good upstanding folks like Rand Paul, scrimping and saving his “allotted” federal money for his offices. Paying attention to every purchase, looking for the best deals and then returning the unused portion to the federal government to help reign in spending and the deficit.

            • Harley Earl says:

              Perry …you take care of the leaches and parasites that are infecting our society if your so concerned about their welfare. If your a typical liberal I’ll bet you contributed very little that can be reported on you tax return. All you can do is spend somebody else’s money you self righteous pompous ass! No one has the right to steal another s money to give to somebody else. Sexual harassment makes up 20% ….are you smoking the weed…what in the world are you talking about boy?

              • Brad says:

                get him Harley… attack! I see you are getting about as angry with these idiots as I am. You can only explain things so many times. These liberals are worse than a two year old when it comes to comprehension.

            • Oswald Bastable says:

              Perry…how does “sexual harassment” take up 20% of tax dollars? Please be specific, as such a bold and unsubstantiated statement deserves clear delineation.

              • Perry says:

                I love it. I am enjoying this fervent overflowing of fear and loathing from all you in the rabid right in response to my posts. Thank you for furthering my cause.
                The words well regulated may be used in a sentence in the second amendment, it’s true. However, it suggests to me that in order to posses a gun you must be a member of such an organization. You must admit most gun owners are not. I am for the right to bear arms. I just think we should be testing for mental and emotional stability before letting someone walk out of Walmart with an assault rifle. I don’t think it’s asking too much.
                You all love to point out that the feds are sticking their nose in your business but, you have not problem with laws limiting things like abortion or same sex marriage. The list goes on: “don’t raise taxes.” unless its payroll taxes, “defend the family.” unless you are an immigrant, “big government is bad.” except the military part or a pork barrel project that you can benefit from, It’s hypocritical.
                Most of us believe in a society that is inclusive not exclusive, where there are rules that make the game winnable for everyone, not just the ones lucky enough to be in the right position to exploit the rest of us.

                • Oswald Bastable says:

                  You are apparently delusional, or at best, full goose bozo. What, in the name of all that is both logical and reasonable does your response have to do with my question?

                  Are you even capable of parsing the English language?

                  Have you been skipping your meds lately?

                • Oswald Bastable says:

                  I believe we should be testing you, Perry, for mental and emotional stability, before allowing you the right to your 1st Amendment.

                  Your responses indicate you’d fail that test, but I’m sure you won’t mind such a restriction upon your rights…would you?

                • Thom says:

                  You have no idea how I feel about any subject other than what we are discussing in this forum.

                  TROLL> Sometimes compared to the Japanese ‘Oni’, a troll is a supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, whose race was thought to have carried massive stones into the countryside (although actually the result of glaciers). Lives in hills, mountains, caves, or under bridges. They are stupid, large, brutish, hairy, long-nosed, and bug-eyed, and may also have multiple heads or horns. Trolls love to eat people, especially small children.
                  The Females of the species are generally kinder and more intelligent, but still fairly hideous.

                • Harley Earl says:

                  No Perry what you want is for the Federal Government to guarantee that you will be successful before you put forth the effort and if your not then you want them to take it from somebody who is and give it to you…..that’s not the purpose of the federal government to guarantee your sucess…that’s your job. get off your lazy ass if you want more and go get it.

                • Harley Earl says:

                  Perry, what is your definition of an “ASSAULT RIFLE” ? That term is thrown around so loosely it’s ridiculous. What your referring to is a semi automatic rifle of which one bullet comes out of the barrel every time the trigger is pulled…..no different than a semi automatic “HUNTING RIFLE” other than the way they look they both function the same…….. One looks “SCAREY” the other doesn’t.

                • Greg says:

                  Excellent post. I’m not surprised that the majority of replies to the posts you and Mark have made are ad hominem. So much for the assertion by one poster that “law abiding citizens” advocating for unrestricted access to guns are fully in control of their emotions.

                  Still haven’t heard a sensible reply to my earlier post that the Second Amendment doesn’t even mention guns. If it is “inviolable” and the “Supreme Law” of the land, then we all have the right to any arms we can get our hands on, including nuclear. To advocate such an extreme position, however, would be insane. There are many types of arms that are banned from civilian use, so the Second Amendment already has been “infringed,” and for good reason. These restrictions have been in place long before President Obama was voted into office, so people here should calm down. Obama is not setting any new precedents by banning weapons that put us all in danger.

                  And please, reply to the argument, not the person.

                  • My dear Sir, I have already schooled Mr. Perry Douglas on the meaning of ‘well regulated’ (to which he has not replied), but I will NOT do your homework for you. I encourage anyone else who decides to reply to your comment to offer the same advice. Some people who have commented on the article have done EXTENSIVE research on the 2nd Amendment, the Bill of Rights, The Constitution, and The Declaration of Independence. Not only those wonderful documents, but other writings of the Founding Fathers, so they may understand the thoughts of the authors of those wonderful documents and the word usage of that time. However, you don’t need to go all the way back to our Founding Fathers to understand what ‘arms’ means. If I may offer a starting point for you: the SCOTUS decisions of Miller and Heller offer definitions anyone can understand and they happen to be the current LEGAL means of deciding what ‘arms’ are covered by the 2nd Amendment, please start there. Then, if you WANT to further your understanding of our Founding Fathers and what they established with the two amazing documents they authored, please read the Federalist Papers and other writings. I wish you the best of luck discovering your answer and learning why the current government we have is an abomination!

                • okole says:

                  Jeezum Perry, what kind of response do you expect from these apish mopes that populate these hate mongering dumbass sites. I’m here to marvel at their f**king stoopidity and yes I do feel and am superior to them

                  • Thom says:

                    Stoopidity? Yep you got that right!!!!!

                  • Brad says:

                    Yeah okole, you just go with that feeling, okay sweetie. Remember what your mommy taught you… those big bad bullies just don’t understand a gentle soul like you. You’re not dumb, they just don’t understand the way you think… You’re special and they’re just jealous.

                    And don’t forget what those wonderful “liberal” teachers taught you, you know, the ones who are secretly socialists and hate America. Remember when they told you that America isn’t any better than any other country? That America is filled with narcissistic, inbred, gun loving racists that hate everyone. That everyone is the same… no one is better than anyone else… everyone gets a participation trophy… there is no wrong answer… NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND, so let’s hold the achievers back and dumb down our country so that slow little Johnny doesn’t get his feelings hurt instead of working to bring little Johnny up to an acceptable level of competency. No honey, the Bible is just a book of fiction, filled with hate and injustice. You don’t need to recite the pledge of allegiance, no honey, loyalty to your country is just a way to suppress your individuality. The flag is just a piece of cloth and promotes hate and envy. No sweetheart, there is no God, do not pray it is a waste of time. Let’s read about little Mary and her two mommies and little Billie and his two daddies, okay? Here, let me teach you how to pleasure yourself… it doesn’t matter what your parents said, it’s okay to explore yourself and try different things such as homosexuality. Your parents are just trying to keep you from having fun…

                    Don’t believe the propagandists that tell you that Americans have defended the freedom of many other countries in many wars and have given their lives, money and equipment and even helped to rebuild those countries they were fighting against after the war was concluded. Those are all lies. Americans are the enemies of social justice and all that is right in the world. No one should have that much money, they should give it to all of us who did nothing to earn it. It’s just not fair that they risked everything that they had, worked over 100 hours a week, missed out on their children’s school plays and life events to ensure that their families were taken care of… and still get to keep what THEY earned and leave us out of those profits. Without US that bought their goods and services they wouldn’t have made a penny. They didn’t build that, WE did.

                    Yeah Okole… You are right… You are so superior to us mere hicks… I bow to your superior wisdom and wit. Please, please, please come and take my guns from me… forget that old piece of parchment that is a “living document” that should change because it is old and outdated. No one should have the right or ability to defend themselves. If it offends one person, no one should be able to have it, do it or say it.

                    Get the HE– out of this country you spineless piece of crap or better yet, YOU come and try to take away my guns. If you do not like this country or the Constitution, principals and laws by which it was founded then go somewhere else that has the form of government you like… But don’t you dare try to shove your immoral, unprincipled, Communist/Marxist/Socials/Facist crap that has FAILED in every country that has ever tried it down our throats.

                    I believe in freedom, served in the military for over 8 years and would die for your right to say and believe what you want, but when you threaten that freedom, you become the enemy and I will do everything within my power to eradicate you. You have just lost your right to be an American citizen… In my humble, patriotic opinion.. MALON LABE!!!!

                    • Thom says:

                      I agree! Surprised? You shouldn’t be. I want to……………………………………………..this sob and everyone else who has toast for brains. I am sick of hearing and seeing these suicidal pieces of human waste appearing on TV and spewing lie after lie to the American people. Talking does no good at all because they don’t listen, they’re just waiting for you to finish so they can spew more of their lies. Its time to declare war and lets see if the American people really want to be free and if so, who, is willing to fight for it.

                      I don’t want to live like they do in England and other countries that have been disarmed. I view them as less than human, like animals in a cage, getting whatever their keeper(s) want to give them. Not being free to do as you please, having others decide what is best for you and your family, if you are even “allowed” to have a family.

                      Force is becoming our only means of insuring none of this is forced on us as Americans. We are a proud people, at least those of us that are willing to earn our keep, And we have a duty to protect our country from any and all tyrants. We can only ride on the back of our forefathers so long. Their ideas are being challenged by obama and his well chosen tzars and its time to act and put an end to it.

                      We need to understand that obama is nothing more than a mere puppet being used by people like George Soros and ilk such as that. The Federal Reserve comes to mind. Most people are not even aware of the fact that the “Federal Reserve” is a private banking system and is largely responsible for the sad state our country is in. They have cleverly manipulated the government into a position to where we are indebted to them so much that we are not really free to carry out business as we see best. It is “time for change” but not the kind of change obama has in mind. I never thought that 50% our population would be people that want to be hand fed.

                    • oldtimer says:

                      Constitution set up for States rule over Feds. Nullification is one option but States also have been taken. Repubs and Dems both under control of NWO so taking back country gonna b tough. Alex Jones (infowars.com) much better candidate to lead than Beck who is a denier in many respects. Good to c so many concerned. No wonder Homeland sec lists veterans as no. 1 terrorist threat. What a way to treat hero’s.

                    • Brad says:

                      Amen Thom, preach it brother. Time to cull the herd of the sick and feeble of mind. Let them make their choice. And if we are successful, deport every last one of them, then reset the requirements for immigration into these United States of America. If you are inclined toward anything other than a free society, you are not welcome.

                • mtman2 says:

                  That last sentence showcases you + UR mindset= SOCIALIST. Our “society” IS a Constitutional Republic. Something -U- haven’t taken time to wrap UR mind around, that would take research, effort + work. Your lazy thanklessness is self evident, parasitic in nature without consequences! Never had a real father to teach you respect for what you don’t understand. As such have remained childish + full of self. Go blog on sites that will praise you; you might get a gold star for the day.

                  • GreatGoogleyMoogleY says:

                    mtmann2 Our fore fathers said time and time agian why the 2nd amendment was put there and explained its meaning over and over. You dont want to know the truth, you refuse to know the truth, because the truth will make you look like the dumbass you are.

            • Oswald Bastable says:

              Quote: “No one should have to loose everything if someone in their family gets sick.” End Quote.

              Which Amendment to the Constitution is it that covers this?

              Quote: “No one should have to loose and child to a madman that should never have been allowed to own a gun.” End Quote.

              Adam Lanza owned no guns. He murdered someone and stole them.

              Quote: “What you call bathing in the blood…I call empathy” End Quote.

              Who here has called anything “bathing in the blood”? Just curious whether you can quote someone here on that, or whether it’s something you’re pulling from the same cavity where your head resides…

              And how’s your empathy doing, vis-a-vis that great and wonderful gun free, liberal ruled plantation known as Chicago…you know, where more children are shot to death each year than have died in all the school shootings to date? How’s your empathy holding up on that, and what do you plan on doing about it, given all the gun laws already in place in Cook County?

              And how’s your empathy doing, vis-a-vis all those underage girls one of your great champions, Bob Menendez, was diddling in the Dominican Republic…on taxpayer dollars, no less? Got any empathy for them?

            • 7delta says:

              No one should have to loose everything if someone in their family gets sick.

              Why should they have to? Who or what put into place the conditions that created the circumstances under which health care costs would necessarily skyrocket? You have to go back to the 1960’s to find the answer, even though the genesis dates back to the 1940’s in deed and to the turn of the 20th Century in theory.

              I’ll give you a hint: If you, a doctor, charge $8.00 a visit to cover your costs, then someone comes along and says they’ll pay for the visits of a certain demographic, but they will only pay you $5.00 per visit, what would happen to your costs? You’d have to increase what you charge your uncovered patients. Now, apply this to other costs too, such as lab work, x-rays, hospitalization and therapies. All charges have to be adjusted to cover the actual cost of care. Now, the benefactor has created a class of people who can’t afford care. The benefactor steps up once again and makes the same offer to cover them, with the same deficit of covering the actual cost. Costs keep rising on the people who are not members of either demographic. Insurance is struggling to keep up. Premiums rise. The benefactor then tells insurance companies and employers they must cover more aspects of health care, because we need to help people to cover these increased costs, whether the insured person needs or wants all the coverage mandated. Insurance companies try to stabilize the skyrocketing costs by forming alliances with specific health care providers, but costs keep rising. The benefactor then tells the insurance companies and employers that they must also pay for medications to help ease the burden on people. The costs of medications go from increasing to exorbitant. And, within such a lumbering dinosaur of a system, fraud becomes an art form for unscrupulous venders and providers.

              While this is all going on, the benefactor demeans, criticizes and blames the negative effects of his own plan on the greed of health care providers, insurers and pharmaceutical companies…and does little to nothing about the fraud, but talk about it. And since the benefactor also has within his control other aspects of the economy, he ‘helps’ by increasing costs on job providers even more through regulations and taxation to help him pay for the help he’s giving to consumers and to protect them from bad things happening, which makes it even more difficult for businesses to operate under the benefactor’s rules and survive. The benefactor helps even more by making it easier for foreign companies to thrive at the expense of domestic companies and calls it ‘free trade’, but it’s ‘free’ only for foreign countries. Now the benefactor can blame trade imbalances, but does nothing to repair the faulty treaties. Then the benefactor points to the local job providers and blames the ones that didn’t go under, but survived by either going to the countries that got special treatment from the benefactor or raised their prices and laid off workers to cover the ever-increasing costs of the benefactor’s help, all the while the benefactor is accepting big donations from the really big companies who have figured out that the only way to survive is to scratch the benefactor’s back and gain a monopoly on his interests by encouraging the benefactor to enact helpful regulations that he can afford as a large conglomerate, but the smaller companies cannot. Rapidly rising costs are passed on to the consumers as companies try to survive and unemployment rises as more companies fail or moved to friendlier environments. Competition to survive creates an unhealthy environment in corporations that compounds the existing problems. The benefactor goes on tour to call them greedy and unfair and demands they pay more into the system so he can help the people. He reminds the people that only he is compassionate and only he cares about them. He tells that anyone who points out the flaws of his methods is just out for himself and the greedy corporations. He studiously ignores that he set into the motion the entire domino effect long ago and now that he has a situation that is untenable, he offers to fix it. So what does he do? The benefactor is ‘forced’ to take over the whole system and run it with less efficiency than before, because the damage already done to the system will cause more failure and more rising costs, since the benefactor and his donors have a monopoly and no reason to decrease the flow of all funds now going only into their coffers, even though the amount is less than would have been if he had stayed out and allowed the people to regulate it through patronage, but it doesn’t matter; the benefactor is now in total control.

              Some people call this the Helgian Dialectic. Start out with a desired goal you know no one will accept, create a system doomed to failure, promote it as good and compassionate, keep increasing the burdens of inefficiency and cost, then when, as anticipated, it becomes untenable, ride in on your steed to save the day, thereby getting exactly what you wanted all along, but couldn’t reveal outright. Call it whatever you will, but it’s a scam and most of the benefactors riding in on their white horses today, have no idea that they’ve been scammed too into believing the entire debacle is somebody else’s fault and that they are supporting it because they care about the ‘most vulnerable’; the people who have become more vulnerable because of bad programs and policies and benefactor self-interest. These current benefactors are kinda dumb, not because they’re stupid, but because they are the product of an educational and political system based in similar manipulative theory that has taught them that critical thinking is accepting what they’re told and that to question the validity of those ‘facts’ is a sign of mental deficiency and maybe even an indication of latent terrorist tendencies. Criticism from the ‘unenlightened’ must be shut down quickly and viciously, so as to not cause harm to their good deeds. The opposition is always lying and only they own the truth…and failures can always be blamed on the other guy, especially now that the general public is suffering the results of their compassion. However, there are those benefactors and disseminators of their static enlightenment who know exactly what the goal is and they usually scream the loudest about their compassion and the greed of the other guy.

              Even though health care is off topic in this discussion, this same theory can be applied to nearly every issue facing us today, including people control through gun control. The goal is always the same. There is nothing new under the sun.

              • Harley Earl says:

                How did this become a thread on health care? Rising costs in health care couldn’t possibly be because of the sue happy culture we live in and the greedy trial lawyers who are pretty much all liberals who benefit from them? it couldn’t be because of these incredibly expensive medical procedures and devises that keep people alive longer today could they? How much does a MRI machine cost? How much does it cost to develop a new drug today? You need a lesson in capitalism and a little education in econ 101 wouldn’t hurt either. Try some American history also that wouldn’t hurt you.
                Now back to firearms read what a Sandy Hook resident has to say about it.

                • 7delta says:

                  Did you read my last paragraph? Manipulation and crisis. Guns, health care, illegal immigration, etc. Fast and Furious. It all works the same. I walked the fellow through the process to see how it’s done. Ignore, if you aren’t interested. It’s okay.

          • Soffitrat says:

            And just how many of those votes, of your friends, were manufactured? I do feel sorry for you.

            • Brad says:

              I am not saying that voter fraud doesn’t occur on both sides, but the only ones that I have seen in the news were the democrats…. Put your money where your mouth is and stop making unfounded accusations. If you have proof, display it or shut up!

          • Brad says:

            Amen Thom…. Great response!!

          • busyboots says:

            Well said my Man, well said, indeed.

        • Brad says:

          Perry, oh my goodness, is there not one single Progressive/Liberal talking point that you didn’t hit here? You are nothing but a parrot regurgitating their mantra.

          First talking point… declare your opponent a RACIST. Let’s turn the tables here, are you sure that you aren’t the racist voting for a man because of the color of his skin. It sure sounds like it to me with your unthinking spewing of liberal talking points.

          Second talking point… Use vulgarity, name calling and baseless accusations… let’s count them shall we.

          1. The first which could reasonably be counted as much more. mindless mudsling, hissing, spitting and kicking like an animal with no logical reason
          2. lynch mob.
          3. Racist.

          Third talking point… The constitution is a living document. WRONG. It is dead, dead, dead to quote Justice Andrew Napolitano. It is not changed by your liberal judges, congress or anyone else making new laws. It is the litmus test by how those laws are judged.

          Fourth talking point… There must be balance and compromise. WRONG again. There does not have to be compromise. You do not compromise truth, and you do not compromise right with wrong.

          Fifth talking point… If it was your kid…. How many parents of fallen children have come forward already to support the 2nd amendment? And many of them are not gun owners or members of the NRA. But they are intelligent enough to know that it is not the law abiding citizens that are killing their children. All gun control laws do is take away the law abiding citizens ability to defend themselves. Let’s turn the tables here. What if it was your kid, and you were denied the ability to defend his life? What then? You need to think before you open your mouth.

          Sixth talking point… disparage the Republicans. Open your ears and take a listen, most of us are independents or libertarians. There are good and bad Republicans (ever heard of the term RINO?), just like there are good and bad Democrats, there just happens to be more good ones in the Republican party… i.e. lesser of two evils.

          It’s time you woke up and stopped drinking the koolaid. Now place your hands squarely upon your shoulders and yank down firmly until you hear a loud POP! That will be your head being extricated from your rectum. Then go and clean the crap out of your ears and start doing some personal research instead of spouting off the Liberal talking points.

          • Oswald Bastable says:

            Sorry Brad…I’m going to have to take exception to your 6th point. I’m now firmly convinced we’re looking at two heads upon the same hydra…one taking us to a totalitarian state in rapid fashion, the other just a bit more slowly.

            I am a staunch conservative, and for years considered myself a republican…no more.

            As the saying goes, “I did not leave the Republican party, they left me.” Their soulless and ball-less response over the last 4 years, and particularly over the recent election, have convinced me of this more than ever. All their actions since have only solidified that opinion

            Nor am i a libertarian or constitutionalist (in the sense of the Constitution party).

            If I were to classify myself today, I’m a Founding Fathers party member…and current events suggest the tree of liberty is very, very parched.

            • 7delta says:

              and current events suggest the tree of liberty is very, very parched.

              Oswald, you made me laugh. You can turn a phrase.

              I could join you in the Founding Fathers Party. I would define such a party as not one focused or devoted to the men, but to the principles and ideology that formed the basis of the Constitution, which would by necessity, require interpreting the words they used in their original context and meaning. That, I think, makes me an originalist.

              Madison explained in a letter to Henry Lee on June 25,1824. “What a metamorphosis would be produced in the code of law if all its ancient phraseology were to be taken in its modern sense! And that the language of our Constitution is already undergoing interpretations unknown to its founders will, I believe, appear to all unbiased inquirers into the history of its origins and adoption. Not to look farther for an example, take the word “consolidate”, in the Address of the convention prefixed to the Constitution. It there and then meant to give strength and solidity to the union of the States. In its current and controversial application, it means destruction of the States by transfusing their power into the government of the union.”

              • Oswald Bastable says:

                Quote: “I would define such a party as not one focused or devoted to the men, but to the principles and ideology that formed the basis of the Constitution, which would by necessity, require interpreting the words they used in their original context and meaning. ” End Quote.


            • Brad says:

              Oswald, I knew we were kindred spirits. I am still registered as a Republican, but have not considered myself one for many years now. I do not affiliate myself with any party, I am strictly conservative and Christian, although I sometimes let these dingbats get the better of me and do not act as Christ would in the same situation and for that I am truly sorry.

              • Harley Earl says:

                I only vote Republican because they are taking us down the road to socialism a little slower than the Democrats are. I would define myself as a conservative that is forced to vote for the Republican for this reason. I have no love for the Republican party.

            • Ernest Jenner says:

              Please provide contact information on Founding Fathers Party. Sounds really interesting!

    • Scott says:

      Perry – you should research the meaning of “WELL REGULATED” as it related to the writing of the 2nd Amendment at that time…it does NOT mean “government regulated”…”The phrase “well-regulated” was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people’s arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it.”

    • Brad says:

      Perry is just a typical liberal… take everything out of context. Spouting off talking points.

      Perry are you really so stupid that you cannot read the 2nd amendment, which by the way is not very long, and not take it out of context? It refers to a “Well Regulated” militia. Not as in regulating guns. Here it is you dimwit, read it.

      Amendment II

      A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

      Even a third grader understands context and syntax better than you.

      Now read those last four words again!!! SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. !!!!!!!!!

    • Funny how words can have more than one meaning depending on the context in which they are used. The phrase ‘well regulated’ in the context of the 2ndA means trained, practiced, disciplined, in good working order. It does NOT mean regulated by the government. Another point some people overlook is that the militia was SELF regulated. Each member was responsible for his own arms, practice, training, discipline. The militia was NOT under the authority of the government until they were called up by the governor or the president. If you’re not familiar with United States Code 311, it states that the unorganized, reserve militia – sometimes called ‘citizen’s militia’ – is comprised of EVERY able-bodied citizen. Some may not WANT to serve in the citizen’s militia, however we are all eligible to do so. Next to last point – ‘A well regulated MILITIA, being NECESSARY for the SECURITY of a FREE STATE….’ as you can see, our Founding Fathers believed the citizen’s militia was a NECESSITY to SECURE our FREEDOM. Final point – the BoR were warnings to the government directing what it must do and what it shall not do regarding our Constitutional rights. The FFs would NEVER say our right to keep and bear arms, which SHALL NOT be infringed, could be regulated by the same government to which the warning – SHALL NOT infringe – was directed.

      P.S. The Constitution is most assuredly DEAD. The meaning does NOT change based on who is reading it, the cases to be judges against it, or the time period. That’s one of the reasons our country is in the shape it is now. If people want the meaning of the Constitution to change, it’s called amending the Constitution – not legislation or judicial decisions.

    • heball says:

      Perry, here in Ohio we’re glad you brought that up, because if you were to research militia as defined by the Ohio Revised Code, you would find it is “all citizens” between ages 17 and ……. Sorry but it appears some states got it right when it comes to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  29. Somewhat Reticent says:

    “You have the right to kill any representative of this government who tries to tread on your liberty. ”
    You have the right to defend yourself and others; that does not necessarily require force, much less killing.
    If voting isn’t enough for you, start a recall petition.

    “I am not writing this to incite people. ”
    You write a political opinion blog to do exactly that.

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      I sincerely doubt any government representatives will end up being killed. If it ever got to the point where they might be, you can bet they’ll be surrendering faster than you can say Jiminy Cricket, like the spineless weasels they are.

    • Harley Earl says:

      In your opinion………………..some of us are getting sick and tirEd of this tyrant that cheated and lied his way into the white house. He said what a whole lot of us have been thinking for a long time. YOU LIBERALS KEEP STICKING YOUR NOSE IN THE PEOPLES BUSINESS AND YOUR GOING TO END UP WITH A BLOODY NOSE. YOU GUTLESS CREEP YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN SAYING THE SAME THING AT THE FOUNDING OF THIS COUNTRY. YOU ARE A SPINELESS WORM! GO BACK UNDER THE ROCK YOU CRAWLED OUT FROM UNDER.

      • Mr. Mudd says:

        Next year we will have 1 hell of a battle. Our Governors race will determine whether Va
        stays gun friendly. McAuliffe is an red diaper baby. A Clinton parasite.

    • I am an American says:

      Somewhat Reticent – Unfortuately we are past voting as a solution since the politicians are no longer following law but their own path. The amount of fraud present during the last election is staggering yet it is not possible to get the officials to investigate. When the corruption is so rampant, voting is not an option nor is a recall. You can be reticent as that is your right. May you remain safe during the fall of this country and the chaos that will follow.

      • cpa48412 says:

        Very similar, totally outrageous election violations that I was involved in personally and I cannot get an investigation, not even with absolute proof. Makes one sick! Long live our constitutional republic, though I am afraid she may be falling. We will see.

      • Larry says:

        Damn right we should fight. This is OUR COUNTRY not just theirs. They can kiss my __-

    • Clay Ramsay says:

      Have you read the Constitution lately? I don’t believe there is any provision for recall of anyone. If you know which article, I would like to be able to cite it. So, how does one defend one’s constitutional right without force? I suppose the Jews in Nazi Germany could have started a recall petition I cannot understand why they did not.

      • John says:

        Nail on the head!!!

      • philb says:

        Recalls are probably the purview of the states….Also, it would depend on what German law was in Nazi Germany as to whether there could be a recall of Hitler….but, if you’re the one writing the laws….Everything Hitler did was legal according to German Law….

        • Thom says:

          Its not a question as to whether it was legal. Clean and oil your firearms asshole.

        • tarawa1943 says:

          There was no law at the time in Germany, there was only tyranny with the Nazi’s. Once disarmed, the Jews were doomed. The Jews had nowhere to go, we can leave the USA but I prefer to practice, practice, pratice….center of mass hold! NEVER NEVER GIVE UP THE FIREARMS!

          • tarawa1943 says:

            except one trigger pull at a time, unless you full auto!

          • Lou says:

            I seriously doubt that Obama would be able to actually confiscate all of the more than 300 million legal guns owned by more than 60 million legal American gun owners, although I think he is sufficiently egotistical and arrogant to make an attempt to do so. However, the reasons I think that he will not be successful is that:
            1. Many state and local law enforcement agencies are on our side and that of the Constitution, and would support us with arms if necessary to oppose a Federal confiscation of citizen arms;
            2. Because of the Obama Regime’s clear contempt and poor treatment of our US Military, most of our fellow Americans under arms are opposed to the Regime’s unconstitutional power-grabbing activities, and would refuse to either support or to effectively support a physical confiscation of legal citizen weapons, because few if any of them are Obama radical “true believers’ as were the Nazi brown shirts and SS troops; and
            3. Even if Obama raised his own private army of ACORN, Black Panthers, and similar rabble, they are relatively untrained, poorly armed, and generally undereducated rabble who would quickly be put down by well organized state, local, and possibly even some Federal troops, in order to maintain order; such that overall, a general uprising of legally armed citizens would not likely be necessary.

            Obama knows all of this, and that is why he hasn’t acted yet to try to physically take away our legal weapons. However, as our founders said – “The price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance” so we nevertheless must keep watching these gun grabbers at all times.

            • Brad says:

              Lou, I like to think that you are right, but look what happened during Katrina in New Orleans… They were “ILLEGALLY” taking away private citizens legally owned personal fire arms, and those who would not surrender them were detained and some arrested.

              Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-taU9d26wT4

            • ChristCrusader says:

              Here’s a theory how he may go about it. First go after the low hanging fruit. Pass more gun type, magazine, and ammo bans and taxes with the support of the sheeple. Gun buy backs, clearing the country of the loose arms of the timid, further reducing the supply. Judicially, make as many people as possible criminally unlawful to bear arms. Spark more violent outbursts that creates more sheeple into voting to change or even rescind the 2nd amendment. Write letters to gun owners by name, using the accumulated gun registry databases (already in the works, though denied, and easily assembled) instructing owners to turn in their guns. Whittle down the opposition until the drones, homeland security, non-God believing military (because by then there will be few conservatives left in the military), atf, and sheeple neighbors will gladly kill off/turn in the remaining armed, unorganized patriots who no longer have a way to communicate, nor vote because they’ve been deemed criminals. This is conceivable seeing how far we’ve declined in the absence of Constitutional politicians, and the surge of liberal retards. The weeds in the field are poised to choke out the good crop. How to hide in the wilderness from drones and satellites, eh? Don’t overlook having bank accounts and credit cards frozen. And your home, that wouldn’t happen to have a gov’t fannie mae mortgage on it, would it? We are way over the line, and both parties are complicit.

      • You answered your own question. We have been executive ordered, fiscal cliffed and sequestered right out of any choice other than force. The Jews could have stopped Hitler if they hadn’t give up their guns. This is the final demand they need us to bend on, then we are living under dictatorship. The muslim jerk in the whitehouse, along with his muslim terrorist don’t want us to just cave. They want us dead.

      • Del57 says:

        Read rise and fall of the third reich…the German people saw Hitler as a savior…high unemployment, weak economy, and he vilified one group of society to unite the masses…”you’re poor and suffering because the jews and the traitors of november made everything work against you.” Now replace that with your poor because that guy is rich and of course because of what bush did. What amazes me is that so few see the parrallels. I hope you are all wrong in that we have not gone over the edge…but I will continue to prepare as if we have.

      • Bea Vajgart says:

        I’ll keep looking but meantime, here is a quote from George Washington: “The power under the Constitution will always be in the people. It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their values, their servants can, and undoubtedly will, be recalled.”

        • ChristCrusader says:

          The ugly thought is when enough people become sheeple, and they actually want what this administration is creating?! Even if the voter fraud and the media hide the real numbers of the citizens’ wishes if they are still Constitutionally inclined, if the representatives continue to shaft us, we’re in TROUBLE!

  30. Tom says:

    Mr. Garrison,
    I believe you have written what has been on many minds of late.
    Your explaination and the thoughts of others who have commented, make it clear.
    While it is sad that it has come to this point, I believe the line in the sand has been crossed. This time, too far.
    Thank you. God Bless us all.

  31. Pingback: Is It Time to Organize the Revolution? | Gadget's Blog

  32. Pingback: Another interesting question… | The Squirrel's Nest

  33. Harley Earl says:

    I re blogged this excellent essay on https://hardnoxandfriends.wordpress.com/ Keep up the fight and never give up to tyranny!

  34. Mike says:

    So if I read the 2nd Amendment correctly, that means felons have the right to bear arms…..correct?

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Yes. If they’ve paid their debt and are no longer a danger to society, they should regain their 2A rights. If they’re still a danger or their crime was so heinous, they should never be allowed among free men again.

      And why not…they vote don’t they?

  35. Pingback: * Harley Earl’s Quickie News 02-27-13 | 'Nox & Friends

  36. Oldtimer says:

    Many I talk to, both liberal and conservative velieve it can not happen in America. To those I urge you to read a book by a Nazi soldier under Hitler, Hilmer Von Campe “Defeating the Totalitarian Lie”. You can also listen in person by You Tubing his name and Infowars. Also on Alex Jones listen to Virgina Prodan from Romania. You Tube (2013-02-26 Infowars Nightly News Tuesday). The only way the Constitution is a living document is by 2/3 of States radifying a change. Any that study the Constitution and Bill of Rights know they were put in place to limit centralized power.

  37. AK says:



  38. lynn says:

    At no time will anyone take away my right to bear arms. At no time will I submit to forced weapon confiscation. At no time will I abandon my values or rights, ashured me by the constitution. I will fight anyone or anything that trys to infringe on these rights. I believe so strongly – I would give my life for these rights. And, God help us all if it ever comes to this type of revolution.

  39. I am an American says:

    I am saddened and scared to the bottom of my soul. I spoke to my wife about this probable reality and we agree that we will be called upon to defend ourselves and the Constitution. It is a sad time indeed when we fear our government, our leaders and their actions. My sadness is partially because one of my sons has failed to remember his teachings and is being controlled by his wife’s lack of understanding. I love them dearly and also know they are part of the problem.
    Being afraid should not be considered a sign of weakness rather that I understand the significance of my need to act and that I also believe my life and that of my family is at stake. Perhaps I am here because I am a man needed at a time such as this or because I believe that I grew up in the greatest country that has ever existed and I will not let it go away. I am not afraid of dying yet I fear for those I will leave behind.
    I am ashamed that I have allowed this country to reach this point. I am saddened that those I trusted had been led astray by lies. My parents believed in FDR and his claims for a better future. They could not have known that they were being pawns in a larger game. They trusted the government and never knew the truth.
    My oath to defend the constitution was made with reverence for this country even though I was drafted and did not volunteer and it is still in force in my heart. As I stand on my property and watch the flood of government intrusion head toward me like a freight train I can move no further and must stand for my beliefs and for the truth.

    • John says:

      … So well said!!!

    • Moe says:

      I am right there with you. If this means war, then let us make the most of it. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

    • Gary Lee says:

      First, you may not have volunteered for military service but when you were drafted, you answered the call and served honorably, right?you’ve nothing to apologize for.Second, you may not enjoy standing on your property watching the flood of government intrusion heading toward you like a freight train but you’ll probably enjoy a “flood” of ATF killers wearing black hoods and carrying machine guns also heading toward you like a freight train even less. This isn’t some apocalyptic SCIFI fantasy bullshit. Ask any survivor of the 1993 mass murders perpetrated by the FBI in Waco, Texas. Sure, the Branch Davidians were a bunch of religious weirdos, but they were in their home and they weren’t breaking any laws. They didn’t deserve to be slaughtered by some government death squad. It’s good to talk about these things but it needs to be kept in perspective and it needs to be remembered that the subject is real life (and death)

      • Thom says:

        Good post Gary. I like to see the dirty deeds of the government brought to the forefront. In short, those dirty bastards can’t be trusted anymore.

  40. Kelvin Jones says:

    I love your article. I only have one gripe. Our rights are not constitutional rights. They are natural human rights granted by our creator or by our birth as a human being depending on any particular faith be it atheism, christianity, islam, paganism or whatever. Our founding fathers acknowledged this natural right and prohibited our government from ever interfering with it in any way. The word infringe means “act so as to limit or undermine.” The bill of rights enumerates our god given rights and forbids government from legislating anywhere in that area.

  41. Dean, this is an excellent post and a necessary wake up call for the gun grabbers – you know they are reading this. When they come and we start shooting, they will stop coming, just like 1776. That’s right, I said it. Sure our government has way more resources than the king of England had, but how long do you think our soldiers and police will accept killing their fellow troop’s families? Which is also unconstitutional. Thanks for the post, glad you had the balls to do it. Pete

    • Rick says:

      I’ve thought about an issue lately and wonder if anyone else has too or have thoughts about this. If (when), the US begins to default, currency is devalued or becomes wall paper and fire tender, there is economic chaos and other wackiness, our military and law enforcement, Homeland Security and on and on, would still like to get paid, need to get paid in such chaos in order to continue to support themselves and their families. How long will they continue to support government legislation, weapon confiscation, unlawful detaining US citizens and more, if they don’t get anything for it? Or what would they be getting if our paper isn’t any good? Food stamps? Or would they eventually turn from the dark side and join the rest of us?

      • Oswald Bastable says:

        My bet is that the only people who will be fed, housed and protected are those who cooperate fully with the Beast…and the Beast’s troops will be the best cared for as long as they cooperate. Look to N Korea for a perfect example of how this is done.

      • John says:

        I cannot guarantee this info but I have read obama will bring in foreign armies- china and Russia is what I read. Google Russian troops training In America, lots of articles there. Read that is why Obamam is not concerned if the local sheriff’s etc don’t go along with the gun grab. I think our evil gov. Is thinking BIG…

  42. I will die on my feet not on my knees if they want my guns they will have to come take them and my live as well for I will never bend a knee to any man I will only bow to God and may he have mercy on me for I will not have mercy for those who seek to disarm me .

  43. Guy Patten says:

    Note that nowhere in the second amendment are the words except or unless. This means to me that even convicted felons have the right when they have serves their sentence and repaid their debt.

    • Kim Widmaier says:

      I agree. Seizing personal property that has not been obtained illegally or used for anything illegal
      and owned by law-abiding citizens is called stealing!!

      • Paul Smith says:

        “. Seizing personal property that has not been obtained illegally or used for anything illegal
        and owned by law-abiding citizens is called stealing!!”
        No. . .it’s called taxes 😦

  44. Thou shalt not kill says:


    • Exactly WHO are the lunatics?? The citizens who meekly allow a questionable president to DECLARE he has the authority to kill U.S. citizens on suspicion alone? Without due process, without charges, without a trial? Or the citizens who rightly object based on the Constitution? The citizens who meekly allow their representatives to pass UNCONSTITUTIONAL legislation allowing the military to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens, again, based on SUSPICION alone, no due process, no charges, no trial? Or the citizens who rightly object based on the CONSTITUTION? The citizens who meekly allow their representatives to pass UNCONSTITUTIONAL legislation declaring ‘no free speech zones’ where the secret service is protecting someone, which also allows the arresting LEO to DECIDE for himself if the citizen in being disruptive? Or the citizens who rightly object based on the CONSTITUTION? The citizens who meekly allow their representatives to pass UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws prohibiting certain types of firearms – firearms that are in common use and proven defense firearms – based on LIES that these firearms are ‘weapons of mass murder’ and ‘too dangerous’ to be on our streets, based on LIES that these bans are needed to ‘protect’ our children, to keep our streets safe? Citizens who meekly allow VIOLATION of our 2nd Amendment in a futile and UNCONSTITUTIONAL attempt to keep ALL firearms out of the hands of criminals, laws that ONLY affect law abiding citizens and do NOTHING to prevent criminals from getting guns? Laws that do NOTHING to punish crimes already committed by these criminals who already HAVE illegal firearms. Or citizens who rightly object based on the CONSTITUTION, based on statistics that PROVE these proven defensive firearms are NOT what our so called ‘leaders’ say they are? Citizens who are trying to force our ‘representatives’ to actually do SOMETHING that WILL reduce gun crime, ALL crime? Please tell me exactly WHO THE LUNATICS REALLY ARE!!!

    • Brad says:

      Thou shalt not kill, Before you go calling people names, and try to intimate that you know your Bible, you had better gain a better understanding of God’s Word. The correct translation is “Thou shalt not MURDER”, not kill. And there is a big difference, it isn’t just symantics. Murder is taking a life without just cause, there are many different meanings for the word kill.

  45. Grumpa Joe says:

    Reblogged this on Grumpa Joe's Place and commented:
    An eloquent essay on the subject of what action we must take to protect our Constitutional rights.

  46. joecci says:

    While I understand your sentiments, If people rose up against the government we would flat out lose. We are already very much out gunned by the military. Every single terrorist law would go into effect against it’s own people. And unfortunately no countries would come to the “rebel terrorists” aid except for maybe real terrorists which would obviously be bad. Seeing as the country is so divided you’d end up with another civil war and lets face it even if everyone used all of their semi-automatic rifles that still can’t compare to a fully mobilized national guard and all 4 branches of the military united to destroy the “rebellion” with drones, tanks, fighter jets etc. etc. etc.

    You would be banking on the fact that those armed forces would refuse to bomb their own people. Which COULD occur if there were enough people forming a human picket line with their guns, but you would also be banking on the fact that every gun owner would be willing to take a life or death stand for their right to own guns which isn’t the case. Do you want to wager your neighbor’s lives and the lives of their children on that bet? There are far too many gun supporters that would not go to that extent… they would look into the face of their children and say. “No I won’t put them at risk.” and hand over their guns. It’s one thing to get arrested for a cause its another to die for one and lets face it. American’s today are not that brave. We’re lazy and complacent.

    At the end of the day there would be no second American revolution because the nation is too divided on this subject. You would only end up with a second Civil war or a short bloody rebellion. A Tragedy that would be remembered in the history books for centuries and would only fast track the complete disarming of the nation. No matter how Pro gun I am I will not be a part of that fool’s errand.

    I understand the passion and the reason why any gun owner wants to do that. Lets face it the American people are being bullied into submission. But the American people need to stand up for their rights in a better way. Let’s face it. The government and the banks need our money. We vote with our dollars every day. The best way to change policy is to put our money where our interests lie. The fact that gun owners are buying ridiculous amounts of guns is actually the best thing we can do. That’s putting a ton of economic pressure on congress and the negative economic effect a gun ban will have. There’s lots of money greasing their political palms to support guns. Another strong way to oppose these laws is to garner as much public support of guns and gun rights as possible. Write your members of congress and your senate representatives telling them to oppose these laws. We’ve been doing this for years now opposing intrusive internet privacy laws. Did you know that we have overturned 5 separate laws that would strip away all of our online privacy because of public pressure put on congress due to millions of people voicing their opposition on facebook? Why do you think the Government wants to Censor the internet? So we can’t fight back to defend our rights.

    BUT, We also can’t be “raving gun nuts” about it because as soon as we get angry and overly defensive we get labeled and dismissed or worse considered dangerous thereby throwing fuel on the opposition’s fire.

    No we have to show them the real facts & statistics. We need to show the uneducated public why even the strictest gun laws will not stop these tragic school and public shootings. We need to prove the current laws ineffective and then guide people to put their efforts towards more effective measures to stem this tide of violence.

    • Mark says:

      To joecci,

      Your post offers a sensible democratic process but the problem with parts of the lobby against any form of regulation, restriction of guns etc. is that they know that the majority of Americans are pro change and pro new forms of regulation or restriction and are afraid that their toys will be taken away and will use any argument to justify them.

      You say:
      “No we have to show them the real facts & statistics. We need to show the uneducated public why even the strictest gun laws will not stop these tragic school and public shootings. We need to prove the current laws ineffective and then guide people to put their efforts towards more effective measures to stem this tide of violence.”

      The real facts and statistics of the argument is that every similar country that has enacted gun control laws has seen a reduction in school and public shootings. The murder by gun stats in the US are rising year on year. Death by gun will increase beyond death by car in the next 2 years. 40% of firearms are sold without checks. The current system does nothing to stop guns from getting into the hands of criminals. The

      The real facts and statistics of the argument are that firearms are used more often to intimidate than to defend. Households with firearms are more likely to use them to intimidate fellow housemates than defend than thwart crime. More children die violently in states with more guns.

      When the research is done the real facts and statistics will emerge, forms of regulation and restriction will come into force, will be enacted and enforced and more Americans will live longer because of it.

      The 2A will continue to allow for self defence, concealed carry etc. but the laws will enforce security and responsibility.

      That can’t be a bad thing can it?

      • Thom says:

        Wake up America! Are these things true? God’s Word and Son is!
        In 1911, Turkey established GUN CONTROL. From 1915-1917, about 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up & EXTERMINATED.
        In 1929, the Soviet Union established GUN CONTROL. From 1929-1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up & EXTERMINATED.
        In 1938, Germany established GUN CONTROL. From 1939-1945, about 13 million Jews and others, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and EXTERMINATED.
        In 1935, China established GUN CONTROL. From 1948-1952, about 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and EXTERMINATED.
        In 1964, Guatemala established GUN CONTROL. From 1964-1981, about 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and EXTERMINATED.
        In 1970, Uganda established GUN CONTROL. From 1971-1979, about 300,000 CHRISTIANS, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and EXTERMINATED.
        In 1956, Cambodia established GUN CONTROL. From 1975-1977, about 1 million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and EXTERMINATED.
        In the 20th century, because of GUN CONTROL and lack of means to support the elite due to too many people than there are jobs to support even their own means, governments think the answer is EXTERMINATION. In 2013, Obama establishes GUN CONTROL. In 2013-2015, Obama rounds up everyone for a flu epidemic, that our Government started for POPULATION CONTROL, but on a smaller scale. Obama creates the same epidemic to be world wide by enforcing his shots into our children in order for them to attend school and elderly in order to receive social security, causing the epidemic, marshal and shariah law to be in effect worldwide, and he promotes himself to be above and have power over the GOD of gods. Then he rounds up all that denies his GUN CONTROL, FLU SHOT, AND MICROCHIP, and tries to EXTERMINATE AMERICANS.

      • Brad says:

        Mark, keep your ignorant ARSE in England and stay out of our politics. You have repeated your lies ad infinitum and we are sick of your crap statistics. They have been proven wrong time and time again. Stop trying to infect new posters to this blog with your socialist lies.

        • Mark says:


          None of my statistics have been disproved. You just don’t like them, as they disprove your beliefs.

          • Brad says:

            They have been disproved time and time again by numerous contributors here. You just cling to your false numbers and false studies because you cannot let go of Liberal/Progressive talking points nor do your own research without the help of false prognosticators who manipulate data to prove their untenable positions that have no other fact by which to endorse their false views.


          • Oswald Bastable says:

            Doesn’t matter Mark. We have the 2A which is inviolable. You, as a subject of the crown have no options but to lick the booties of your queen and quiver with fear.

            • Mark says:

              Lets see how inviolable the 2A is once new legislation is passed. New laws are coming your way and the majority of Americans will welcome them.

              We lick the booties of the Queen?

              You count 12,000 murdered bodies.
              Your wives are threatened with guns daily.
              Your children are killed with gunfire.

              Bring on them booties.

              Your tyranny comes from the gun manufacturers peddling their weapons and denying control to boost their profits.

              • Oswald Bastable says:

                Good to know you like being a serf Mark. Wear that mantle like it makes you something more than just a slave.

              • ilovemy56@gmail.com says:

                Mark, you are a stupid Moron Liberal! Sorry, but you are Dead Wrong! The Majority of Americans will NOT welcome them you Idiot! If someone breaks into your house & threatens your family, you tell me how you plan to protect them & yourself????? If you don’t want a gun to protect yourself & family, go move to Australia! We Americans WILL retain our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS & if you don’t like it, get the hell out of our country!!!

              • Chuck S. says:

                You are right that you have less gun deaths in the UK, although it does seem to be going higher every year, but you also have a massive amount of violent crime that is also going up, plus your burglers don’t seem to mind doing occupied home invasion becuase you bloody wankers throw people in prison for defending themselves and their property! Do you not see how fundamentally wrong that is? We have some of that here too, way to much really, but it’s not a guarantee like in the UK! Plus I get so tired of folks using the 12,000 to 14,000 a year number and failing to mention that that also includes suicides, Officer involved shootings, self defense shootings, and criminal vs criminal killings! I can only wonder at the disire of some people to want to be totally helpless and defenceles!

                • Mark says:

                  The 12,000 dead is gun murders!
                  Not lawful killings, not suicides, not accidents – it is 12,000 america MURDERED by guns each year. Because of easy access to guns. Not one of the proposals put forward suggests a total gun confiscation. You can keep your guns, but they could be regulated and licensed. You can have 100 guns each!

                  The gun murder rate is dropping in the UK!

                  The violent crime rate in the UK is not disimilar to that of the US if you compare the correct sources. Use BofJ in the US and Home office in the UK.

                  In the US death by gun is on the increase, in all forms murder by gun, lawful killing by gun, suicide by gun etc etc.

                  • Thom says:

                    This year we’re shooting (er) i mean aiming for a record, mark. If we break the record , what the hell is to you Mark (er) I mean Slimey Limey. When we run out of people to kill here we’re heading for the UK. I hear your easy targets over there thanks (to your Queen.) “Whats that”? “Oh , OK”.
                    Somebody just said we should do Mexico and Canada first, then do England. Sounds like a winner to me. And if you haven’t figured it out, ” that makes you a loser”!!!

                  • Brad says:

                    There goes Mark with is lies and fuzzy numbers again. He cannot change his mantra, because if he did, he wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. Everyone is just wasting their time with this Brit. He is a socialist through and through and will lie, make up his own numbers or use falsified, manipulated and incorrect studies to bolster his Liberal talking points that have no basis in fact. No matter how many studies you present to him that refute those inaccurate studies that he uses that have been put out by organizations like Media Matters and other George Soros funded groups and like minded manipulators, this indoctrinated, useful IDIOT will not change. He is a TRUE BELIEVER in a system that has never worked throughout history and never will. He is not a student of history or he would abandon these failed ideas and move on to those that require responsibility for ones own actions. But that won’t do because then he would have no one to blame when he fails.

                    Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it…. (paraphrased). This describes Mark to a tee.

                    • Mark says:

                      Brad – The truth hurts and you hate it. This is why you protest so much, read the numbers do the research. You are a snake oil salesman so I assume you must be able to read. The facts are there, for all to see. It cheapens your argument to call me a liar. My sources cited earlier are your government departments, your countries Universities and data published around the world. Easy access to guns means more dead people – FACT.

                    • Brad says:

                      Mark, I believe it is you that protesteth too much…. I’m just tired of disputing and disproving your numbers over and over and over again, I believe that Oswald, 7delta and Thom are tired as well. When we have to keep repeating things over and over, we know that you are not interested in finding the truth, only in your agenda, and it isn’t the same as us patriotic Americans. I will give you Liberals one quasi complement though, you are nothing if not tenacious in repeating your lies, even in the face of overwhelming proof.

                      You are like the man caught in the very act of committing adultery and you turn to your wife and say… “Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?”

                      We are not fools nor are we fooled.

                    • Thom says:

                      Don’t reply to this ignorant English slave.

                  • C says:

                    The Parliament in Great Britain has just eased restrictions for entering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for moslems and others who will need dole money to get extablished on the British Isles. Mark, I hope that you enjoy sharing your dole money with them: if one of them has four wives, he will get five dole checks. You have deep pockets – right?

              • Gary Lee says:

                Spoken like a true brit, Mark. We should count ourselves truly blessed for your words of wisdom and as well the “hands across the sea” spirit in which they are CONTINUOUSLY offered. One can only hope that continued guidance and advice on how to make things as perfect in America as they are in the U.K. I doubt that it will answer the nagging and incessant question that hangs over so many of us here,which is: if things are so wonderful in the U.K.,why are there so few Yankees over there and SO FUCKING MANY OF YOU OVER HERE???? followed of course by:how many times do you have to have your asses kicked out of this country before they stay kicked? Hail Brittannia !

      • Harley Earl says:

        Mark I refer you to Thom you ignorant fool.

      • John OMalia says:

        Site your sources. Your claims are so wrong in every sense of the word. Supposition never comes close to the truth.

      • Mark and joecci: While both of you speak as intelligent individuals, unemotionally expounding on a fairly simple subject, your rhetoric reveals that it’s doubtful if either of you would be the kind of person who would opt to put your life and fortune on the line, as this Country’s founding Patriots did, when it became obvious that rhetoric was getting their fight for Independence nowhere. They too faced formidable odds and superior forces as they considered whether to stand their ground or continue to debate as their freedom was slowly being undermined by a superior oppressor. The privileged life both of you live today, in a Republic which assures you the freedom and opportunity to express your thinking without restriction, would not have been possible without that dedicated group of peaceloving individuals who, though well aware of the danger of their decision, were not afraid to resort to a force of arms to throw off their oppressors. You may rationalize all you wish, but the fact is there’s a time to talk and a time to stand your ground and fight. If our Founders had followed your thinking I venture to say we’d still be subjects of the British Crown.

        • Brad says:

          clarence, that was a good response, but one thing you should know… Mark is still a subject of the British crown. He is a foreigner commenting on our laws and rights. He is a British socialist, not an American citizen.

    • Brad says:


      No one here wants to kill anyone. No one here wants to DIE for a cause. No one here wants an armed rebellion. I agree with trying all of your proposed “other methods” first. Violence as a last resort only, and not in aggression, but in defense only.

      That being said, “A person who will not stand for something will fall for anything.” When push comes to shove just stand in the back with the little children and let those “TRUE” Americans, that have the Founders Pride, who by the way DO NOT WANT TO DIE, do the work that you are too cowardly to do. Read these posts, there are plenty of women here willing to die even for someone like you.

      It is people like you “SHEEP”, that fold (no pun intended), at the first sign of difficulty and danger that an oppressive government depend upon. Do you believe that all they want to do is to disarm us? That is only the first step.

      Look at the Jews during WWII, the allowed themselves to be disarmed, then they meekly allowed themselves to be rounded up saying, “It’s just for a little while, just do what they say and it will be over with soon and we can go back to our normal lives.” They, like sheep did everything that they were told, step by step until their last act was walking into the prison camps, the furnaces and the gas chambers. Their only hope was ARMED RESISTANCE. And they meekly and willingly gave that away because of fools like you who talked them into it. Millions upon millions died without a fight. If they could go back in time, do you really believe that they would have given up their guns then? Do not for one second think that this is all that our government wants from us.

      Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it!!!! Study your history books… learn about these oppressive, communist/socialist/marxist/facist governments and what happened after the disarming of their “citizens”.

      An armed person is a citizen, an unarmed person is a subject. Choose which one you will be!!!!!

      • Mark says:


        Just another crazy statement from a fool to think that some jews with guns would have been able to stop the might of the german military.

        • Harley Earl says:

          Unlike you I am not going to just quietly give up and allow a tyrant to take over. Unfortunately you are like all liberals, lacking the common sense to understand this. Pal, it’s my right to own a semi automatic weapon , a pistol ,a shot gun etc. and if you don’t like it change the constitution but until you do that stay the hell out of my face. You liberals are going to continue to stick your nose in other peoples business and one of these days your going to wind up with a bloody nose.

        • Brad says:

          Mark, you seriously need to leave this blog, you are embarrassing yourself.

          I would rather die on my feet, fighting those that are trying to kill me than to hand then the rope by which to hang me.

          If you want to be a sheep willingly walking into the slaughter house, go right ahead and be “that fool”.

          And the best armed aren’t always the victors. I seem to recall a very powerful British Army and Navy that got their arses handed to them by some poorly armed and poorly trained colonialists. Do I detect a little bitterness from a piece of crap British socialist?

        • Oswald Bastable says:

          They did pretty well in the Warsaw ghetto for quite a while. Imagine if there had been more of them and they had been much better armed.

        • Oswald Bastable says:

          But it is nice to know where you stand. That you support lying down and surrendering before a tyrant.

    • Michael says:

      Not all of us are lazy and complacent, neither are we raving gun nuts..we all hope for peaceful answers to our nations problems, but if it comes to a fight, I will go down fighting for my country, not whimpering like some fence siting coward..and I think you underestimate the American People, do not judge us all by your actions and beliefs.

    • “There’s lots of money greasing their political palms to support guns.”

      We shouldn’t have to pay for our natural rights. That’s what the constitution is for. Otherwise, we’re just living in a mangled monarchy, under the delusion we have rights at all.

  47. Rick says:

    I swore an oath to defend our constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I asked God for only one thing; that if it is my day to die, let me die on a pile of empty brass.

  48. William Fagan says:

    Sir…thank goodness this post did not slip me by. Thank You for writing how I feel, so many of us feel and for explaining it so simply. It is so important for people to understand. Thank You.

    • GARY says:


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